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Dataset Title: | unit_507-20240312T0000 |
Institution: | The University of Alaska Fairbanks College of Fisheries and Ocean Science (Dataset ID: unit_507-20240312T0000) |
Information: | Summary | License | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background | Subset | Files | Make a graph |
Attributes { s { trajectory { String cf_role "trajectory_id"; String comment "A trajectory is one deployment of a glider."; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Trajectory Name"; } wmo_id { String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "WMO ID"; } profile_id { Int32 _FillValue -999; Int32 actual_range 1710273454, 1714297409; String cf_role "profile_id"; String comment "Sequential profile number within the trajectory. This value is unique in each file that is part of a single trajectory/deployment."; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Profile ID"; Int32 valid_max 2147483647; Int32 valid_min 0; } time { String _CoordinateAxisType "Time"; Float64 actual_range 1.710273580887733e+9, 1.714297750120633e+9; String axis "T"; String calendar "gregorian"; String comment "Timestamp corresponding to the mid-point of the profile."; String ioos_category "Time"; String long_name "Profile Time"; String observation_type "calculated"; String platform "platform"; String standard_name "time"; String time_origin "01-JAN-1970 00:00:00"; String units "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"; } latitude { String _CoordinateAxisType "Lat"; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range 57.63898352288579, 59.971763006090846; String axis "Y"; Float64 colorBarMaximum 90.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum -90.0; String comment "Value is interpolated to provide an estimate of the latitude at the mid-point of the profile."; String ioos_category "Location"; String long_name "Profile Latitude"; String observation_type "calculated"; String platform "platform"; String standard_name "latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; Float64 valid_max 90.0; Float64 valid_min -90.0; } longitude { String _CoordinateAxisType "Lon"; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range -149.49922848549605, -147.34408633298304; String axis "X"; Float64 colorBarMaximum 180.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum -180.0; String comment "Value is interpolated to provide an estimate of the longitude at the mid-point of the profile."; String ioos_category "Location"; String long_name "Profile Longitude"; String observation_type "calculated"; String platform "platform"; String standard_name "longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; Float64 valid_max 180.0; Float64 valid_min -180.0; } depth { String _CoordinateAxisType "Height"; String _CoordinateZisPositive "down"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; Float32 actual_range 6.933914, 950.48303; String axis "Z"; Float64 colorBarMaximum 2000.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0; String colorBarPalette "OceanDepth"; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_altimeter"; String ioos_category "Location"; String long_name "Depth"; String observation_type "calculated"; String platform "platform"; String positive "down"; String reference_datum "sea-surface"; String standard_name "depth"; String units "m"; Float32 valid_max 2000.0; Float32 valid_min 0.0; } c_wpt_lat { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range 57.634333, 59.876; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "c_wpt_lat"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String sensor "c_wpt_lat"; String type "double"; String units "lat"; } c_wpt_lon { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range -149.487, -147.334667; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "c_wpt_lon"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String sensor "c_wpt_lon"; String type "double"; String units "lon"; } conductivity { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; Float32 actual_range 2.9041, 3.31139; Float64 colorBarMaximum 9.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_ctd"; String ioos_category "Salinity"; String long_name "Sea Water Electrical Conductivity"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String standard_name "sea_water_electrical_conductivity"; String units "S.m-1"; Float32 valid_max 10.0; Float32 valid_min 0.0; } crs { Int32 actual_range -2147483647, -2147483647; String epsg_code "EPSG:4326"; String grid_mapping_name "latitude_longitude"; Float64 inverse_flattening 298.257223563; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name ""; Float64 semi_major_axis 6378137.0; } density { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; Float32 actual_range 1024.6716, 1031.8424; Float64 colorBarMaximum 1032.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum 1020.0; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_ctd"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Sea Water Density"; String observation_type "calculated"; String platform "platform"; String standard_name "sea_water_density"; String units "kg.m-3"; Float32 valid_max 1040.0; Float32 valid_min 1015.0; } instrument_acoustics { Int32 _FillValue 0; String calibration_date "2023-03-21T12:00:00Z"; String comment "Slocum Glider UAF G507"; String echosounderDirection "up"; Float64 echosounderRange 60.0; Float64 echosounderRangeBins 20; String echosounderRangeUnits "meters"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Kongsberg Simrad WBT Mini"; String make_model "Simrad WBT Mini"; String make_model_2 "ES200-CDK-split"; String mode_operation "EK80"; String platform "platform"; String serial_number "269615"; String serial_number_2 "167"; String type "instrument"; } instrument_altimeter { Int32 _FillValue 0; String ioos_category "Other"; String type "instrument"; } instrument_altitude { Int32 _FillValue 0; String ioos_category "Other"; String type "instrument"; } instrument_ctd { Byte _FillValue 0; String _Unsigned "false"; String calibration_date "2017"; String calibration_report "n/a"; String comment "Slocum Glider UAF G507 -- pumped CTD"; String factory_calibrated "y"; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "CTD Metadata"; String make_model "Seabird Slocum Glider Payload CTD"; String platform "platform"; String serial_number "712-9221"; String