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The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL _NCProperties String version=2,netcdf=4.8.1,hdf5=1.12.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL acknowledgment String Funding provided by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String TrajectoryProfile
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_profile_variables String time_uv,lat_uv,lon_uv,u,v,profile_id,time,latitude,longitude
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_trajectory_variables String trajectory,wmo_id
attribute NC_GLOBAL comment String Deployed by Nicole Waite, Megan Martinez, Emma Huntzinger and Captain Rich Rand aboard NJDEP vessel out of Belmar, NJ
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_name String Josh Kohut, Scott Glenn, Oscar Schofield, Dave Aragon, Chip Haldeman, Nicole Waite, Laura Nazzaro, John Kerfoot
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_role String Principal Investigator, Principal Investigator, Principal Investigator, Glider Pilot, Glider Pilot, Glider Pilot, Data Manager, Data Manager
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, COARDS, CF-1.6
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String kerfoot at
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_institution String Rutgers University
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String John Kerfoot
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String person
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2024-07-18T19:32:46Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_issued String 2024-07-18T19:32:46Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_modified String 2024-07-18T19:32:46Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL deployment String ru28-20191025T1640
attribute NC_GLOBAL deployment_id String 479
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -73.84374365527779
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String TrajectoryProfile
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_bounds String POLYGON ((39.71242903843773 -74.06158031770579, 39.71242903843773 -74.06148992124072, 39.71234199376807 -74.06148992124072, 39.71234199376807 -74.06158031770579, 39.71242903843773 -74.06158031770579))
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_bounds_crs String EPSG:4326
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_bounds_vertical_crs String EPSG:5831
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 40.343459237968794
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 39.71238602876849
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_resolution String 0.00001 degree
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -73.84374365527779
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -74.06153458706665
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_resolution String 0.00001 degree
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_max double 24.76654
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_min double -0.05953986
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String down
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_resolution int 0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String m
attribute NC_GLOBAL gts_ingest String true
attribute NC_GLOBAL history String 2024-07-18T19:32:46Z: /tmp/tmp54emuaf9/ created
2024-07-18T19:32:46Z: /home/kerfoot/code/gncutils/scripts/ /home/coolgroup/slocum/deployments/2019/ru28-20191025T1640/data/in/ascii/queue/ru28_2019_297_2_102_dbd.dat
2024-07-19T21:35:56Z: 2024-07-20T04:25:20Z: 2024-07-20T10:09:46Z: 2024-07-20T15:55:46Z:
attribute NC_GLOBAL id String ru28-20191025T1640
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Rutgers University
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument String In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Profilers/Sounders > CTD
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument_vocabulary String NASA/GCMD Instrument Keywords Version 8.5
attribute NC_GLOBAL ioos_dac_checksum String 0294a8a67383533740ff95cd80bedcf4
attribute NC_GLOBAL ioos_dac_completed String True
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String AUVS > Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Pressure > Water Pressure, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Conductivity, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Density, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity, glider, In Situ Ocean-based platforms > Seaglider, Slocum, Spray, trajectory, underwater glider, water, wmo
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String This data may be redistributed and used without restriction. Data provided as is with no expressed or implied assurance of quality assurance or quality control.
attribute NC_GLOBAL Metadata_Conventions String Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, COARDS, CF-1.6
attribute NC_GLOBAL naming_authority String edu.rutgers.rucool
attribute NC_GLOBAL ncei_template_version String NCEI_NetCDF_Trajectory_Template_v2.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 40.343459237968794
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform String In Situ Ocean-based Platforms > AUVS > Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_type String Slocum Glider
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_vocabulary String NASA/GCMD Platforms Keywords Version 8.5
attribute NC_GLOBAL processing_level String Raw Slocum glider time-series dataset from the native data file format. Additional quality control variables provided where applicable. Thresholds used for quality control flags are under development. Delayed mode dataset.
attribute NC_GLOBAL product_version String 0.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL program String NJDEP
attribute NC_GLOBAL project String NJDEP
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_email String kerfoot at
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_institution String Rutgers University
attribute NC_GLOBAL references String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL sea_name String Mid-Atlantic Bight
attribute NC_GLOBAL source String Observational Slocum glider data from source dba file ru28-2019-297-2-102-dbd(04580102)
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 39.71238602876849
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v27
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String wmo_id,trajectory,profile_id,time,latitude,longitude
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Deployment of a Slocum glider to perform seasonal surveys of dissolved oxygen concentrations in the shallow coastal waters of New Jersey. This deployment is part of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's yearly coastal waters oxygen monitoring efforts. This glider carried a CTD, Seabird Scientific ECO triplet fluorescence-backscatter-chlorophyll a sensor, Sequoia Scientific LISST 200x, SeaView wave sensor, Vemco Mobile Transceiver and Aanderaa dissolved oxygen sensor. Delayed mode dataset.
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_duration String PT01M03.59448S
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2019-10-29T22:40:15Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_resolution String PT01S
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2019-10-25T16:42:40Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String ru28-20191025T1640-delayed
attribute NC_GLOBAL uuid String 1a1002ce-bf1f-4e1a-abd3-6ad8eaf97351
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -74.06153458706665
variable trajectory   String  
attribute trajectory _ChunkSizes uint 18
attribute trajectory cf_role String trajectory_id
attribute trajectory comment String A trajectory is one deployment of a glider.
attribute trajectory ioos_category String Identifier
attribute trajectory long_name String Trajectory Name
variable wmo_id   String  
attribute wmo_id ioos_category String Identifier
attribute wmo_id long_name String WMO ID
variable profile_id   int  
attribute profile_id _FillValue int 2147483647
attribute profile_id actual_range int 1572021739, 1572388815
attribute profile_id ancillary_variables String profile_time
attribute profile_id cf_role String profile_id
attribute profile_id comment String Unique identifier of the profile. The profile ID is the mean profile timestamp
attribute profile_id ioos_category String Identifier
attribute profile_id long_name String Profile ID
attribute profile_id processing_level int 2
attribute profile_id valid_max int 2147483647
attribute profile_id valid_min int 1
variable time   double  
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.5720217608309321E9, 1.5723888154233587E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time calendar String gregorian
attribute time comment String Timestamp corresponding to the mid-point of the profile.
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Profile Time
attribute time observation_type String calculated
attribute time platform String platform
attribute time processing_level int 2
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute time valid_max double 2.147483647E9
attribute time valid_min double 0.0
variable latitude   double  
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude _FillValue double 9.969209968386869E36
attribute latitude actual_range double 39.71238602876849, 40.343459237968794
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute latitude colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute latitude comment String Value is interpolated to provide an estimate of the latitude at the mid-point of the profile.
attribute latitude coordinate_reference_frame String urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Profile Latitude
attribute latitude observation_type String calculated
attribute latitude platform String platform
attribute latitude precision int 5
attribute latitude processing_level int 2
attribute latitude reference String WGS84
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
attribute latitude valid_max double 90.0
attribute latitude valid_min double -90.0
variable longitude   double  
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude _FillValue double 9.969209968386869E36
attribute longitude actual_range double -74.06153458706665, -73.84374365527779
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute longitude colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute longitude comment String Value is interpolated to provide an estimate of the longitude at the mid-point of the profile.
attribute longitude coordinate_reference_frame String urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Profile Longitude
attribute longitude observation_type String calculated
attribute longitude platform String platform
attribute longitude precision int 5
attribute longitude processing_level int 2
attribute longitude reference String WGS84
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
attribute longitude valid_max double 180.0
attribute longitude valid_min double -180.0
variable depth   float  
attribute depth _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute depth _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute depth _CoordinateZisPositive String down
attribute depth _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute depth actual_range float -0.05953986, 24.76654
attribute depth ancillary_variables String instrument_ctd
attribute depth axis String Z
attribute depth colorBarMaximum double 2000.0
attribute depth colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute depth colorBarPalette String OceanDepth
attribute depth comment String Calculated from llat_pressure and llat_latitude using gsw.z_from_p
attribute depth instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute depth ioos_category String Location
attribute depth long_name String Depth
attribute depth observation_type String calculated
attribute depth platform String platform
attribute depth positive String down
attribute depth processing_level int 2
attribute depth reference_datum String sea-surface
attribute depth standard_name String depth
attribute depth units String m
attribute depth valid_max float 2000.0
attribute depth valid_min float 0.0
variable beta_700nm   float  
attribute beta_700nm _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute beta_700nm _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute beta_700nm actual_range float 0.0, 0.00596026
attribute beta_700nm ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute beta_700nm bytes int 4
attribute beta_700nm comment String back scattering coefficient at 700nm
attribute beta_700nm instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute beta_700nm ioos_category String Other
attribute beta_700nm long_name String Beta 700nm at 117 degrees
attribute beta_700nm measurement_angle String 117 degrees
attribute beta_700nm measurement_wavelength String 700nm
attribute beta_700nm observation_type String calculated
attribute beta_700nm platform String platform
attribute beta_700nm processing_level int 2
attribute beta_700nm sensor String sci_flbbcd_bb_units
attribute beta_700nm source_sensor String sci_flbbcd_bb_units
attribute beta_700nm type String f4
attribute beta_700nm units String m-1 sr-1
variable beta_700nm_reference   float  
attribute beta_700nm_reference _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute beta_700nm_reference _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute beta_700nm_reference actual_range float 0.0, 700.0
attribute beta_700nm_reference ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute beta_700nm_reference bytes int 4
attribute beta_700nm_reference comment String flbbcd beta 700nm reference signal
attribute beta_700nm_reference instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute beta_700nm_reference ioos_category String Other
attribute beta_700nm_reference long_name String Beta 700nm Reference at 117 degrees
attribute beta_700nm_reference measurement_angle String 117 degrees
attribute beta_700nm_reference measurement_wavelength String 700nm
attribute beta_700nm_reference observation_type String measured
attribute beta_700nm_reference platform String platform
attribute beta_700nm_reference processing_level int 2
attribute beta_700nm_reference sensor String sci_flbbcd_bb_ref
attribute beta_700nm_reference source_sensor String sci_flbbcd_bb_ref
attribute beta_700nm_reference type String f4
attribute beta_700nm_reference units String m-1 sr-1
variable beta_700nm_signal   float  
attribute beta_700nm_signal _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute beta_700nm_signal _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute beta_700nm_signal actual_range float 0.0, 4130.0
attribute beta_700nm_signal ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute beta_700nm_signal bytes int 4
attribute beta_700nm_signal comment String flbbcd beta 700nm signal
attribute beta_700nm_signal instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute beta_700nm_signal ioos_category String Other
attribute beta_700nm_signal long_name String Beta 700nm Signal at 117 degrees
attribute beta_700nm_signal measurement_angle String 117 degrees
attribute beta_700nm_signal measurement_wavelength String 700nm
attribute beta_700nm_signal observation_type String measured
attribute beta_700nm_signal platform String platform
attribute beta_700nm_signal processing_level int 2
attribute beta_700nm_signal sensor String sci_flbbcd_bb_sig
attribute beta_700nm_signal source_sensor String sci_flbbcd_bb_sig
attribute beta_700nm_signal type String f4
attribute beta_700nm_signal units String m-1 sr-1
variable cdom   float  
attribute cdom _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute cdom _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute cdom actual_range float -3.982, 3.982
attribute cdom ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute cdom bytes int 4
attribute cdom comment String flbbcd CDOM
attribute cdom instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute cdom ioos_category String Other
attribute cdom long_name String CDOM
attribute cdom observation_type String calculated
attribute cdom platform String platform
attribute cdom precision int 2
attribute cdom processing_level int 2
attribute cdom sensor String sci_flbbcd_cdom_units
attribute cdom source_sensor String sci_flbbcd_cdom_units
attribute cdom standard_name String concentration_of_colored_dissolved_organic_matter_in_sea_water_expressed_as_equivalent_mass_fraction_of_quinine_sulfate_dihydrate
attribute cdom type String f4
attribute cdom units String ppb
attribute cdom valid_max float 500.0
attribute cdom valid_min float 0.0
variable cdom_reference   float  
attribute cdom_reference _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute cdom_reference _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute cdom_reference actual_range float 0.0, 460.0
attribute cdom_reference ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute cdom_reference bytes int 4
attribute cdom_reference comment String flbbcd CDOM reference signal
attribute cdom_reference instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute cdom_reference ioos_category String Other
attribute cdom_reference long_name String CDOM Reference Signal
attribute cdom_reference observation_type String measured
attribute cdom_reference platform String platform
attribute cdom_reference processing_level int 2
attribute cdom_reference sensor String sci_flbbcd_cdom_ref
attribute cdom_reference source_sensor String sci_flbbcd_cdom_ref
attribute cdom_reference type String f4
attribute cdom_reference units String nodim
variable cdom_signal   float  
attribute cdom_signal _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute cdom_signal _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute cdom_signal actual_range float 0.0, 92.0
attribute cdom_signal ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute cdom_signal bytes int 4
attribute cdom_signal comment String flbbcd CDOM signal
attribute cdom_signal instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute cdom_signal ioos_category String Other
attribute cdom_signal long_name String CDOM Signal
attribute cdom_signal observation_type String measured
attribute cdom_signal platform String platform
attribute cdom_signal processing_level int 2
attribute cdom_signal sensor String sci_flbbcd_cdom_sig
attribute cdom_signal source_sensor String sci_flbbcd_cdom_sig
attribute cdom_signal type String f4
attribute cdom_signal units String nodim
variable chlorophyll_a   float  
attribute chlorophyll_a _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute chlorophyll_a _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute chlorophyll_a actual_range float 0.0, 7.1029
attribute chlorophyll_a ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag
attribute chlorophyll_a bytes int 4
attribute chlorophyll_a comment String flbbcd calculated Chlorophyll a
attribute chlorophyll_a instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute chlorophyll_a ioos_category String Other
attribute chlorophyll_a long_name String Chlorophyll a
attribute chlorophyll_a observation_type String measured
attribute chlorophyll_a platform String platform
attribute chlorophyll_a processing_level int 2
attribute chlorophyll_a sensor String sci_flbbcd_chlor_units
attribute chlorophyll_a source_sensor String sci_flbbcd_chlor_units
attribute chlorophyll_a standard_name String mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water
attribute chlorophyll_a type String f4
attribute chlorophyll_a units String ug L-1
variable chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test   int  
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test flag_configurations String {'fail_span': [0, 50]}
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_category String Other
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_qc_target String chlorophyll_a
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_qc_test String gross_range_test
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test long_name String Gross Range Test Quality Flag
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test standard_name String gross_range_test_quality_flag
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test valid_max int 9
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test valid_min int 1
variable chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag   int  
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag actual_range int 1, 9
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag ancillary_variables String chlorophyll_a_qartod_gross_range_test
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag comment String Highest QARTOD flag value for chlorophyll_a, excluding 2/not evaluated. Excludes climatology test.
