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Dataset Title:  ng960-20240716T0000 Subscribe RSS
Institution:  Naval Oceanographic Office   (Dataset ID: ng960-20240716T0000)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Files | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 77)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    wmo_id ?  =  1 option: 8901061
    trajectory ?  =  1 option: NG960-20240716T0000
    profile_id ?  =  77 options
    time ?  =  77 options
    latitude ?  =  degrees_north   77 options
    longitude ?  =  degrees_east   77 options

View:      Map of Distinct Data ?      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?

Map of Distinct Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)
Optional: Click on the map to select the closest data.
Map of Distinct Data

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

wmo_id trajectory profile_id time latitude longitude
UTC degrees_north degrees_east
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 16000001 2024-07-17T05:01:50Z 27.69728455 -91.23848225
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 16000022 2024-07-17T06:31:01Z 27.68254960752688 -91.2633497795699
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 16000601 2024-07-17T16:25:46Z 27.5531475 -91.35648499999999
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 16000652 2024-07-17T19:52:50Z 27.535715833333335 -91.43128250000001
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 16000801 2024-07-17T20:30:26Z 27.501765833333334 -91.39845166666666
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 16001201 2024-07-18T04:23:24Z 27.447993750000002 -91.4939675
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 16001256 2024-07-18T07:54:20Z 27.454114166666667 -91.57165833333335
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 16001401 2024-07-18T08:30:11Z 27.435074999999998 -91.527465
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 17000001 2024-07-18T16:40:36Z 27.40952 -91.55888875
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 17000054 2024-07-18T19:54:04Z 27.404357500000003 -91.63058
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 19000001 2024-07-18T21:50:30Z 27.35718125 -91.56253875
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 19000002 2024-07-18T23:07:00Z 27.35983720238095 -91.57372160714286
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21000001 2024-07-19T18:19:05Z 27.317500595238094 -91.55581220238096
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21000002 2024-07-19T19:45:47Z 27.31980869047619 -91.56776815476191
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21000401 2024-07-20T00:50:34Z 27.284575 -91.55281266666667
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21000402 2024-07-20T02:17:20Z 27.28881 -91.563659
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21000801 2024-07-20T07:44:26Z 27.268306875 -91.565513125
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21000802 2024-07-20T09:17:08Z 27.27326520833333 -91.57621479166667
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21003301 2024-07-22T02:33:46Z 27.224846805555558 -91.46616180555556
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21003302 2024-07-22T04:21:49Z 27.231397916666666 -91.47680291666667
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21005301 2024-07-23T09:35:56Z 27.20628625 -91.45738625
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21005302 2024-07-23T11:18:52Z 27.21315 -91.46788000000001
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21006001 2024-07-23T21:46:39Z 27.19364875 -91.42061875
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21006002 2024-07-23T23:27:14Z 27.199885000000002 -91.43137999999999
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21006501 2024-07-24T05:32:28Z 27.181462083333333 -91.40104083333333
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21006502 2024-07-24T07:14:10Z 27.188525416666668 -91.41091958333334
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21006701 2024-07-24T09:21:02Z 27.1756 -91.39953197916667
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21006702 2024-07-24T11:03:47Z 27.18257 -91.40915864583333
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21007001 2024-07-24T13:44:41Z 27.174104999999997 -91.4057
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21007002 2024-07-24T15:32:03Z 27.181618125 -91.41472
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21010501 2024-07-27T02:26:05Z 27.168347500000003 -91.4175925
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21010502 2024-07-27T04:09:37Z 27.176115 -91.427425
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21010701 2024-07-27T06:21:14Z 27.164425 -91.4247125
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21010702 2024-07-27T08:03:09Z 27.17170541666667 -91.43446583333332
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21010901 2024-07-27T10:08:26Z 27.16181111111111 -91.4323