type "instrument"; String units "1"; String user_calibrated "n/a"; } instrument_dissolved_oxygen { Int32 _FillValue 0; Float64 accuracy 2; String calibration_date "n/a"; String calibration_report "n/a"; String comment "Slocum Glider UAF G507"; String factory_calibrated "y"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "JFE ALEC CO. RINKO-II oxygen temp sensor"; String make_model "JFE ALEC C0. RINKO-II"; String platform "platform"; String references ""; Float64 resolution 0.04; String serial_number "0032"; String type "instrument"; } instrument_fluorometer { Int32 _FillValue 0; String calibration_report "n/a"; String comment "Slocum Glider UAF G507"; String factory_calibrated "y"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Wetlabs FLBBCD Fluorometer"; String make_model "Wetlabs FLBBCD"; String platform "platform"; String serial_number "3948"; String type "instrument"; } instrument_gps { Int32 _FillValue 0; String ioos_category "Other"; String type "instrument"; } instrument_irradiance { Int32 _FillValue 0; String ioos_category "Other"; String platform "platform"; String type "instrument"; } instrument_radiance { Int32 _FillValue 0; String ioos_category "Other"; String platform "platform"; String type "instrument"; } lat_uv { Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 colorBarMaximum 90.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum -90.0; String comment "The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives."; String ioos_category "Location"; String long_name "Depth-averaged Latitude"; String observation_type "calculated"; String platform "platform"; String standard_name "latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; Float64 valid_max 90.0; Float64 valid_min -90.0; } lon_uv { Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 colorBarMaximum 180.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum -180.0; String comment "The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives."; String ioos_category "Location"; String long_name "Depth-averaged Longitude"; String observation_type "calculated"; String platform "platform"; String standard_name "longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; Float64 valid_max 180.0; Float64 valid_min -180.0; } m_altitude { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; Float32 actual_range 11.8718, 95.6117; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_altitude"; String ioos_category "Other"; } m_battery { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range 14.079299926757812, 14.962900161743164; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Battery Voltage"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String sensor "m_battery"; String units "volts"; } m_battpos { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range -0.34641799330711365, 0.6483190059661865; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String sensor "m_battpos"; String units "in"; } m_coulomb_amphr_total { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range 4.080249786376953, 315.4230041503906; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String sensor "m_coulomb_amphr_total"; String units "amp-hours"; } m_depth { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range 7.292240142822266, 953.1129760742188; String axis "Z"; String comment "Glider pressure transducer measured pressure"; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Depth"; String observation_type "calculated"; String platform "platform"; String positive "down"; String reference_datum "sea-surface"; String standard_name "depth"; String units "m"; Float64 valid_max 2000.0; Float64 valid_min 0.0; } m_gps_lat { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range 57.635313, 59.971805; String axis "Y"; String comment "Latitude measured using on-board GPS. NMEA coordinates."; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "GPS Measured Latitude"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; Float64 precision 5; String units "degrees_minutes_north"; Float64 valid_max 9000.0; Float64 valid_min -9000.0; } m_gps_lon { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range -149.500218, -147.33794; String axis "X"; String comment "Longitude measured using on-board GPS. NMEA coordinates."; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "GPS Measured Longitude"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; Float64 precision 5; String units "degrees_minutes_east"; Float64 valid_max 18000.0; Float64 valid_min -18000.0; } m_heading { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range 0.0, 6.279689788818359; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String sensor "m_heading"; String units "rad"; } m_lat { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range 57.635692, 59.972211; String axis "Y"; String comment "Dead-reckoned latitude calculated by the glider while underwater. NMEA coordinates"; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Dead-Reckoned Latitude"; String observation_type "calculated"; String platform "platform"; Float64 precision 5; String standard_name "m_latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; Float64 valid_max 9000.0; Float64 valid_min -9000.0; } m_leakdetect_voltage { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range 2.4803099632263184, 2.4882800579071045; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String sensor "m_leakdetect_voltage"; String units "volts"; } m_leakdetect_voltage_forward { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range 2.4803099632263184, 2.489680051803589; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String sensor "m_leakdetect_voltage_forward"; String units "volts"; } m_lon { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range -149.499892, -147.338839; String axis "X"; String comment "Dead-reckoned longitude calculoned by the glider while underwater. NMEA coordinates"; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Dead-Reckoned Longitude"; String observation_type "calculated"; String platform "platform"; Float64 precision 5; String standard_name "m_longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; Float64 valid_max 18000.0; Float64 valid_min -18000.0; } m_pitch { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range -0.5445430278778076, 0.15009799599647522; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String sensor "m_pitch"; String units "rad"; } m_roll { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range -0.03665189817547798, 0.07853980362415314; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String sensor "m_roll"; String units "rad"; } m_vacuum { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range 7.96688985824585, 8.30031967163086; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String sensor "m_vacuum"; String units "inHg"; } platform_meta { Byte _FillValue 127; String _Unsigned "false"; String comment "Teledyne Webb Research Slocum G2 Glider"; Float64 id 4802989; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Platform Metadata"; String type "platform"; String units "1"; Float64 wmo_id 4802989; } precise_lat { Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range 57.63531051644737, 59.97182758881579; String axis "Y"; Float64 colorBarMaximum 90.