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag ioos_category String Other
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag ioos_qc_target String chlorophyll_a
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag long_name String QARTOD Summary Quality Flag
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag standard_name String qartod_summary_quality_flag
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag valid_max int 9
attribute chlorophyll_a_qartod_summary_flag valid_min int 1
variable chlorophyll_a_reference   float  
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference actual_range float 0.0, 695.0
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference bytes int 4
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference comment String flbbcd Chlorophyll a reference
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference ioos_category String Other
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference long_name String Chlorophyll a Reference
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference observation_type String measured
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference platform String platform
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference processing_level int 2
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference sensor String sci_flbbcd_chlor_ref
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference source_sensor String sci_flbbcd_chlor_ref
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference type String f4
attribute chlorophyll_a_reference units String nodim
variable chlorophyll_a_signal   float  
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal actual_range float 0.0, 1030.0
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal bytes int 4
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal comment String flbbcd Chlorophyll signal
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal ioos_category String Other
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal long_name String Chlorophyll a Signal
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal observation_type String measured
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal platform String platform
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal processing_level int 2
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal sensor String sci_flbbcd_chlor_sig
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal source_sensor String sci_flbbcd_chlor_sig
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal type String f4
attribute chlorophyll_a_signal units String nodim
variable commanded_fin   float  
attribute commanded_fin _ChunkSizes uint 1024
attribute commanded_fin _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute commanded_fin actual_range float -0.41, 0.41
attribute commanded_fin bytes int 4
attribute commanded_fin comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute commanded_fin ioos_category String Other
attribute commanded_fin long_name String c_fin
attribute commanded_fin observation_type String measured
attribute commanded_fin platform String platform
attribute commanded_fin processing_level int 2
attribute commanded_fin sensor String c_fin
attribute commanded_fin source_sensor String c_fin
attribute commanded_fin units String rad
variable commanded_heading   float  
attribute commanded_heading _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute commanded_heading _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute commanded_heading actual_range float 0.0, 5.64742
attribute commanded_heading bytes int 4
attribute commanded_heading comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute commanded_heading ioos_category String Other
attribute commanded_heading long_name String c_heading
attribute commanded_heading observation_type String measured
attribute commanded_heading platform String platform
attribute commanded_heading processing_level int 2
attribute commanded_heading sensor String c_heading
attribute commanded_heading source_sensor String c_heading
attribute commanded_heading units String rad
variable commanded_pitch   float  
attribute commanded_pitch _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute commanded_pitch _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute commanded_pitch actual_range float -0.454, 0.454
attribute commanded_pitch bytes int 4
attribute commanded_pitch comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute commanded_pitch ioos_category String Other
attribute commanded_pitch long_name String c_pitch
attribute commanded_pitch observation_type String measured
attribute commanded_pitch platform String platform
attribute commanded_pitch processing_level int 2
attribute commanded_pitch sensor String c_pitch
attribute commanded_pitch source_sensor String c_pitch
attribute commanded_pitch units String rad
variable commanded_roll   float  
attribute commanded_roll _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute commanded_roll _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute commanded_roll actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute commanded_roll bytes int 4
attribute commanded_roll comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute commanded_roll ioos_category String Other
attribute commanded_roll long_name String c_roll
attribute commanded_roll observation_type String measured
attribute commanded_roll platform String platform
attribute commanded_roll processing_level int 2
attribute commanded_roll sensor String c_roll
attribute commanded_roll source_sensor String c_roll
attribute commanded_roll units String rad
variable commanded_wpt_lat   double  
attribute commanded_wpt_lat _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute commanded_wpt_lat _FillValue double 9.969209968386869E36
attribute commanded_wpt_lat actual_range double 0.0, 4018.7168
attribute commanded_wpt_lat bytes int 8
attribute commanded_wpt_lat comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute commanded_wpt_lat ioos_category String Other
attribute commanded_wpt_lat long_name String c_wpt_lat
attribute commanded_wpt_lat observation_type String measured
attribute commanded_wpt_lat platform String platform
attribute commanded_wpt_lat processing_level int 2
attribute commanded_wpt_lat sensor String c_wpt_lat
attribute commanded_wpt_lat source_sensor String c_wpt_lat
attribute commanded_wpt_lat units String lat
variable commanded_wpt_lon   double  
attribute commanded_wpt_lon _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute commanded_wpt_lon _FillValue double 9.969209968386869E36
attribute commanded_wpt_lon actual_range double -7405.5145, 0.0
attribute commanded_wpt_lon bytes int 8
attribute commanded_wpt_lon comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute commanded_wpt_lon ioos_category String Other
attribute commanded_wpt_lon long_name String c_wpt_lon
attribute commanded_wpt_lon observation_type String measured
attribute commanded_wpt_lon platform String platform
attribute commanded_wpt_lon processing_level int 2
attribute commanded_wpt_lon sensor String c_wpt_lon
attribute commanded_wpt_lon source_sensor String c_wpt_lon
attribute commanded_wpt_lon units String lon
variable conductivity   float  
attribute conductivity _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute conductivity _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute conductivity actual_range float 3.77573, 4.25701
attribute conductivity ancillary_variables String instrument_ctd conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test conductivity_qartod_climatology_test conductivity_qartod_spike_test conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test conductivity_hysteresis_test conductivity_qartod_summary_flag
attribute conductivity bytes int 4
attribute conductivity colorBarMaximum double 9.0
attribute conductivity colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute conductivity comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute conductivity instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute conductivity ioos_category String Salinity
attribute conductivity long_name String Sea Water Electrical Conductivity
attribute conductivity observation_type String measured
attribute conductivity platform String platform
attribute conductivity processing_level int 2
attribute conductivity sensor String sci_water_cond
attribute conductivity source_sensor String sci_water_cond
attribute conductivity standard_name String sea_water_electrical_conductivity
attribute conductivity units String S m-1
attribute conductivity valid_max float 10.0
attribute conductivity valid_min float 0.0
variable conductivity_hysteresis_test   int  
attribute conductivity_hysteresis_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute conductivity_hysteresis_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute conductivity_hysteresis_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute conductivity_hysteresis_test comment String Test for conductivity lag, determined by comparing the area between profile pairs normalized to pressure range against the data range multiplied by thresholds found in flag_configurations.
attribute conductivity_hysteresis_test flag_configurations String {'suspect_threshold': 0.1, 'fail_threshold': 0.2, 'test_threshold': 0.05}
attribute conductivity_hysteresis_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute conductivity_hysteresis_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute conductivity_hysteresis_test ioos_category String Other
attribute conductivity_hysteresis_test long_name String Conductivity Hysteresis Test Quality Flag
attribute conductivity_hysteresis_test qc_target String conductivity
attribute conductivity_hysteresis_test valid_max int 9
attribute conductivity_hysteresis_test valid_min int 1
variable conductivity_qartod_climatology_test   int  
attribute conductivity_qartod_climatology_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute conductivity_qartod_climatology_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute conductivity_qartod_climatology_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_climatology_test flag_configurations String {'suspect_span': [3, 5.5], 'fail_span': None}
attribute conductivity_qartod_climatology_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute conductivity_qartod_climatology_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_climatology_test ioos_category String Other
attribute conductivity_qartod_climatology_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute conductivity_qartod_climatology_test ioos_qc_target String conductivity
attribute conductivity_qartod_climatology_test ioos_qc_test String climatology_test
attribute conductivity_qartod_climatology_test long_name String Climatology Test Quality Flag
attribute conductivity_qartod_climatology_test standard_name String climatology_test_quality_flag
attribute conductivity_qartod_climatology_test valid_max int 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_climatology_test valid_min int 1
variable conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test   int  
attribute conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test flag_configurations String {'tolerance': 1e-05, 'suspect_threshold': 120, 'fail_threshold': 300}
attribute conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_category String Other
attribute conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_qc_target String conductivity
attribute conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_qc_test String flat_line_test
attribute conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test long_name String Flat Line Test Quality Flag
attribute conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test standard_name String flat_line_test_quality_flag
attribute conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test valid_max int 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test valid_min int 1
variable conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test   int  
attribute conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test flag_configurations String {'suspect_span': [0, 6], 'fail_span': [0, 9]}
attribute conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_category String Other
attribute conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_qc_target String conductivity
attribute conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_qc_test String gross_range_test
attribute conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test long_name String Gross Range Test Quality Flag
attribute conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test standard_name String gross_range_test_quality_flag
attribute conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test valid_max int 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test valid_min int 1
variable conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test   int  
attribute conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test flag_configurations String {'threshold': 0.07}
attribute conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_category String Other
attribute conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_qc_target String conductivity
attribute conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_qc_test String rate_of_change_test
attribute conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test long_name String Rate Of Change Test Quality Flag
attribute conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test standard_name String rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
attribute conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test valid_max int 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test valid_min int 1
variable conductivity_qartod_spike_test   int  
attribute conductivity_qartod_spike_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute conductivity_qartod_spike_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute conductivity_qartod_spike_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_spike_test flag_configurations String {'suspect_threshold': 0.001, 'fail_threshold': 0.03}
attribute conductivity_qartod_spike_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute conductivity_qartod_spike_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_spike_test ioos_category String Other
attribute conductivity_qartod_spike_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute conductivity_qartod_spike_test ioos_qc_target String conductivity
attribute conductivity_qartod_spike_test ioos_qc_test String spike_test
attribute conductivity_qartod_spike_test long_name String Spike Test Quality Flag
attribute conductivity_qartod_spike_test standard_name String spike_test_quality_flag
attribute conductivity_qartod_spike_test valid_max int 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_spike_test valid_min int 1
variable conductivity_qartod_summary_flag   int  
attribute conductivity_qartod_summary_flag _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute conductivity_qartod_summary_flag _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute conductivity_qartod_summary_flag actual_range int 1, 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_summary_flag ancillary_variables String conductivity_qartod_gross_range_test conductivity_qartod_flat_line_test conductivity_qartod_spike_test conductivity_qartod_rate_of_change_test
attribute conductivity_qartod_summary_flag comment String Highest QARTOD flag value for conductivity, excluding 2/not evaluated. Excludes climatology test.