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21010902 2024-07-27T11:49:04Z 27.168938333333333 -91.44171
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21013501 2024-07-29T09:01:13Z 27.193369583333332 -91.51564083333332
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 21013502 2024-07-29T10:47:48Z 27.199890833333335 -91.52564208333334
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 22000801 2024-07-30T03:54:17Z 27.266038083333335 -91.61952466666668
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 22000818 2024-07-30T05:44:18Z 27.283823809160303 -91.64919060559797
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 22001201 2024-07-30T09:29:27Z 27.30020335365854 -91.69422201219513
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 22001222 2024-07-30T11:46:35Z 27.3250205 -91.73234099999999
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 30001001 2024-08-01T02:10:43Z 27.319515000000003 -91.48369825
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 30001701 2024-08-01T14:46:24Z 27.341120967741936 -91.38995467741935
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 30001702 2024-08-01T16:28:23Z 27.343382650293258 -91.37793366202345
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 30002301 2024-08-02T03:34:15Z 27.343044 -91.29055566666668
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 30002302 2024-08-02T05:18:02Z 27.350552 -91.28042033333334
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 30003201 2024-08-02T20:18:24Z 27.332797666666664 -91.15060208333333
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 30003202 2024-08-02T22:00:08Z 27.33378909803921 -91.13785453431373
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 30004201 2024-08-03T17:51:27Z 27.28462125 -91.00285875
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 30004202 2024-08-03T19:32:18Z 27.290165830699394 -90.99164999736607
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 31000001 2024-08-03T22:10:00Z 27.269836907894735 -90.97694069736843
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 31000002 2024-08-03T23:59:16Z 27.27653541666667 -90.96656308333334
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 31000201 2024-08-04T02:43:48Z 27.25819935483871 -90.95822322580645
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 31000202 2024-08-04T04:30:26Z 13.681904791666666 -45.65111902651515
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 44000001 2024-08-05T03:04:23Z 27.227084705882355 -90.85030089705882
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 44000002 2024-08-05T04:26:11Z 17.845073048411496 -59.517742665532026
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 65000001 2024-08-06T14:06:04Z 26.967330500000003 -90.78445049999999
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 65000008 2024-08-06T14:49:47Z 26.96419306451613 -90.77446725806452
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 66000201 2024-08-06T19:08:12Z 26.90870041666667 -90.71938083333333
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 66000239 2024-08-06T20:48:08Z 26.903063555555555 -90.68653499999999
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 66000401 2024-08-06T22:48:13Z 26.85258 -90.66977166666666
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 66000410 2024-08-06T23:31:34Z 26.85247893817204 -90.65913024193549
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 66000801 2024-08-07T05:12:23Z 26.781385 -90.6191525
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 66000804 2024-08-07T05:43:49Z 26.78338983333333 -90.61342450000001
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 89000001 2024-08-09T04:35:08Z 26.411914471552556 -90.43161215621987
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 89000002 2024-08-09T05:57:19Z 26.42786075 -90.42876475
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 89000401 2024-08-09T10:46:35Z 26.44696144628099 -90.43109950413223
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 89000402 2024-08-09T12:14:01Z 26.463277727272725 -90.42839863636362
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 89001401 2024-08-09T23:29:34Z 26.50871275 -90.42785
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 89001402 2024-08-10T00:59:54Z 26.524538 -90.4245
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 89001601 2024-08-10T02:47:18Z 26.51886582089552 -90.42896597014925
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 89001602 2024-08-10T04:21:10Z 26.53497708955224 -90.42545701492537
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 89002001 2024-08-10T09:28:28Z 26.546521 -90.43861799999999
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 89002002 2024-08-10T11:07:26Z 26.562273 -90.43445566666666
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 89002201 2024-08-10T13:09:09Z 26.563522499999998 -90.4409875
8901061 NG960-20240716T0000 89002202 2024-08-10T14:55:21Z 26.57865975 -90.43508374999999

In total, there are 77 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.23
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