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum -90.0; String comment "Interpolated latitude at each point in the time-series"; String coordinate_reference_frame "urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326"; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Location"; String long_name "Precise Latitude"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String reference "WGS84"; String standard_name "latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; Float64 valid_max 90.0; Float64 valid_min -90.0; } precise_lon { Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range -149.500218, -147.33794; String axis "X"; Float64 colorBarMaximum 180.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum -180.0; String comment "Interpolated longitude at each point in the time-series"; String coordinate_reference_frame "urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326"; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Location"; String long_name "Precise Longitude"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String reference "WGS84"; String standard_name "longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; Float64 valid_max 180.0; Float64 valid_min -180.0; } precise_time { Float64 actual_range 1.71027345465714e+9, 1.71429804326785e+9; String axis "T"; String calendar "gregorian"; String comment "Timestamp at each point in the time-series"; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Time"; String long_name "Precise Time"; String observation_type "measured"; String standard_name "time"; String time_origin "01-JAN-1970 00:00:00"; String units "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"; } pressure { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; Float32 actual_range 7.0, 961.56995; Float64 colorBarMaximum 2000.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_ctd"; String ioos_category "Pressure"; String long_name "Sea Water Pressure"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String positive "down"; String reference_datum "sea-surface"; String standard_name "sea_water_pressure"; String units "dbar"; Float32 valid_max 2000.0; Float32 valid_min 0.0; } qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_electrical_conductivity"; String references ""; String standard_name "flat_line_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Gross Range Test for sea_water_electrical_conductivity"; String references ""; String standard_name "gross_range_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_conductivity_primary_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Primary Flag for sea_water_electrical_conductivity"; String references ""; String standard_name "aggregate_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Rate of Change Test for sea_water_electrical_conductivity"; String references ""; String standard_name "rate_of_change_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_conductivity_spike_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Spike Test for sea_water_electrical_conductivity"; String references ""; String standard_name "spike_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_density_flat_line_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_density"; String references ""; String standard_name "flat_line_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_density_gross_range_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_density"; String references ""; String standard_name "gross_range_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_density_primary_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_density"; String references ""; String standard_name "aggregate_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_density"; String references ""; String standard_name "rate_of_change_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_density_spike_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_density"; String references ""; String standard_name "spike_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_location_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Location Test for longitude and latitude"; String references ""; String standard_name "location_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_pressure"; String references ""; String standard_name "flat_line_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_pressure"; String references ""; String standard_name "gross_range_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_pressure_primary_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_pressure"; String references ""; String standard_name "aggregate_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_pressure"; String references ""; String standard_name "rate_of_change_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_pressure_spike_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_pressure"; String references ""; String standard_name "spike_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_practical_salinity"; String references ""; String standard_name "flat_line_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_practical_salinity"; String references ""; String standard_name "gross_range_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_salinity_primary_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_practical_salinity"; String references ""; String standard_name "aggregate_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_practical_salinity"; String references ""; String standard_name "rate_of_change_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_salinity_spike_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_practical_salinity"; String references ""; String standard_name "spike_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_temperature"; String references ""; String standard_name "flat_line_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_temperature"; String references ""; String standard_name "gross_range_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_temperature_primary_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_temperature"; String references ""; String standard_name "aggregate_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_temperature"; String references ""; String standard_name "rate_of_change_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } qartod_temperature_spike_flag { Byte _FillValue 2; String _Unsigned "false"; String dac_comment "QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN"; String flag_meanings "PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING"; Byte flag_values 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; String ioos_category "Quality"; String long_name "QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_temperature"; String references ""; String standard_name "spike_test_quality_flag"; String units "1"; Byte valid_max 9; Byte valid_min 1; } salinity { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; Float32 actual_range 31.015438, 34.349686; Float64 colorBarMaximum 37.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum 30.0; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_ctd"; String ioos_category "Salinity"; String long_name "Sea Water Practical Salinity"; String observation_type "calculated"; String platform "platform"; String standard_name "sea_water_practical_salinity"; String units "1e-3"; Float32 valid_max 40.0; Float32 valid_min 0.0; } sci_echodroid_aggindex { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 colorBarMaximum 1.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_acoustics"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Aggregation Index"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String units "m-1"; } sci_echodroid_ctrmass { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_acoustics"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Center of Mass"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String units "m"; } sci_echodroid_eqarea { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 colorBarMaximum 50.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_acoustics"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Eq Area"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String units "m"; } sci_echodroid_inertia { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 colorBarMaximum 500.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_acoustics"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Inertia"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String units "m-2"; } sci_echodroid_propocc { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 colorBarMaximum 1.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_acoustics"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Prop Occ"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String units "1"; } sci_echodroid_sa { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 colorBarMaximum 0.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum -70.0; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_acoustics"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Scattering Area"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String standard_name "scattering_angle"; String units "db"; } sci_echodroid_sv { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 colorBarMaximum 0.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum -50.0; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_acoustics"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Scattering Volume (SV)"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String units "db"; } sci_flbbcd_bb_units { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range 5.887199949938804e-5, 0.0072876401245594025; Float64 colorBarMaximum 0.002; Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_fluorometer"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Optical Backscatter"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String units "1"; } sci_flbbcd_cdom_units { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range -0.08969999849796295, 12.73740005493164; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_fluorometer"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "CDOM"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String standard_name "concentration_of_coloured_dissolved_organic_matter"; String units "1e-9"; } sci_flbbcd_chlor_units { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range -0.007199999876320362, 1.8359999656677246; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_fluorometer"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Chlorophyll"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String standard_name "concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water"; String units "ug L-1"; } sci_rinkoii_do { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range 12.52299976348877, 134.26300048828125; Float64 colorBarMaximum 100.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum 60.0; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_dissolved_oxygen"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "Dissolved Oxygen Concentration"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String standard_name "fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water"; String units "%"; } sci_water_pressure { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 actual_range 0.699999988079071, 96.15699768066406; String axis "Z"; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String ioos_category "Other"; String long_name "CTD Pressure"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String positive "down"; String reference_datum "sea-surface"; String standard_name "sea_water_pressure"; String units "bar"; Float64 valid_max 2000.0; Float64 valid_min 0.0; } temperature { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 653; Float32 _FillValue -9999.9; Float32 actual_range 2.9923, 6.2806; Float64 colorBarMaximum 