attribute conductivity_qartod_summary_flag flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute conductivity_qartod_summary_flag flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_summary_flag ioos_category String Other
attribute conductivity_qartod_summary_flag ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute conductivity_qartod_summary_flag ioos_qc_target String conductivity
attribute conductivity_qartod_summary_flag long_name String QARTOD Summary Quality Flag
attribute conductivity_qartod_summary_flag standard_name String qartod_summary_quality_flag
attribute conductivity_qartod_summary_flag valid_max int 9
attribute conductivity_qartod_summary_flag valid_min int 1
variable crs   int  
attribute crs _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute crs epsg_code String EPSG:4326
attribute crs grid_mapping_name String latitude_longitude
attribute crs inverse_flattening double 298.257223563
attribute crs ioos_category String Other
attribute crs long_name String (external link)
attribute crs processing_level int 2
attribute crs semi_major_axis double 6378137.0
variable ctd41cp_timestamp   double  
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp actual_range double 1.57202154432315E9, 1.57238884701984E9
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp ancillary_variables String instrument_ctd
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp axis String T
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp bytes int 8
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp calendar String gregorian
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp ioos_category String Time
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp long_name String sci_ctd41cp_timestamp
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp observation_type String measured
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp platform String platform
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp processing_level int 2
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp sensor String sci_ctd41cp_timestamp
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp source_sensor String sci_ctd41cp_timestamp
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp standard_name String time
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp valid_max double 2.147483647E9
attribute ctd41cp_timestamp valid_min double 0.0
variable density   float  
attribute density _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute density _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute density actual_range float 1021.661, 1024.276
attribute density ancillary_variables String instrument_ctd density_qartod_flat_line_test density_qartod_climatology_test density_qartod_spike_test density_qartod_rate_of_change_test conductivity_hysteresis_test temperature_hysteresis_test density_qartod_summary_flag
attribute density colorBarMaximum double 1032.0
attribute density colorBarMinimum double 1020.0
attribute density instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute density ioos_category String Other
attribute density long_name String Sea Water Density
attribute density observation_type String calculated
attribute density platform String platform
attribute density processing_level int 2
attribute density standard_name String sea_water_density
attribute density units String kg m-3
attribute density valid_max float 1015.0
attribute density valid_min float 1040.0
variable density_qartod_climatology_test   int  
attribute density_qartod_climatology_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute density_qartod_climatology_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute density_qartod_climatology_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute density_qartod_climatology_test flag_configurations String {'suspect_span': [1010, 1030], 'fail_span': None}
attribute density_qartod_climatology_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute density_qartod_climatology_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute density_qartod_climatology_test ioos_category String Other
attribute density_qartod_climatology_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute density_qartod_climatology_test ioos_qc_target String density
attribute density_qartod_climatology_test ioos_qc_test String climatology_test
attribute density_qartod_climatology_test long_name String Climatology Test Quality Flag
attribute density_qartod_climatology_test standard_name String climatology_test_quality_flag
attribute density_qartod_climatology_test valid_max int 9
attribute density_qartod_climatology_test valid_min int 1
variable density_qartod_flat_line_test   int  
attribute density_qartod_flat_line_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute density_qartod_flat_line_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute density_qartod_flat_line_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute density_qartod_flat_line_test flag_configurations String {'tolerance': 0.001, 'suspect_threshold': 120, 'fail_threshold': 300}
attribute density_qartod_flat_line_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute density_qartod_flat_line_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute density_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_category String Other
attribute density_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute density_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_qc_target String density
attribute density_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_qc_test String flat_line_test
attribute density_qartod_flat_line_test long_name String Flat Line Test Quality Flag
attribute density_qartod_flat_line_test standard_name String flat_line_test_quality_flag
attribute density_qartod_flat_line_test valid_max int 9
attribute density_qartod_flat_line_test valid_min int 1
variable density_qartod_rate_of_change_test   int  
attribute density_qartod_rate_of_change_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute density_qartod_rate_of_change_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute density_qartod_rate_of_change_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute density_qartod_rate_of_change_test flag_configurations String {'threshold': 0.3}
attribute density_qartod_rate_of_change_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute density_qartod_rate_of_change_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute density_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_category String Other
attribute density_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute density_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_qc_target String density
attribute density_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_qc_test String rate_of_change_test
attribute density_qartod_rate_of_change_test long_name String Rate Of Change Test Quality Flag
attribute density_qartod_rate_of_change_test standard_name String rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
attribute density_qartod_rate_of_change_test valid_max int 9
attribute density_qartod_rate_of_change_test valid_min int 1
variable density_qartod_spike_test   int  
attribute density_qartod_spike_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute density_qartod_spike_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute density_qartod_spike_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute density_qartod_spike_test flag_configurations String {'suspect_threshold': 0.005, 'fail_threshold': 0.15}
attribute density_qartod_spike_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute density_qartod_spike_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute density_qartod_spike_test ioos_category String Other
attribute density_qartod_spike_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute density_qartod_spike_test ioos_qc_target String density
attribute density_qartod_spike_test ioos_qc_test String spike_test
attribute density_qartod_spike_test long_name String Spike Test Quality Flag
attribute density_qartod_spike_test standard_name String spike_test_quality_flag
attribute density_qartod_spike_test valid_max int 9
attribute density_qartod_spike_test valid_min int 1
variable density_qartod_summary_flag   int  
attribute density_qartod_summary_flag _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute density_qartod_summary_flag _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute density_qartod_summary_flag actual_range int 1, 9
attribute density_qartod_summary_flag ancillary_variables String density_qartod_flat_line_test density_qartod_spike_test density_qartod_rate_of_change_test
attribute density_qartod_summary_flag comment String Highest QARTOD flag value for density, excluding 2/not evaluated. Excludes climatology test.
attribute density_qartod_summary_flag flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute density_qartod_summary_flag flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute density_qartod_summary_flag ioos_category String Other
attribute density_qartod_summary_flag ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute density_qartod_summary_flag ioos_qc_target String density
attribute density_qartod_summary_flag long_name String QARTOD Summary Quality Flag
attribute density_qartod_summary_flag standard_name String qartod_summary_quality_flag
attribute density_qartod_summary_flag valid_max int 9
attribute density_qartod_summary_flag valid_min int 1
variable depth_interpolated   float  
attribute depth_interpolated _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute depth_interpolated _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute depth_interpolated actual_range float 0.0, 24.76654
attribute depth_interpolated ancillary_variables String instrument_ctd depth
attribute depth_interpolated axis String Z
attribute depth_interpolated comment String Linear interpolated depth using pandas.DataFrame.interpolate
attribute depth_interpolated instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute depth_interpolated ioos_category String Other
attribute depth_interpolated long_name String Interpolated Depth
attribute depth_interpolated observation_type String calculated
attribute depth_interpolated platform String platform
attribute depth_interpolated positive String down
attribute depth_interpolated processing_level int 2
attribute depth_interpolated reference_datum String sea-surface
attribute depth_interpolated source_sensor String depth
attribute depth_interpolated standard_name String sea_water_depth
attribute depth_interpolated units String meters
attribute depth_interpolated valid_max float 2000.0
attribute depth_interpolated valid_min float 0.0
variable dr_latitude   double  
attribute dr_latitude _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute dr_latitude _FillValue double 9.969209968386869E36
attribute dr_latitude actual_range double 3942.62226395509, 4020.61370006346
attribute dr_latitude bytes int 8
attribute dr_latitude comment String Dead-reckoned latitude. Units are degrees decimal minutes
attribute dr_latitude ioos_category String Other
attribute dr_latitude long_name String m_lat
attribute dr_latitude observation_type String measured
attribute dr_latitude platform String platform
attribute dr_latitude processing_level int 2
attribute dr_latitude sensor String m_lat
attribute dr_latitude source_sensor String m_lat
attribute dr_latitude units String degrees decimal minutes
variable dr_longitude   double  
attribute dr_longitude _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute dr_longitude _FillValue double 9.969209968386869E36
attribute dr_longitude actual_range double -7403.6891275077, -7350.61239999859
attribute dr_longitude bytes int 8
attribute dr_longitude comment String Dead-reckoned longitude. Units are degrees decimal minutes
attribute dr_longitude ioos_category String Other
attribute dr_longitude long_name String m_lon
attribute dr_longitude observation_type String measured
attribute dr_longitude platform String platform
attribute dr_longitude processing_level int 2
attribute dr_longitude sensor String m_lon
attribute dr_longitude source_sensor String m_lon
attribute dr_longitude units String degrees decimal minutes
variable flbbcd_bb_cwo   float  
attribute flbbcd_bb_cwo _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute flbbcd_bb_cwo _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute flbbcd_bb_cwo actual_range float 56.0, 56.0
attribute flbbcd_bb_cwo ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_bb_cwo bytes int 4
attribute flbbcd_bb_cwo comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute flbbcd_bb_cwo instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_bb_cwo ioos_category String Other
attribute flbbcd_bb_cwo long_name String u_flbbcd_bb_cwo
attribute flbbcd_bb_cwo observation_type String measured
attribute flbbcd_bb_cwo platform String platform
attribute flbbcd_bb_cwo processing_level int 2
attribute flbbcd_bb_cwo sensor String u_flbbcd_bb_cwo
attribute flbbcd_bb_cwo source_sensor String u_flbbcd_bb_cwo
attribute flbbcd_bb_cwo units String nodim
variable flbbcd_bb_sf   float  
attribute flbbcd_bb_sf _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute flbbcd_bb_sf _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute flbbcd_bb_sf actual_range float 1.463, 1.463
attribute flbbcd_bb_sf ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_bb_sf bytes int 4
attribute flbbcd_bb_sf comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute flbbcd_bb_sf instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_bb_sf ioos_category String Other
attribute flbbcd_bb_sf long_name String u_flbbcd_bb_sf
attribute flbbcd_bb_sf observation_type String measured
attribute flbbcd_bb_sf platform String platform
attribute flbbcd_bb_sf processing_level int 2
attribute flbbcd_bb_sf sensor String u_flbbcd_bb_sf
attribute flbbcd_bb_sf source_sensor String u_flbbcd_bb_sf
attribute flbbcd_bb_sf units String Mnodim
variable flbbcd_cdom_cwo   float  
attribute flbbcd_cdom_cwo _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute flbbcd_cdom_cwo _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute flbbcd_cdom_cwo actual_range float 48.0, 48.0
attribute flbbcd_cdom_cwo ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_cdom_cwo bytes int 4
attribute flbbcd_cdom_cwo comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute flbbcd_cdom_cwo instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_cdom_cwo ioos_category String Other
attribute flbbcd_cdom_cwo long_name String u_flbbcd_cdom_cwo
attribute flbbcd_cdom_cwo observation_type String measured
attribute flbbcd_cdom_cwo platform String platform
attribute flbbcd_cdom_cwo processing_level int 2
attribute flbbcd_cdom_cwo sensor String u_flbbcd_cdom_cwo
attribute flbbcd_cdom_cwo source_sensor String u_flbbcd_cdom_cwo
attribute flbbcd_cdom_cwo units String nodim
variable flbbcd_cdom_sf   float  
attribute flbbcd_cdom_sf _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute flbbcd_cdom_sf _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute flbbcd_cdom_sf actual_range float 0.0905, 0.0905
attribute flbbcd_cdom_sf ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_cdom_sf bytes int 4
attribute flbbcd_cdom_sf comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute flbbcd_cdom_sf instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_cdom_sf ioos_category String Other
attribute flbbcd_cdom_sf long_name String u_flbbcd_cdom_sf
attribute flbbcd_cdom_sf observation_type String measured
attribute flbbcd_cdom_sf platform String platform
attribute flbbcd_cdom_sf processing_level int 2
attribute flbbcd_cdom_sf sensor String u_flbbcd_cdom_sf
attribute flbbcd_cdom_sf source_sensor String u_flbbcd_cdom_sf
attribute flbbcd_cdom_sf units String ppb/nodim
variable flbbcd_chlor_cwo   float  
attribute flbbcd_chlor_cwo _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute flbbcd_chlor_cwo _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute flbbcd_chlor_cwo actual_range float 57.0, 57.0
attribute flbbcd_chlor_cwo ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_chlor_cwo bytes int 4
attribute flbbcd_chlor_cwo comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute flbbcd_chlor_cwo instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_chlor_cwo ioos_category String Other
attribute flbbcd_chlor_cwo long_name String u_flbbcd_chlor_cwo
attribute flbbcd_chlor_cwo observation_type String measured
attribute flbbcd_chlor_cwo platform String platform
attribute flbbcd_chlor_cwo processing_level int 2
attribute flbbcd_chlor_cwo sensor String u_flbbcd_chlor_cwo
attribute flbbcd_chlor_cwo source_sensor String u_flbbcd_chlor_cwo
attribute flbbcd_chlor_cwo units String nodim
variable flbbcd_chlor_sf   float  
attribute flbbcd_chlor_sf _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute flbbcd_chlor_sf _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute flbbcd_chlor_sf actual_range float 0.0073, 0.0073
attribute flbbcd_chlor_sf ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_chlor_sf bytes int 4
attribute flbbcd_chlor_sf comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute flbbcd_chlor_sf instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_chlor_sf ioos_category String Other
attribute flbbcd_chlor_sf long_name String u_flbbcd_chlor_sf
attribute flbbcd_chlor_sf observation_type String measured
attribute flbbcd_chlor_sf platform String platform
attribute flbbcd_chlor_sf processing_level int 2
attribute flbbcd_chlor_sf sensor String u_flbbcd_chlor_sf
attribute flbbcd_chlor_sf source_sensor String u_flbbcd_chlor_sf
attribute flbbcd_chlor_sf units String ug/l/nodim
variable flbbcd_is_calibrated   byte  
attribute flbbcd_is_calibrated _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute flbbcd_is_calibrated _FillValue byte -127
attribute flbbcd_is_calibrated actual_range byte 1, 1
attribute flbbcd_is_calibrated ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_is_calibrated bytes int 1
attribute flbbcd_is_calibrated comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute flbbcd_is_calibrated instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_is_calibrated ioos_category String Other
attribute flbbcd_is_calibrated long_name String u_flbbcd_is_calibrated
attribute flbbcd_is_calibrated observation_type String measured
attribute flbbcd_is_calibrated platform String platform
attribute flbbcd_is_calibrated processing_level int 2
attribute flbbcd_is_calibrated sensor String u_flbbcd_is_calibrated
attribute flbbcd_is_calibrated source_sensor String u_flbbcd_is_calibrated
attribute flbbcd_is_calibrated units String bool
variable flbbcd_is_installed   byte  
attribute flbbcd_is_installed _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute flbbcd_is_installed _FillValue byte -127
attribute flbbcd_is_installed actual_range byte 1, 1
attribute flbbcd_is_installed ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_is_installed bytes int 1
attribute flbbcd_is_installed comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute flbbcd_is_installed instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_is_installed ioos_category String Other
