The mission of the Glider DAC is to provide glider operators with a
simple process for submitting glider data sets to a centralized
location, enabling the data to be visualized, analyzed, widely
distributed via existing web services and the Global
Telecommunications System (GTS) and archived at the National
Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).
As scientists deploy more gliders, they are revolutionizing how we
observe our ocean. This data creates a more complete picture of
what is happening in the ocean, especially below the surface. The
robots collect information by profiling the water from the surface
to deep water, at lower cost and less risk than ever before.
Currently, the IOOS Regional Associations (RAs), which conduct a
combination of routine, sustained, and event driven monitoring, are
the main contributors to the IOOS glider DAC. The IOOS Underwater
Glider Network Map is a collaborative effort and includes current
and historical glider missions dating back to 2005 from Gulf of Mexico (GCOOS), Southern California (SCCOOS), Northern Pacific (NANOOS), Central and Northern California (CeNCOOS), Great Lakes (GLOS), Mid-Atlantic (MARACOOS), and the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Lab (AOML). The gliders displayed have been funded by U.S. IOOS, NOAA,
ONR, NSF, EPA, various universities, state agencies and industries.
The goals of the Interagency Ocean Observation Committee
(IOOC) Glider Task Team are to enable increased engagement
with the glider community and to advance the coordinated use
of glider observing systems to meet global, national and
regional sub-surface observing requirements.
The Glider DAC provides a number of benefits to glider
operators to improve their experience with their glider data
including data distribution, quality assurance, and
The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) is a web server that provides metadata and data access to all GliderDAC datasets, using a variety of remote data access protocols.
A collection of documents and resources describing the NetCDF
file specification, data provider registration and data set
submission processes for contributing glider data sets to the
Web-based tool for tracking the submission of glider data to
the GliderDAC. Provides summary of deployments, WMO IDs,
number of profiles, time coverage, and data availability
through ERDDAP and THREDDS.