32.0; Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0; String coordinates "time depth lon lat"; String instrument "instrument_ctd"; String ioos_category "Temperature"; String long_name "Sea Water Temperature"; String observation_type "measured"; String platform "platform"; String standard_name "sea_water_temperature"; String units "degree_Celsius"; Float32 valid_max 40.0; Float32 valid_min -5.0; } time_uv { String calendar "gregorian"; String comment "The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives."; String ioos_category "Time"; String long_name "Depth-averaged Time"; String observation_type "calculated"; String standard_name "time"; String time_origin "01-JAN-1970 00:00:00"; String units "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"; } u { Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 colorBarMaximum 0.5; Float64 colorBarMinimum -0.5; String comment "The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives."; String coordinates "lon_uv lat_uv time_uv"; String ioos_category "Currents"; String long_name "Depth-averaged Eastward Sea Water Velocity"; String observation_type "calculated"; String platform "platform"; String standard_name "eastward_sea_water_velocity"; String units "m.s-1"; Float64 valid_max 10.0; Float64 valid_min -10.0; } v { Float64 _FillValue -9999.9; Float64 colorBarMaximum 0.5; Float64 colorBarMinimum -0.5; String comment "The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives."; String coordinates "lon_uv lat_uv time_uv"; String ioos_category "Currents"; String long_name "Depth-averaged Northward Sea Water Velocity"; String observation_type "calculated"; String platform "platform"; String standard_name "northward_sea_water_velocity"; String units "m.s-1"; Float64 valid_max 10.0; Float64 valid_min -10.0; } } NC_GLOBAL { String _NCProperties "version=2,netcdf=4.8.1,hdf5=1.12.2"; String acknowledgement "This work was supported by funding from NOAA/IOOS/AOOS."; String cdm_data_type "TrajectoryProfile"; String cdm_profile_variables "time_uv,lat_uv,lon_uv,u,v,profile_id,time,latitude,longitude"; String cdm_trajectory_variables "trajectory,wmo_id"; String comment "UAF G507 Glider deployment in the North Pacific Ocean (Mar 2024)"; String contributor_email ""; String contributor_name "Seth Danielson"; String contributor_role "Principal Investigator"; String contributor_url ""; String Conventions "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, COARDS, CF-1.6"; String creator_email ""; String creator_name "Hank Statscewich"; String creator_url ""; String date_created "2024-04-21T13:05:55Z"; String date_issued "2024-04-21T13:05:55Z"; String date_modified "2024-04-21T13:05:55Z"; Float64 Easternmost_Easting -147.34408633298304; String featureType "TrajectoryProfile"; String format_version ""; String geospatial_bounds "POLYGON ((57.653680 -147.361720, 57.653680 -147.353700, 57.646950 -147.353700, 57.646950 -147.361720, 57.653680 -147.361720))"; Float64 geospatial_lat_max 59.971763006090846; Float64 geospatial_lat_min 57.63898352288579; String geospatial_lat_units "degrees_north"; Float64 geospatial_lon_max -147.34408633298304; Float64 geospatial_lon_min -149.49922848549605; String geospatial_lon_units "degrees_east"; Float64 geospatial_vertical_max 950.483; Float64 geospatial_vertical_min 6.933914; String geospatial_vertical_positive "down"; String geospatial_vertical_units "m"; String gts_ingest "true"; String history "2024-04-21T13:05:55Z - Created with the GUTILS package: 2024-11-21T21:19:08Z (local files) 2024-11-21T21:19:08Z"; String id "unit_507-20240312T0000"; String infoUrl ""; String institution "The University of Alaska Fairbanks College of Fisheries and Ocean Science"; String ioos_dac_checksum "5569ed2a4199ae356a3bf90829676c2e"; String ioos_dac_completed "False"; String ioos_regional_association "aoos"; String keywords "AUVS > Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Pressure > Water Pressure, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Conductivity, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Density, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity, glider, In Situ Ocean-based platforms > Seaglider, Slocum, Spray, trajectory, underwater glider, water, wmo"; String keywords_vocabulary "GCMD Science Keywords"; String license "This data may be redistributed and used without restriction."; String Metadata_Conventions "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, COARDS, CF-1.6"; String naming_authority "edu.alaska"; Float64 Northernmost_Northing 59.971763006090846; String platform_tags "portal:25,axds:portal:25:tag:Gliders,axds:dashboard:glider:EcoMetrics Dashboard"; String platform_type "Slocum Glider"; String processing_level "Dataset taken from glider native file format and is provided as is with no expressed or implied assurance of quality assurance or quality control."; String project "AOOS Gliders in Support of Fisheries Management"; String publisher_email ""; String publisher_name "AOOS Glider Observatory"; String publisher_url ""; String references ""; String sea_name "North Pacific Ocean"; String source "Observational data from a profiling glider"; String sourceUrl "(local files)"; Float64 Southernmost_Northing 57.63898352288579; String standard_name_vocabulary "CF Standard Name Table v84"; String subsetVariables "wmo_id,trajectory,profile_id,time,latitude,longitude"; String summary "UAF G507 Glider deployment in the North Pacific Ocean (Mar 2024)"; String support_email ",,"; String support_name "aoos,ioos,noaa"; String support_role "fiscal,fiscal,fiscal"; String support_type "ra,federal,federal"; String time_coverage_duration "P0DT0H56M43.434540032S"; String time_coverage_end "2024-04-28T09:49:10Z"; String time_coverage_start "2024-03-12T19:59:40Z"; String title "unit_507-20240312T0000"; Float64 Westernmost_Easting -149.49922848549605; } }
The URL specifies what you want: the dataset, a description of the graph or the subset of the data, and the file type for the response.
Tabledap request URLs must be in the form{?query}
For example,,latitude,time,station,wmo_platform_code,T_25&time>=2015-05-23T12:00:00Z&time<=2015-05-31T12:00:00Z
Thus, the query is often a comma-separated list of desired variable names,
followed by a collection of
constraints (e.g., variable<value),
each preceded by '&' (which is interpreted as "AND").
For details, see the tabledap Documentation.