attribute flbbcd_is_installed long_name String sci_flbbcd_is_installed
attribute flbbcd_is_installed observation_type String measured
attribute flbbcd_is_installed platform String platform
attribute flbbcd_is_installed processing_level int 2
attribute flbbcd_is_installed sensor String sci_flbbcd_is_installed
attribute flbbcd_is_installed source_sensor String sci_flbbcd_is_installed
attribute flbbcd_is_installed type String i1
attribute flbbcd_is_installed units String bool
variable flbbcd_num_fields_to_send   float  
attribute flbbcd_num_fields_to_send _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute flbbcd_num_fields_to_send _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute flbbcd_num_fields_to_send actual_range float 10.0, 10.0
attribute flbbcd_num_fields_to_send ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_num_fields_to_send bytes int 4
attribute flbbcd_num_fields_to_send comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute flbbcd_num_fields_to_send instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_num_fields_to_send ioos_category String Other
attribute flbbcd_num_fields_to_send long_name String c_flbbcd_num_fields_to_send
attribute flbbcd_num_fields_to_send observation_type String measured
attribute flbbcd_num_fields_to_send platform String platform
attribute flbbcd_num_fields_to_send processing_level int 2
attribute flbbcd_num_fields_to_send sensor String c_flbbcd_num_fields_to_send
attribute flbbcd_num_fields_to_send source_sensor String c_flbbcd_num_fields_to_send
attribute flbbcd_num_fields_to_send units String nodim
variable flbbcd_on   float  
attribute flbbcd_on _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute flbbcd_on _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute flbbcd_on actual_range float -1.0, 1.0
attribute flbbcd_on ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_on bytes int 4
attribute flbbcd_on comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute flbbcd_on instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_on ioos_category String Other
attribute flbbcd_on long_name String c_flbbcd_on
attribute flbbcd_on observation_type String measured
attribute flbbcd_on platform String platform
attribute flbbcd_on processing_level int 2
attribute flbbcd_on sensor String c_flbbcd_on
attribute flbbcd_on source_sensor String c_flbbcd_on
attribute flbbcd_on units String sec
variable flbbcd_therm   float  
attribute flbbcd_therm _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute flbbcd_therm _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute flbbcd_therm actual_range float 0.0, 549.0
attribute flbbcd_therm ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_therm bytes int 4
attribute flbbcd_therm comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute flbbcd_therm instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_therm ioos_category String Other
attribute flbbcd_therm long_name String sci_flbbcd_therm
attribute flbbcd_therm observation_type String measured
attribute flbbcd_therm platform String platform
attribute flbbcd_therm processing_level int 2
attribute flbbcd_therm sensor String sci_flbbcd_therm
attribute flbbcd_therm source_sensor String sci_flbbcd_therm
attribute flbbcd_therm type String f4
attribute flbbcd_therm units String nodim
variable flbbcd_timestamp   double  
attribute flbbcd_timestamp _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute flbbcd_timestamp actual_range double 0.0, 0.0
attribute flbbcd_timestamp ancillary_variables String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_timestamp axis String T
attribute flbbcd_timestamp bytes int 8
attribute flbbcd_timestamp calendar String gregorian
attribute flbbcd_timestamp comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute flbbcd_timestamp instrument String instrument_flbbcd
attribute flbbcd_timestamp ioos_category String Time
attribute flbbcd_timestamp long_name String sci_flbbcd_timestamp
attribute flbbcd_timestamp observation_type String measured
attribute flbbcd_timestamp platform String platform
attribute flbbcd_timestamp processing_level int 2
attribute flbbcd_timestamp sensor String sci_flbbcd_timestamp
attribute flbbcd_timestamp source_sensor String sci_flbbcd_timestamp
attribute flbbcd_timestamp standard_name String time
attribute flbbcd_timestamp time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute flbbcd_timestamp type String f8
attribute flbbcd_timestamp units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable gps_latitude   double  
attribute gps_latitude _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute gps_latitude _FillValue double 9.969209968386869E36
attribute gps_latitude actual_range double 3942.7623, 4020.6137
attribute gps_latitude bytes int 8
attribute gps_latitude comment String GPS latitude. Units are degrees decimal minutes
attribute gps_latitude ioos_category String Other
attribute gps_latitude long_name String m_gps_lat
attribute gps_latitude observation_type String measured
attribute gps_latitude platform String platform
attribute gps_latitude processing_level int 2
attribute gps_latitude source_sensor String m_gps_lat
attribute gps_latitude units String lat
variable gps_longitude   double  
attribute gps_longitude _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute gps_longitude _FillValue double 9.969209968386869E36
attribute gps_longitude actual_range double -7403.6722, -7350.6124
attribute gps_longitude bytes int 8
attribute gps_longitude comment String GPS longitude. Units are degrees decimal minutes
attribute gps_longitude ioos_category String Other
attribute gps_longitude long_name String m_gps_lon
attribute gps_longitude observation_type String measured
attribute gps_longitude platform String platform
attribute gps_longitude processing_level int 2
attribute gps_longitude sensor String m_gps_lon
attribute gps_longitude source_sensor String m_gps_lon
attribute gps_longitude units String degrees decimal minutes
variable instrument_ctd   byte  
attribute instrument_ctd _FillValue byte 127
attribute instrument_ctd calibration_date String 2018-02-18
attribute instrument_ctd comment String Pumped
attribute instrument_ctd factory_calibrated String 2018-02-18
attribute instrument_ctd ioos_category String Identifier
attribute instrument_ctd long_name String CTD Metadata
attribute instrument_ctd maker String Sea-Bird Scientific
attribute instrument_ctd model String Sea-Bird Slocum Glider Payload {GPCTD} CTD
attribute instrument_ctd platform String platform
attribute instrument_ctd serial_number String 0103P
attribute instrument_ctd type String instrument
attribute instrument_ctd units String 1
variable instrument_flbbcdslk   int  
attribute instrument_flbbcdslk _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute instrument_flbbcdslk calibration_date String 2012-08-20
attribute instrument_flbbcdslk comment String Chlorophyll a,beta700nm,CDOM
attribute instrument_flbbcdslk factory_calibrated String 2012-08-20
attribute instrument_flbbcdslk ioos_category String Other
attribute instrument_flbbcdslk long_name String ECO Triplet Puck
attribute instrument_flbbcdslk maker String WET Labs,Sea-Bird Scientific
attribute instrument_flbbcdslk model String WETLabs ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLK scattering fluorescence sensor
attribute instrument_flbbcdslk platform String platform
attribute instrument_flbbcdslk serial_number String 2797
attribute instrument_flbbcdslk type String instrument
variable instrument_lisst   int  
attribute instrument_lisst _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute instrument_lisst comment String Measures particle size. In-house zscat performed 2019-09-23
attribute instrument_lisst ioos_category String Other
attribute instrument_lisst long_name String Sequoia Scientific LISST 200x
attribute instrument_lisst maker String Sequoia Scientific
attribute instrument_lisst model String LISST 200x
attribute instrument_lisst owner String RU-COOL
attribute instrument_lisst platform String platform
attribute instrument_lisst serial_number String 7003
attribute instrument_lisst type String instrument
attribute instrument_lisst user_calibrated String 2019-09-23
variable instrument_optode   int  
attribute instrument_optode _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute instrument_optode calibration_date String 2019-02-05
attribute instrument_optode factory_calibrated String 2019-02-05
attribute instrument_optode ioos_category String Other
attribute instrument_optode long_name String Oxygen Optode
attribute instrument_optode maker String Aanderaa Data Instruments AS
attribute instrument_optode model String Aanderaa Oxygen Optode 3835
attribute instrument_optode platform String platform
attribute instrument_optode serial_number String 0971
attribute instrument_optode type String instrument
attribute instrument_optode user_calibrated String 2019-09-23
variable lat_uv   double  
attribute lat_uv _FillValue double 9.96921E36
attribute lat_uv actual_range double 39.71239, 40.34346
attribute lat_uv colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute lat_uv colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute lat_uv comment String The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives.
attribute lat_uv ioos_category String Location
attribute lat_uv long_name String Depth-averaged Latitude
attribute lat_uv observation_type String calculated
attribute lat_uv platform String platform
attribute lat_uv processing_level int 2
attribute lat_uv standard_name String latitude
attribute lat_uv units String degrees_north
attribute lat_uv valid_max double 90.0
attribute lat_uv valid_min double -90.0
variable lisst_beamc   float  
attribute lisst_beamc _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute lisst_beamc _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute lisst_beamc actual_range float -1.0, 4.6
attribute lisst_beamc ancillary_variables String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_beamc bytes int 4
attribute lisst_beamc comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute lisst_beamc instrument String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_beamc ioos_category String Other
attribute lisst_beamc long_name String sci_lisst_beamc
attribute lisst_beamc observation_type String measured
attribute lisst_beamc platform String platform
attribute lisst_beamc processing_level int 2
attribute lisst_beamc sensor String sci_lisst_beamc
attribute lisst_beamc source_sensor String sci_lisst_beamc
attribute lisst_beamc standard_name String volume_beam_attenuation_coefficient_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water
attribute lisst_beamc type String f4
attribute lisst_beamc units String m-1
variable lisst_is_installed   byte  
attribute lisst_is_installed _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute lisst_is_installed _FillValue byte -127
attribute lisst_is_installed actual_range byte 1, 1
attribute lisst_is_installed ancillary_variables String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_is_installed bytes int 1
attribute lisst_is_installed comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute lisst_is_installed instrument String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_is_installed ioos_category String Other
attribute lisst_is_installed long_name String sci_lisst_is_installed
attribute lisst_is_installed observation_type String measured
attribute lisst_is_installed platform String platform
attribute lisst_is_installed processing_level int 2
attribute lisst_is_installed sensor String sci_lisst_is_installed
attribute lisst_is_installed source_sensor String sci_lisst_is_installed
attribute lisst_is_installed type String i1
attribute lisst_is_installed units String bool
variable lisst_meansize   float  
attribute lisst_meansize _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute lisst_meansize _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute lisst_meansize actual_range float 0.0, 479.0
attribute lisst_meansize ancillary_variables String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_meansize bytes int 4
attribute lisst_meansize comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute lisst_meansize instrument String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_meansize ioos_category String Other
attribute lisst_meansize long_name String sci_lisst_meansize
attribute lisst_meansize observation_type String measured
attribute lisst_meansize platform String platform
attribute lisst_meansize processing_level int 2
attribute lisst_meansize sensor String sci_lisst_meansize
attribute lisst_meansize source_sensor String sci_lisst_meansize
attribute lisst_meansize type String f4
attribute lisst_meansize units String um
variable lisst_num_fields_to_send   float  
attribute lisst_num_fields_to_send _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute lisst_num_fields_to_send _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute lisst_num_fields_to_send actual_range float 12.0, 12.0
attribute lisst_num_fields_to_send ancillary_variables String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_num_fields_to_send bytes int 4
attribute lisst_num_fields_to_send comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute lisst_num_fields_to_send instrument String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_num_fields_to_send ioos_category String Other
attribute lisst_num_fields_to_send long_name String c_lisst_num_fields_to_send
attribute lisst_num_fields_to_send observation_type String measured
attribute lisst_num_fields_to_send platform String platform
attribute lisst_num_fields_to_send processing_level int 2
attribute lisst_num_fields_to_send sensor String c_lisst_num_fields_to_send
attribute lisst_num_fields_to_send source_sensor String c_lisst_num_fields_to_send
attribute lisst_num_fields_to_send units String nodim
variable lisst_on   float  
attribute lisst_on _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute lisst_on _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute lisst_on actual_range float -1.0, 1.0
attribute lisst_on ancillary_variables String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_on bytes int 4
attribute lisst_on comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute lisst_on instrument String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_on ioos_category String Other
attribute lisst_on long_name String c_lisst_on
attribute lisst_on observation_type String measured
attribute lisst_on platform String platform
attribute lisst_on processing_level int 2
attribute lisst_on sensor String c_lisst_on
attribute lisst_on source_sensor String c_lisst_on
attribute lisst_on units String sec
variable lisst_qc_data1   float  
attribute lisst_qc_data1 _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute lisst_qc_data1 _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute lisst_qc_data1 actual_range float 0.0, 3320.0
attribute lisst_qc_data1 ancillary_variables String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_qc_data1 bytes int 4
attribute lisst_qc_data1 comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute lisst_qc_data1 instrument String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_qc_data1 ioos_category String Other
attribute lisst_qc_data1 long_name String sci_lisst_qc_data1
attribute lisst_qc_data1 observation_type String measured
attribute lisst_qc_data1 platform String platform
attribute lisst_qc_data1 processing_level int 2
attribute lisst_qc_data1 sensor String sci_lisst_qc_data1
attribute lisst_qc_data1 source_sensor String sci_lisst_qc_data1
attribute lisst_qc_data1 type String f4
attribute lisst_qc_data1 units String nodim
variable lisst_qc_data2   float  
attribute lisst_qc_data2 _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute lisst_qc_data2 _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute lisst_qc_data2 actual_range float 0.0, 1961.0
attribute lisst_qc_data2 ancillary_variables String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_qc_data2 bytes int 4
attribute lisst_qc_data2 comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute lisst_qc_data2 instrument String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_qc_data2 ioos_category String Other
attribute lisst_qc_data2 long_name String sci_lisst_qc_data2
attribute lisst_qc_data2 observation_type String measured
attribute lisst_qc_data2 platform String platform
attribute lisst_qc_data2 processing_level int 2
attribute lisst_qc_data2 sensor String sci_lisst_qc_data2
attribute lisst_qc_data2 source_sensor String sci_lisst_qc_data2
attribute lisst_qc_data2 type String f4
attribute lisst_qc_data2 units String nodim
variable lisst_qc_data3   float  
attribute lisst_qc_data3 _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute lisst_qc_data3 _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute lisst_qc_data3 actual_range float 0.0, 2233.0
attribute lisst_qc_data3 ancillary_variables String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_qc_data3 bytes int 4
attribute lisst_qc_data3 comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute lisst_qc_data3 instrument String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_qc_data3 ioos_category String Other
attribute lisst_qc_data3 long_name String sci_lisst_qc_data3
attribute lisst_qc_data3 observation_type String measured
attribute lisst_qc_data3 platform String platform
attribute lisst_qc_data3 processing_level int 2
attribute lisst_qc_data3 sensor String sci_lisst_qc_data3
attribute lisst_qc_data3 source_sensor String sci_lisst_qc_data3
attribute lisst_qc_data3 type String f4
attribute lisst_qc_data3 units String nodim
variable lisst_qc_data4   float  
attribute lisst_qc_data4 _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute lisst_qc_data4 _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute lisst_qc_data4 actual_range float 0.0, 4075.0
attribute lisst_qc_data4 ancillary_variables String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_qc_data4 bytes int 4
attribute lisst_qc_data4 comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute lisst_qc_data4 instrument String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_qc_data4 ioos_category String Other
attribute lisst_qc_data4 long_name String sci_lisst_qc_data4
attribute lisst_qc_data4 observation_type String measured
attribute lisst_qc_data4 platform String platform
attribute lisst_qc_data4 processing_level int 2
attribute lisst_qc_data4 sensor String sci_lisst_qc_data4
attribute lisst_qc_data4 source_sensor String sci_lisst_qc_data4
attribute lisst_qc_data4 type String f4
attribute lisst_qc_data4 units String nodim
variable lisst_qc_flag   float  
attribute lisst_qc_flag _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute lisst_qc_flag _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute lisst_qc_flag actual_range float 0.0, 11.0
attribute lisst_qc_flag ancillary_variables String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_qc_flag bytes int 4
attribute lisst_qc_flag comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute lisst_qc_flag instrument String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_qc_flag ioos_category String Other
attribute lisst_qc_flag long_name String sci_lisst_qc_flag
attribute lisst_qc_flag observation_type String measured
attribute lisst_qc_flag platform String platform
attribute lisst_qc_flag processing_level int 2
attribute lisst_qc_flag sensor String sci_lisst_qc_flag
attribute lisst_qc_flag source_sensor String sci_lisst_qc_flag
attribute lisst_qc_flag type String f4
attribute lisst_qc_flag units String nodim
variable lisst_raw_lref   float  
attribute lisst_raw_lref _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute lisst_raw_lref _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute lisst_raw_lref actual_range float 0.0, 1253.0
attribute lisst_raw_lref ancillary_variables String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_raw_lref bytes int 4
attribute lisst_raw_lref comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute lisst_raw_lref instrument String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_raw_lref ioos_category String Other
attribute lisst_raw_lref long_name String sci_lisst_raw_lref
attribute lisst_raw_lref observation_type String measured
attribute lisst_raw_lref platform String platform
attribute lisst_raw_lref processing_level int 2
attribute lisst_raw_lref sensor String sci_lisst_raw_lref
attribute lisst_raw_lref source_sensor String sci_lisst_raw_lref
attribute lisst_raw_lref type String f4
attribute lisst_raw_lref units String nodim
variable lisst_rbn1_file   float  
attribute lisst_rbn1_file _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute lisst_rbn1_file _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute lisst_rbn1_file actual_range float 0.0, 2981640.0
attribute lisst_rbn1_file ancillary_variables String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_rbn1_file bytes int 4
attribute lisst_rbn1_file comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute lisst_rbn1_file instrument String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_rbn1_file ioos_category String Other
attribute lisst_rbn1_file long_name String sci_lisst_rbn1_file
attribute lisst_rbn1_file observation_type String measured
attribute lisst_rbn1_file platform String platform
attribute lisst_rbn1_file processing_level int 2
attribute lisst_rbn1_file sensor String sci_lisst_rbn1_file
attribute lisst_rbn1_file source_sensor String sci_lisst_rbn1_file
attribute lisst_rbn1_file type String f4
attribute lisst_rbn1_file units String nodim
variable lisst_rbn2_index   float  
attribute lisst_rbn2_index _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute lisst_rbn2_index _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute lisst_rbn2_index actual_range float 0.0, 276.0
attribute lisst_rbn2_index ancillary_variables String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_rbn2_index bytes int 4
attribute lisst_rbn2_index comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute lisst_rbn2_index instrument String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_rbn2_index ioos_category String Other
attribute lisst_rbn2_index long_name String sci_lisst_rbn2_index
attribute lisst_rbn2_index observation_type String measured
attribute lisst_rbn2_index platform String platform
attribute lisst_rbn2_index processing_level int 2
attribute lisst_rbn2_index sensor String sci_lisst_rbn2_index
attribute lisst_rbn2_index source_sensor String sci_lisst_rbn2_index
attribute lisst_rbn2_index type String f4
attribute lisst_rbn2_index units String nodim
variable lisst_timestamp   double  
attribute lisst_timestamp _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute lisst_timestamp actual_range double 0.0, 1.5720224157813897E9
attribute lisst_timestamp ancillary_variables String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_timestamp axis String T
attribute lisst_timestamp bytes int 8
attribute lisst_timestamp calendar String gregorian
attribute lisst_timestamp comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute lisst_timestamp instrument String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_timestamp ioos_category String Time
attribute lisst_timestamp long_name String sci_lisst_timestamp
attribute lisst_timestamp observation_type String measured
attribute lisst_timestamp platform String platform
attribute lisst_timestamp processing_level int 2
attribute lisst_timestamp sensor String sci_lisst_timestamp
attribute lisst_timestamp source_sensor String sci_lisst_timestamp
attribute lisst_timestamp standard_name String time
attribute lisst_timestamp time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute lisst_timestamp type String f8
attribute lisst_timestamp units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable lisst_totvol   float  
attribute lisst_totvol _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute lisst_totvol _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute lisst_totvol actual_range float 0.0, 264.3
attribute lisst_totvol ancillary_variables String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_totvol bytes int 4
attribute lisst_totvol comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute lisst_totvol instrument String instrument_lisst
attribute lisst_totvol ioos_category String Other
attribute lisst_totvol long_name String sci_lisst_totvol
attribute lisst_totvol observation_type String measured
attribute lisst_totvol platform String platform
attribute lisst_totvol processing_level int 2
attribute lisst_totvol sensor String sci_lisst_totvol
attribute lisst_totvol source_sensor String sci_lisst_totvol
attribute lisst_totvol type String f4
attribute lisst_totvol units String ul/l
variable lon_uv   double  
attribute lon_uv _FillValue double 9.96921E36
attribute lon_uv actual_range double -74.06153, -73.84374
attribute lon_uv colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute lon_uv colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute lon_uv comment String The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives.
attribute lon_uv ioos_category String Location
attribute lon_uv long_name String Depth-averaged Longitude
attribute lon_uv observation_type String calculated
attribute lon_uv platform String platform
attribute lon_uv processing_level int 2
attribute lon_uv standard_name String longitude
attribute lon_uv units String degrees_east
attribute lon_uv valid_max double 180.0
attribute lon_uv valid_min double -180.0
variable measured_altitude   float  
attribute measured_altitude _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_altitude _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_altitude actual_range float 0.0, 13.0647
attribute measured_altitude bytes int 4
attribute measured_altitude comment String Height of the glider above the seafloor as measured by the altimeter
attribute measured_altitude ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_altitude long_name String Glider Altitude Above the Seafloor
attribute measured_altitude observation_type String measured
attribute measured_altitude platform String platform
attribute measured_altitude processing_level int 2
attribute measured_altitude sensor String m_altitude
attribute measured_altitude source_sensor String m_altitude
attribute measured_altitude type String f4
attribute measured_altitude units String m
variable measured_appear_to_be_at_surface   byte  
attribute measured_appear_to_be_at_surface _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_appear_to_be_at_surface _FillValue byte -127
attribute measured_appear_to_be_at_surface actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute measured_appear_to_be_at_surface bytes int 1
attribute measured_appear_to_be_at_surface comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_appear_to_be_at_surface ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_appear_to_be_at_surface long_name String m_appear_to_be_at_surface
attribute measured_appear_to_be_at_surface observation_type String measured
attribute measured_appear_to_be_at_surface platform String platform
attribute measured_appear_to_be_at_surface processing_level int 2
attribute measured_appear_to_be_at_surface sensor String m_appear_to_be_at_surface
attribute measured_appear_to_be_at_surface source_sensor String m_appear_to_be_at_surface
attribute measured_appear_to_be_at_surface units String bool
variable measured_coulomb_amphr   float  
attribute measured_coulomb_amphr _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_coulomb_amphr _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_coulomb_amphr actual_range float 0.19475, 32.8177
attribute measured_coulomb_amphr bytes int 4
attribute measured_coulomb_amphr comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_coulomb_amphr ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_coulomb_amphr long_name String m_coulomb_amphr
attribute measured_coulomb_amphr observation_type String measured
attribute measured_coulomb_amphr platform String platform
attribute measured_coulomb_amphr processing_level int 2
attribute measured_coulomb_amphr sensor String m_coulomb_amphr
attribute measured_coulomb_amphr source_sensor String m_coulomb_amphr
attribute measured_coulomb_amphr units String amp-hrs
variable measured_depth   float  
attribute measured_depth _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_depth _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_depth actual_range float 0.0, 25.2343
attribute measured_depth bytes int 4
attribute measured_depth comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_depth ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_depth long_name String m_depth
attribute measured_depth observation_type String measured
attribute measured_depth platform String platform
attribute measured_depth processing_level int 2
attribute measured_depth sensor String m_depth
attribute measured_depth source_sensor String m_depth
attribute measured_depth units String m
variable measured_fin   float  
attribute measured_fin _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_fin _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_fin actual_range float -0.416819, 0.413184
attribute measured_fin bytes int 4
attribute measured_fin comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_fin ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_fin long_name String m_fin
attribute measured_fin observation_type String measured
attribute measured_fin platform String platform
attribute measured_fin processing_level int 2
attribute measured_fin sensor String m_fin
attribute measured_fin source_sensor String m_fin
attribute measured_fin units String rad
variable measured_gps_full_status   byte  
attribute measured_gps_full_status _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_gps_full_status _FillValue byte -127
attribute measured_gps_full_status actual_range byte 0, 7
attribute measured_gps_full_status bytes int 1
attribute measured_gps_full_status comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_gps_full_status ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_gps_full_status long_name String m_gps_full_status
attribute measured_gps_full_status observation_type String measured
attribute measured_gps_full_status platform String platform
attribute measured_gps_full_status processing_level int 2
attribute measured_gps_full_status sensor String m_gps_full_status
attribute measured_gps_full_status source_sensor String m_gps_full_status
attribute measured_gps_full_status units String enum
variable measured_gps_status   byte  
attribute measured_gps_status _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_gps_status _FillValue byte -127
attribute measured_gps_status actual_range byte 0, 3
attribute measured_gps_status bytes int 1
attribute measured_gps_status comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_gps_status ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_gps_status long_name String m_gps_status
attribute measured_gps_status observation_type String measured
attribute measured_gps_status platform String platform
attribute measured_gps_status processing_level int 2
attribute measured_gps_status sensor String m_gps_status
attribute measured_gps_status source_sensor String m_gps_status
attribute measured_gps_status units String enum
variable measured_heading   float  
attribute measured_heading _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_heading _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_heading actual_range float 0.00523599, 6.27097
attribute measured_heading bytes int 4
attribute measured_heading comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_heading ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_heading long_name String m_heading
attribute measured_heading observation_type String measured
attribute measured_heading platform String platform
attribute measured_heading processing_level int 2
attribute measured_heading sensor String m_heading
attribute measured_heading source_sensor String m_heading
attribute measured_heading units String rad
variable measured_iridium_call_num   float  
attribute measured_iridium_call_num _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_iridium_call_num _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_iridium_call_num actual_range float 7527.0, 7527.0
attribute measured_iridium_call_num bytes int 4
attribute measured_iridium_call_num comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_iridium_call_num ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_iridium_call_num long_name String m_iridium_call_num
attribute measured_iridium_call_num observation_type String measured
attribute measured_iridium_call_num platform String platform
attribute measured_iridium_call_num processing_level int 2
attribute measured_iridium_call_num sensor String m_iridium_call_num
attribute measured_iridium_call_num source_sensor String m_iridium_call_num
attribute measured_iridium_call_num units String nodim
variable measured_iridium_redials   float  
attribute measured_iridium_redials _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_iridium_redials _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_iridium_redials actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute measured_iridium_redials bytes int 4
attribute measured_iridium_redials comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_iridium_redials ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_iridium_redials long_name String m_iridium_redials
attribute measured_iridium_redials observation_type String measured
attribute measured_iridium_redials platform String platform
attribute measured_iridium_redials processing_level int 2
attribute measured_iridium_redials sensor String m_iridium_redials
attribute measured_iridium_redials source_sensor String m_iridium_redials
attribute measured_iridium_redials units String nodim
variable measured_iridium_signal_strength   float  
attribute measured_iridium_signal_strength _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_iridium_signal_strength _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_iridium_signal_strength actual_range float 1.0, 5.0
attribute measured_iridium_signal_strength bytes int 4
attribute measured_iridium_signal_strength comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_iridium_signal_strength ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_iridium_signal_strength long_name String m_iridium_signal_strength
attribute measured_iridium_signal_strength observation_type String measured
attribute measured_iridium_signal_strength platform String platform
attribute measured_iridium_signal_strength processing_level int 2
attribute measured_iridium_signal_strength sensor String m_iridium_signal_strength
attribute measured_iridium_signal_strength source_sensor String m_iridium_signal_strength
attribute measured_iridium_signal_strength units String nodim
variable measured_pitch   float  
attribute measured_pitch _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_pitch _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_pitch actual_range float -1.03323, 0.968658
attribute measured_pitch bytes int 4
attribute measured_pitch comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_pitch ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_pitch long_name String m_pitch
attribute measured_pitch observation_type String measured
attribute measured_pitch platform String platform
attribute measured_pitch processing_level int 2
attribute measured_pitch sensor String m_pitch
attribute measured_pitch source_sensor String m_pitch
attribute measured_pitch type String f4
attribute measured_pitch units String rad
variable measured_present_time   double  
attribute measured_present_time _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_present_time actual_range double 1.57202169321637E9, 1.57238884759515E9
attribute measured_present_time axis String T
attribute measured_present_time bytes int 8
attribute measured_present_time calendar String gregorian
attribute measured_present_time comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_present_time ioos_category String Time
attribute measured_present_time long_name String m_present_time
attribute measured_present_time observation_type String measured
attribute measured_present_time platform String platform
attribute measured_present_time processing_level int 2
attribute measured_present_time sensor String m_present_time
attribute measured_present_time source_sensor String m_present_time
attribute measured_present_time standard_name String time
attribute measured_present_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute measured_present_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute measured_present_time valid_max double 2.147483647E9
attribute measured_present_time valid_min double 0.0
variable measured_pressure   float  
attribute measured_pressure _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_pressure _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_pressure actual_range float -0.025673, 2.52343
attribute measured_pressure bytes int 4
attribute measured_pressure comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_pressure ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_pressure long_name String m_pressure
attribute measured_pressure observation_type String measured
attribute measured_pressure platform String platform
attribute measured_pressure processing_level int 2
attribute measured_pressure sensor String m_pressure
attribute measured_pressure source_sensor String m_pressure
attribute measured_pressure units String bar
variable measured_roll   float  
attribute measured_roll _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_roll _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_roll actual_range float -0.675442, 0.181514
attribute measured_roll bytes int 4
attribute measured_roll comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_roll ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_roll long_name String m_roll
attribute measured_roll observation_type String measured
attribute measured_roll platform String platform
attribute measured_roll processing_level int 2
attribute measured_roll sensor String m_roll
attribute measured_roll source_sensor String m_roll
attribute measured_roll type String f4
attribute measured_roll units String rad
variable measured_science_clothesline_lag   float  
attribute measured_science_clothesline_lag _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_science_clothesline_lag _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_science_clothesline_lag actual_range float -0.908478, 8.07983
attribute measured_science_clothesline_lag bytes int 4
attribute measured_science_clothesline_lag comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_science_clothesline_lag ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_science_clothesline_lag long_name String m_science_clothesline_lag
attribute measured_science_clothesline_lag observation_type String measured
attribute measured_science_clothesline_lag platform String platform
attribute measured_science_clothesline_lag processing_level int 2
attribute measured_science_clothesline_lag sensor String m_science_clothesline_lag
attribute measured_science_clothesline_lag source_sensor String m_science_clothesline_lag
attribute measured_science_clothesline_lag type String f4
attribute measured_science_clothesline_lag units String s
variable measured_vacuum   float  
attribute measured_vacuum _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_vacuum _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_vacuum actual_range float 6.21192, 7.99178
attribute measured_vacuum bytes int 4
attribute measured_vacuum comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_vacuum ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_vacuum long_name String m_vacuum
attribute measured_vacuum observation_type String measured
attribute measured_vacuum platform String platform
attribute measured_vacuum processing_level int 2
attribute measured_vacuum sensor String m_vacuum
attribute measured_vacuum source_sensor String m_vacuum
attribute measured_vacuum units String inHg
variable measured_water_depth   float  
attribute measured_water_depth _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_water_depth _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_water_depth actual_range float -1.0, 27.407
attribute measured_water_depth ancillary_variables String instrument_ctd
attribute measured_water_depth bytes int 4
attribute measured_water_depth comment String CTD depth plus altitude off the bottom
attribute measured_water_depth instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute measured_water_depth ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_water_depth long_name String m_water_depth
attribute measured_water_depth observation_type String measured
attribute measured_water_depth platform String platform
attribute measured_water_depth processing_level int 2
attribute measured_water_depth sensor String m_water_depth
attribute measured_water_depth source_sensor String m_water_depth
attribute measured_water_depth standard_name String sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface
attribute measured_water_depth type String f4
attribute measured_water_depth units String m
variable measured_water_vx   float  
attribute measured_water_vx _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_water_vx _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_water_vx actual_range float -0.0670089, 0.101157
attribute measured_water_vx ancillary_variables String instrument_ctd
attribute measured_water_vx bytes int 4
attribute measured_water_vx comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_water_vx instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute measured_water_vx ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_water_vx long_name String m_water_vx
attribute measured_water_vx observation_type String measured
attribute measured_water_vx platform String platform
attribute measured_water_vx processing_level int 2
attribute measured_water_vx sensor String m_water_vx
attribute measured_water_vx source_sensor String m_water_vx
attribute measured_water_vx units String m/s
variable measured_water_vy   float  
attribute measured_water_vy _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute measured_water_vy _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute measured_water_vy actual_range float -0.167176, 0.183279
attribute measured_water_vy ancillary_variables String instrument_ctd
attribute measured_water_vy bytes int 4
attribute measured_water_vy comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute measured_water_vy instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute measured_water_vy ioos_category String Other
attribute measured_water_vy long_name String m_water_vy
attribute measured_water_vy observation_type String measured
attribute measured_water_vy platform String platform
attribute measured_water_vy processing_level int 2
attribute measured_water_vy sensor String m_water_vy
attribute measured_water_vy source_sensor String m_water_vy
attribute measured_water_vy units String m/s
variable oxy3835_num_fields_to_send   float  
attribute oxy3835_num_fields_to_send _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_num_fields_to_send _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute oxy3835_num_fields_to_send actual_range float 3.0, 3.0
attribute oxy3835_num_fields_to_send ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_num_fields_to_send bytes int 4
attribute oxy3835_num_fields_to_send comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_num_fields_to_send instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_num_fields_to_send ioos_category String Other
attribute oxy3835_num_fields_to_send long_name String c_oxy3835_num_fields_to_send
attribute oxy3835_num_fields_to_send observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_num_fields_to_send platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_num_fields_to_send processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_num_fields_to_send sensor String c_oxy3835_num_fields_to_send
attribute oxy3835_num_fields_to_send source_sensor String c_oxy3835_num_fields_to_send
attribute oxy3835_num_fields_to_send units String nodim
variable oxy3835_on   float  
attribute oxy3835_on _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_on _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute oxy3835_on actual_range float -1.0, -1.0
attribute oxy3835_on ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_on bytes int 4
attribute oxy3835_on comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_on instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_on ioos_category String Other
attribute oxy3835_on long_name String c_oxy3835_on
attribute oxy3835_on observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_on platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_on processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_on sensor String c_oxy3835_on
attribute oxy3835_on source_sensor String c_oxy3835_on
attribute oxy3835_on units String sec
variable oxy3835_wphase_bamp   float  
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp actual_range float 0.0, 402.3
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp bytes int 4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp ioos_category String Other
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp long_name String sci_oxy3835_wphase_bamp
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_bamp
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp source_sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_bamp
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp type String f4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bamp units String nodim
variable oxy3835_wphase_bphase   float  
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase actual_range float 0.0, 33.35
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase bytes int 4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase ioos_category String Other
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase long_name String sci_oxy3835_wphase_bphase
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_bphase
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase source_sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_bphase
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase type String f4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bphase units String nodim
variable oxy3835_wphase_bpot   float  
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot actual_range float 0.0, 123.0
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot bytes int 4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot ioos_category String Other
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot long_name String sci_oxy3835_wphase_bpot
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_bpot
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot source_sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_bpot
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot type String f4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_bpot units String nodim
variable oxy3835_wphase_dphase   float  
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase actual_range float 0.0, 36.33
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase bytes int 4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase ioos_category String Other
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase long_name String sci_oxy3835_wphase_dphase
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_dphase
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase source_sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_dphase
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase type String f4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_dphase units String nodim
variable oxy3835_wphase_is_installed   byte  
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed _FillValue byte -127
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed actual_range byte 1, 1
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed bytes int 1
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed ioos_category String Other
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed long_name String sci_oxy3835_wphase_is_installed
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_is_installed
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed source_sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_is_installed
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed type String i1
attribute oxy3835_wphase_is_installed units String bool
variable oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send   float  
attribute oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send actual_range float 11.0, 11.0
attribute oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send bytes int 4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send ioos_category String Other
attribute oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send long_name String c_oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send
attribute oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send sensor String c_oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send
attribute oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send source_sensor String c_oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send
attribute oxy3835_wphase_num_fields_to_send units String nodim
variable oxy3835_wphase_on   float  
attribute oxy3835_wphase_on _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_wphase_on _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute oxy3835_wphase_on actual_range float -1.0, 1.0
attribute oxy3835_wphase_on ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_on bytes int 4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_on comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_wphase_on instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_on ioos_category String Other
attribute oxy3835_wphase_on long_name String c_oxy3835_wphase_on
attribute oxy3835_wphase_on observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_wphase_on platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_wphase_on processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_wphase_on sensor String c_oxy3835_wphase_on
attribute oxy3835_wphase_on source_sensor String c_oxy3835_wphase_on
attribute oxy3835_wphase_on units String sec
variable oxy3835_wphase_oxygen   float  
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen actual_range float 0.0, 288.92
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen bytes int 4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen ioos_category String Other
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen long_name String sci_oxy3835_wphase_oxygen
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_oxygen
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen source_sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_oxygen
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen standard_name String mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen type String f4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_oxygen units String micromoles L-1
variable oxy3835_wphase_ramp   float  
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp bytes int 4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp ioos_category String Other
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp long_name String sci_oxy3835_wphase_ramp
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_ramp
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp source_sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_ramp
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp type String f4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_ramp units String nodim
variable oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp   float  
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp actual_range float 0.0, 187.13
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp bytes int 4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp ioos_category String Other
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp long_name String sci_oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp source_sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp type String f4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rawtemp units String nodim
variable oxy3835_wphase_rphase   float  
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rphase _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rphase _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rphase actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rphase ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rphase bytes int 4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rphase comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rphase instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rphase ioos_category String Other
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attribute oxy3835_wphase_rphase observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rphase platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rphase processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rphase sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_rphase
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rphase source_sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_rphase
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rphase type String f4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_rphase units String nodim
variable oxy3835_wphase_saturation   float  
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation actual_range float 0.0, 114.25
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation bytes int 4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation ioos_category String Other
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation long_name String sci_oxy3835_wphase_saturation
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_saturation
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation source_sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_saturation
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation standard_name String fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation type String f4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_saturation units String nodim
variable oxy3835_wphase_temp   float  
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp actual_range float 0.0, 16.82
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp bytes int 4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp ioos_category String Other
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp long_name String sci_oxy3835_wphase_temp
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_temp
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp source_sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_temp
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp standard_name String temperature_of_sensor_for_oxygen_in_sea_water
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp type String f4
attribute oxy3835_wphase_temp units String degree_C
variable oxy3835_wphase_timestamp   double  
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp actual_range double 0.0, 1.57238884677902E9
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp ancillary_variables String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp axis String T
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp bytes int 8
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp calendar String gregorian
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp instrument String instrument_optode
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp ioos_category String Time
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp long_name String sci_oxy3835_wphase_timestamp
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp observation_type String measured
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp platform String platform
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp processing_level int 2
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_timestamp
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp source_sensor String sci_oxy3835_wphase_timestamp
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp standard_name String time
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp type String f8
attribute oxy3835_wphase_timestamp units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable platform_meta   byte  
attribute platform_meta _FillValue byte 127
attribute platform_meta depth_rating String 30m
attribute platform_meta glider_type String Teledyne Webb Research Slocum G2 glider
attribute platform_meta id String ru28
attribute platform_meta instruments String instrument_ctd,instrument_flbbcd,instrument_optode,instrument_lisst,instrument_svs
attribute platform_meta ioos_category String Identifier
attribute platform_meta long_name String Platform Metadata
attribute platform_meta os_version String 8.0
attribute platform_meta processing_level int 2
attribute platform_meta type String platform
attribute platform_meta units String 1
attribute platform_meta wmo_id String 4801925
variable potential_temperature   float  
attribute potential_temperature _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute potential_temperature _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute potential_temperature actual_range float 15.82107, 16.80836
attribute potential_temperature ancillary_variables String instrument_ctd
attribute potential_temperature ioos_category String Other
attribute potential_temperature long_name String Potential Temperature
attribute potential_temperature observation_type String calculated
attribute potential_temperature processing_level int 2
attribute potential_temperature standard_name String sea_water_potential_temperature
attribute potential_temperature units String degree_C
attribute potential_temperature valid_max float 0.0
attribute potential_temperature valid_min float 40.0
variable precise_lat   double  
attribute precise_lat _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute precise_lat _FillValue double 9.969209968386869E36
attribute precise_lat actual_range double 39.71234199376807, 40.343561666666666
attribute precise_lat axis String Y
attribute precise_lat bytes int 8
attribute precise_lat colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute precise_lat colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute precise_lat comment String Interpolated latitude at each point in the time-series
attribute precise_lat coordinate_reference_frame String urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326
attribute precise_lat ioos_category String Location
attribute precise_lat long_name String Precise Latitude
attribute precise_lat observation_type String calculated
attribute precise_lat platform String platform
attribute precise_lat precision int 5
attribute precise_lat processing_level int 2
attribute precise_lat reference String WGS84
attribute precise_lat source_sensor String m_gps_lat
attribute precise_lat standard_name String latitude
attribute precise_lat units String degree_north
attribute precise_lat valid_max double 90.0
attribute precise_lat valid_min double -90.0
variable precise_lon   double  
attribute precise_lon _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute precise_lon _FillValue double 9.969209968386869E36
attribute precise_lon actual_range double -74.06158031770579, -73.84354
attribute precise_lon axis String X
attribute precise_lon bytes int 8
attribute precise_lon colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute precise_lon colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute precise_lon comment String Interpolated longitude at each point in the time-series
attribute precise_lon coordinate_reference_frame String urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326
attribute precise_lon ioos_category String Location
attribute precise_lon long_name String Precise Longitude
attribute precise_lon observation_type String calculated
attribute precise_lon platform String platform
attribute precise_lon precision int 5
attribute precise_lon processing_level int 2
attribute precise_lon reference String WGS84
attribute precise_lon source_sensor String m_gps_lon
attribute precise_lon standard_name String longitude
attribute precise_lon units String degree_east
attribute precise_lon valid_max double 180.0
attribute precise_lon valid_min double -180.0
variable precise_time   double  
attribute precise_time _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute precise_time actual_range double 1.57202169321637E9, 1.57238884759515E9
attribute precise_time axis String T
attribute precise_time bytes int 8
attribute precise_time calendar String gregorian
attribute precise_time comment String Timestamp at each point in the time-series
attribute precise_time ioos_category String Time
attribute precise_time long_name String Precise Time
attribute precise_time observation_type String measured
attribute precise_time processing_level int 2
attribute precise_time source_sensor String m_present_time
attribute precise_time standard_name String time
attribute precise_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute precise_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute precise_time valid_max double 2.147483647E9
attribute precise_time valid_min double 0.0
variable pressure   float  
attribute pressure _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute pressure _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute pressure actual_range float -0.06, 24.96
attribute pressure ancillary_variables String instrument_ctd pressure_qartod_flat_line_test pressure_qartod_gross_range_test pressure_qartod_pressure_test pressure_qartod_spike_test pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test pressure_qartod_summary_flag
attribute pressure axis String Z
attribute pressure bytes int 4
attribute pressure colorBarMaximum double 2000.0
attribute pressure colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute pressure comment String Converted from bar to decibar
attribute pressure instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute pressure ioos_category String Pressure
attribute pressure long_name String Sea Water Pressure
attribute pressure observation_type String measured
attribute pressure platform String platform
attribute pressure positive String down
attribute pressure precision int 2
attribute pressure processing_level int 2
attribute pressure reference_datum String sea-surface
attribute pressure sensor String sci_water_pressure
attribute pressure source_sensor String sci_water_pressure
attribute pressure standard_name String sea_water_pressure
attribute pressure units String decibar
attribute pressure valid_max float 2000.0
attribute pressure valid_min float 0.0
variable pressure_qartod_flat_line_test   int  
attribute pressure_qartod_flat_line_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute pressure_qartod_flat_line_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute pressure_qartod_flat_line_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute pressure_qartod_flat_line_test flag_configurations String {'tolerance': 0.002, 'suspect_threshold': 120, 'fail_threshold': 300}
attribute pressure_qartod_flat_line_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute pressure_qartod_flat_line_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute pressure_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_category String Other
attribute pressure_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute pressure_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_qc_target String pressure
attribute pressure_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_qc_test String flat_line_test
attribute pressure_qartod_flat_line_test long_name String Flat Line Test Quality Flag
attribute pressure_qartod_flat_line_test standard_name String flat_line_test_quality_flag
attribute pressure_qartod_flat_line_test valid_max int 9
attribute pressure_qartod_flat_line_test valid_min int 1
variable pressure_qartod_gross_range_test   int  
attribute pressure_qartod_gross_range_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute pressure_qartod_gross_range_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute pressure_qartod_gross_range_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute pressure_qartod_gross_range_test comment String Glider depth rating (m) in flag_configurations converted to pressure (dbar) from pressure and profile_lat using gsw.p_from_z
attribute pressure_qartod_gross_range_test flag_configurations String {'fail_span': [0, 30]}
attribute pressure_qartod_gross_range_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute pressure_qartod_gross_range_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute pressure_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_category String Other
attribute pressure_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute pressure_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_qc_target String pressure
attribute pressure_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_qc_test String gross_range_test
attribute pressure_qartod_gross_range_test long_name String Gross Range Test Quality Flag
attribute pressure_qartod_gross_range_test standard_name String gross_range_test_quality_flag
attribute pressure_qartod_gross_range_test valid_max int 9
attribute pressure_qartod_gross_range_test valid_min int 1
variable pressure_qartod_pressure_test   int  
attribute pressure_qartod_pressure_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute pressure_qartod_pressure_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute pressure_qartod_pressure_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute pressure_qartod_pressure_test flag_configurations String {'suspect_threshold': 0}
attribute pressure_qartod_pressure_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute pressure_qartod_pressure_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute pressure_qartod_pressure_test ioos_category String Other
attribute pressure_qartod_pressure_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute pressure_qartod_pressure_test ioos_qc_target String pressure
attribute pressure_qartod_pressure_test ioos_qc_test String pressure_test
attribute pressure_qartod_pressure_test long_name String Pressure Test Quality Flag
attribute pressure_qartod_pressure_test standard_name String pressure_test_quality_flag
attribute pressure_qartod_pressure_test valid_max int 9
attribute pressure_qartod_pressure_test valid_min int 1
variable pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test   int  
attribute pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test flag_configurations String {'threshold': 0.45}
attribute pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_category String Other
attribute pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_qc_target String pressure
attribute pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_qc_test String rate_of_change_test
attribute pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test long_name String Rate Of Change Test Quality Flag
attribute pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test standard_name String rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
attribute pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test valid_max int 9
attribute pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test valid_min int 1
variable pressure_qartod_spike_test   int  
attribute pressure_qartod_spike_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute pressure_qartod_spike_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute pressure_qartod_spike_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute pressure_qartod_spike_test flag_configurations String {'suspect_threshold': 0.2, 'fail_threshold': 0.45}
attribute pressure_qartod_spike_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute pressure_qartod_spike_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute pressure_qartod_spike_test ioos_category String Other
attribute pressure_qartod_spike_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute pressure_qartod_spike_test ioos_qc_target String pressure
attribute pressure_qartod_spike_test ioos_qc_test String spike_test
attribute pressure_qartod_spike_test long_name String Spike Test Quality Flag
attribute pressure_qartod_spike_test standard_name String spike_test_quality_flag
attribute pressure_qartod_spike_test valid_max int 9
attribute pressure_qartod_spike_test valid_min int 1
variable pressure_qartod_summary_flag   int  
attribute pressure_qartod_summary_flag _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute pressure_qartod_summary_flag _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute pressure_qartod_summary_flag actual_range int 1, 9
attribute pressure_qartod_summary_flag ancillary_variables String pressure_qartod_flat_line_test pressure_qartod_gross_range_test pressure_qartod_pressure_test pressure_qartod_spike_test pressure_qartod_rate_of_change_test
attribute pressure_qartod_summary_flag comment String Highest QARTOD flag value for pressure, excluding 2/not evaluated. Excludes climatology test.
attribute pressure_qartod_summary_flag flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute pressure_qartod_summary_flag flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute pressure_qartod_summary_flag ioos_category String Other
attribute pressure_qartod_summary_flag ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute pressure_qartod_summary_flag ioos_qc_target String pressure
attribute pressure_qartod_summary_flag long_name String QARTOD Summary Quality Flag
attribute pressure_qartod_summary_flag standard_name String qartod_summary_quality_flag
attribute pressure_qartod_summary_flag valid_max int 9
attribute pressure_qartod_summary_flag valid_min int 1
variable salinity   float  
attribute salinity _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute salinity _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute salinity actual_range float 29.64861, 33.1671
attribute salinity ancillary_variables String instrument_ctd salinity_qartod_flat_line_test salinity_qartod_climatology_test salinity_qartod_spike_test salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test conductivity_hysteresis_test temperature_hysteresis_test salinity_qartod_summary_flag
attribute salinity colorBarMaximum double 37.0
attribute salinity colorBarMinimum double 30.0
attribute salinity instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute salinity ioos_category String Salinity
attribute salinity long_name String Sea Water Practical Salinity
attribute salinity observation_type String calculated
attribute salinity processing_level int 2
attribute salinity standard_name String sea_water_practical_salinity
attribute salinity units String 1
attribute salinity valid_max float 0.0
attribute salinity valid_min float 40.0
variable salinity_qartod_climatology_test   int  
attribute salinity_qartod_climatology_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute salinity_qartod_climatology_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute salinity_qartod_climatology_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute salinity_qartod_climatology_test flag_configurations String {'suspect_span': [29, 37], 'fail_span': None}
attribute salinity_qartod_climatology_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute salinity_qartod_climatology_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute salinity_qartod_climatology_test ioos_category String Other
attribute salinity_qartod_climatology_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute salinity_qartod_climatology_test ioos_qc_target String salinity
attribute salinity_qartod_climatology_test ioos_qc_test String climatology_test
attribute salinity_qartod_climatology_test long_name String Climatology Test Quality Flag
attribute salinity_qartod_climatology_test standard_name String climatology_test_quality_flag
attribute salinity_qartod_climatology_test valid_max int 9
attribute salinity_qartod_climatology_test valid_min int 1
variable salinity_qartod_flat_line_test   int  
attribute salinity_qartod_flat_line_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute salinity_qartod_flat_line_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute salinity_qartod_flat_line_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute salinity_qartod_flat_line_test flag_configurations String {'tolerance': 0.0001, 'suspect_threshold': 120, 'fail_threshold': 300}
attribute salinity_qartod_flat_line_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute salinity_qartod_flat_line_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute salinity_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_category String Other
attribute salinity_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute salinity_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_qc_target String salinity
attribute salinity_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_qc_test String flat_line_test
attribute salinity_qartod_flat_line_test long_name String Flat Line Test Quality Flag
attribute salinity_qartod_flat_line_test standard_name String flat_line_test_quality_flag
attribute salinity_qartod_flat_line_test valid_max int 9
attribute salinity_qartod_flat_line_test valid_min int 1
variable salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test   int  
attribute salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test flag_configurations String {'threshold': 0.2}
attribute salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_category String Other
attribute salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_qc_target String salinity
attribute salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_qc_test String rate_of_change_test
attribute salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test long_name String Rate Of Change Test Quality Flag
attribute salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test standard_name String rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
attribute salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test valid_max int 9
attribute salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test valid_min int 1
variable salinity_qartod_spike_test   int  
attribute salinity_qartod_spike_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute salinity_qartod_spike_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute salinity_qartod_spike_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute salinity_qartod_spike_test flag_configurations String {'suspect_threshold': 0.01, 'fail_threshold': 0.1}
attribute salinity_qartod_spike_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute salinity_qartod_spike_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute salinity_qartod_spike_test ioos_category String Other
attribute salinity_qartod_spike_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute salinity_qartod_spike_test ioos_qc_target String salinity
attribute salinity_qartod_spike_test ioos_qc_test String spike_test
attribute salinity_qartod_spike_test long_name String Spike Test Quality Flag
attribute salinity_qartod_spike_test standard_name String spike_test_quality_flag
attribute salinity_qartod_spike_test valid_max int 9
attribute salinity_qartod_spike_test valid_min int 1
variable salinity_qartod_summary_flag   int  
attribute salinity_qartod_summary_flag _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute salinity_qartod_summary_flag _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute salinity_qartod_summary_flag actual_range int 1, 9
attribute salinity_qartod_summary_flag ancillary_variables String salinity_qartod_flat_line_test salinity_qartod_spike_test salinity_qartod_rate_of_change_test
attribute salinity_qartod_summary_flag comment String Highest QARTOD flag value for salinity, excluding 2/not evaluated. Excludes climatology test.
attribute salinity_qartod_summary_flag flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute salinity_qartod_summary_flag flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute salinity_qartod_summary_flag ioos_category String Other
attribute salinity_qartod_summary_flag ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute salinity_qartod_summary_flag ioos_qc_target String salinity
attribute salinity_qartod_summary_flag long_name String QARTOD Summary Quality Flag
attribute salinity_qartod_summary_flag standard_name String qartod_summary_quality_flag
attribute salinity_qartod_summary_flag valid_max int 9
attribute salinity_qartod_summary_flag valid_min int 1
variable science_software_version   float  
attribute science_software_version _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute science_software_version _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute science_software_version actual_range float 8.0, 8.0
attribute science_software_version bytes int 4
attribute science_software_version comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute science_software_version ioos_category String Other
attribute science_software_version long_name String sci_software_ver
attribute science_software_version observation_type String measured
attribute science_software_version platform String platform
attribute science_software_version processing_level int 2
attribute science_software_version sensor String sci_software_ver
attribute science_software_version source_sensor String sci_software_ver
attribute science_software_version type String f4
attribute science_software_version units String nodim
variable science_timestamp   double  
attribute science_timestamp _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute science_timestamp actual_range double 1.57202169321637E9, 1.57238884759515E9
attribute science_timestamp axis String T
attribute science_timestamp bytes int 8
attribute science_timestamp calendar String gregorian
attribute science_timestamp comment String Science controller timestamp
attribute science_timestamp ioos_category String Time
attribute science_timestamp long_name String sci_m_present_time
attribute science_timestamp observation_type String measured
attribute science_timestamp platform String platform
attribute science_timestamp processing_level int 2
attribute science_timestamp sensor String sci_m_present_time
attribute science_timestamp source_sensor String sci_m_present_time
attribute science_timestamp standard_name String time
attribute science_timestamp time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute science_timestamp units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute science_timestamp valid_max double 2.147483647E9
attribute science_timestamp valid_min double 0.0
variable sound_speed   float  
attribute sound_speed _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute sound_speed _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sound_speed actual_range float 1503.238, 1510.358
attribute sound_speed ancillary_variables String instrument_ctd
attribute sound_speed instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute sound_speed ioos_category String Other
attribute sound_speed long_name String Sound Velocity
attribute sound_speed observation_type String calculated
attribute sound_speed processing_level int 2
attribute sound_speed standard_name String speed_of_sound_in_sea_water
attribute sound_speed units String m s-1
attribute sound_speed valid_max float 1460.0
attribute sound_speed valid_min float 1560.0
variable source_file   String  
attribute source_file _ChunkSizes uint 33
attribute source_file all_sensors String 0
attribute source_file comment String Name of the source data file and associated file metadata
attribute source_file dbd_label String DBD_ASC(dinkum_binary_data_ascii)file
attribute source_file encoding_ver String 2
attribute source_file file_size_bytes int 4308708
attribute source_file filename String ru28-2019-297-2-102-sf
attribute source_file filename_extension String dbd
attribute source_file filename_label String ru28-2019-297-2-102-dbd(04580102)
attribute source_file fileopen_time String Tue_Oct_29_22:34:31_2019
attribute source_file ioos_category String Other
attribute source_file long_name String Source data file
attribute source_file mission_name String 30_NW.MI
attribute source_file num_ascii_tags String 14
attribute source_file num_label_lines String 3
attribute source_file num_segments String 1
attribute source_file segment_filename_0 String ru28-2019-297-2-102
attribute source_file sensors_per_cycle String 115
attribute source_file source_file String /home/coolgroup/slocum/deployments/2019/ru28-20191025T1640/data/in/ascii/queue/ru28_2019_297_2_102_dbd.dat
attribute source_file the8x3_filename String 04580102
variable svs603_a1   float  
attribute svs603_a1 _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_a1 _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_a1 actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute svs603_a1 ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_a1 bytes int 4
attribute svs603_a1 comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_a1 instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_a1 ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_a1 long_name String sci_svs603_a1
attribute svs603_a1 observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_a1 platform String platform
attribute svs603_a1 processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_a1 sensor String sci_svs603_a1
attribute svs603_a1 source_sensor String sci_svs603_a1
attribute svs603_a1 units String nodim
variable svs603_a2   float  
attribute svs603_a2 _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_a2 _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_a2 actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute svs603_a2 ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_a2 bytes int 4
attribute svs603_a2 comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_a2 instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_a2 ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_a2 long_name String sci_svs603_a2
attribute svs603_a2 observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_a2 platform String platform
attribute svs603_a2 processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_a2 sensor String sci_svs603_a2
attribute svs603_a2 source_sensor String sci_svs603_a2
attribute svs603_a2 units String nodim
variable svs603_b1   float  
attribute svs603_b1 _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_b1 _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_b1 actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute svs603_b1 ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_b1 bytes int 4
attribute svs603_b1 comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_b1 instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_b1 ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_b1 long_name String sci_svs603_b1
attribute svs603_b1 observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_b1 platform String platform
attribute svs603_b1 processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_b1 sensor String sci_svs603_b1
attribute svs603_b1 source_sensor String sci_svs603_b1
attribute svs603_b1 units String nodim
variable svs603_b2   float  
attribute svs603_b2 _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_b2 _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_b2 actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute svs603_b2 ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_b2 bytes int 4
attribute svs603_b2 comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_b2 instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_b2 ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_b2 long_name String sci_svs603_b2
attribute svs603_b2 observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_b2 platform String platform
attribute svs603_b2 processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_b2 sensor String sci_svs603_b2
attribute svs603_b2 source_sensor String sci_svs603_b2
attribute svs603_b2 units String nodim
variable svs603_debug_level   float  
attribute svs603_debug_level _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_debug_level _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_debug_level actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute svs603_debug_level ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_debug_level bytes int 4
attribute svs603_debug_level comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_debug_level instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_debug_level ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_debug_level long_name String u_svs603_debug_level
attribute svs603_debug_level observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_debug_level platform String platform
attribute svs603_debug_level processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_debug_level sensor String u_svs603_debug_level
attribute svs603_debug_level source_sensor String u_svs603_debug_level
attribute svs603_debug_level units String nodim
variable svs603_dom_period   float  
attribute svs603_dom_period _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_dom_period _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_dom_period actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute svs603_dom_period ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_dom_period bytes int 4
attribute svs603_dom_period comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_dom_period instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_dom_period ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_dom_period long_name String sci_svs603_dom_period
attribute svs603_dom_period observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_dom_period platform String platform
attribute svs603_dom_period processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_dom_period sensor String sci_svs603_dom_period
attribute svs603_dom_period source_sensor String sci_svs603_dom_period
attribute svs603_dom_period units String sec
variable svs603_heading   float  
attribute svs603_heading _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_heading _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_heading actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute svs603_heading ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_heading bytes int 4
attribute svs603_heading comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_heading instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_heading ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_heading long_name String sci_svs603_heading
attribute svs603_heading observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_heading platform String platform
attribute svs603_heading processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_heading sensor String sci_svs603_heading
attribute svs603_heading source_sensor String sci_svs603_heading
attribute svs603_heading units String deg
variable svs603_hmax   float  
attribute svs603_hmax _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_hmax _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_hmax actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute svs603_hmax ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_hmax bytes int 4
attribute svs603_hmax comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_hmax instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_hmax ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_hmax long_name String sci_svs603_hmax
attribute svs603_hmax observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_hmax platform String platform
attribute svs603_hmax processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_hmax sensor String sci_svs603_hmax
attribute svs603_hmax source_sensor String sci_svs603_hmax
attribute svs603_hmax units String m
variable svs603_hmax2   float  
attribute svs603_hmax2 _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_hmax2 _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_hmax2 actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute svs603_hmax2 ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_hmax2 bytes int 4
attribute svs603_hmax2 comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_hmax2 instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_hmax2 ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_hmax2 long_name String sci_svs603_hmax2
attribute svs603_hmax2 observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_hmax2 platform String platform
attribute svs603_hmax2 processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_hmax2 sensor String sci_svs603_hmax2
attribute svs603_hmax2 source_sensor String sci_svs603_hmax2
attribute svs603_hmax2 units String m
variable svs603_hs   float  
attribute svs603_hs _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_hs _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_hs actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute svs603_hs ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_hs bytes int 4
attribute svs603_hs comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_hs instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_hs ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_hs long_name String sci_svs603_hs
attribute svs603_hs observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_hs platform String platform
attribute svs603_hs processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_hs sensor String sci_svs603_hs
attribute svs603_hs source_sensor String sci_svs603_hs
attribute svs603_hs units String m
variable svs603_index   float  
attribute svs603_index _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_index _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_index actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute svs603_index ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_index bytes int 4
attribute svs603_index comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_index instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_index ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_index long_name String sci_svs603_index
attribute svs603_index observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_index platform String platform
attribute svs603_index processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_index sensor String sci_svs603_index
attribute svs603_index source_sensor String sci_svs603_index
attribute svs603_index units String nodim
variable svs603_is_installed   byte  
attribute svs603_is_installed _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_is_installed _FillValue byte -127
attribute svs603_is_installed actual_range byte 1, 1
attribute svs603_is_installed ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_is_installed bytes int 1
attribute svs603_is_installed comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_is_installed instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_is_installed ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_is_installed long_name String sci_svs603_is_installed
attribute svs603_is_installed observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_is_installed platform String platform
attribute svs603_is_installed processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_is_installed sensor String sci_svs603_is_installed
attribute svs603_is_installed source_sensor String sci_svs603_is_installed
attribute svs603_is_installed units String bool
variable svs603_is_running   byte  
attribute svs603_is_running _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_is_running _FillValue byte -127
attribute svs603_is_running actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute svs603_is_running ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_is_running bytes int 1
attribute svs603_is_running comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_is_running instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_is_running ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_is_running long_name String sci_svs603_is_running
attribute svs603_is_running observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_is_running platform String platform
attribute svs603_is_running processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_is_running sensor String sci_svs603_is_running
attribute svs603_is_running source_sensor String sci_svs603_is_running
attribute svs603_is_running units String bool
variable svs603_max_required_msgs   float  
attribute svs603_max_required_msgs _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_max_required_msgs _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_max_required_msgs actual_range float 1.0, 1.0
attribute svs603_max_required_msgs ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_max_required_msgs bytes int 4
attribute svs603_max_required_msgs comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_max_required_msgs instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_max_required_msgs ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_max_required_msgs long_name String u_svs603_max_required_msgs
attribute svs603_max_required_msgs observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_max_required_msgs platform String platform
attribute svs603_max_required_msgs processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_max_required_msgs sensor String u_svs603_max_required_msgs
attribute svs603_max_required_msgs source_sensor String u_svs603_max_required_msgs
attribute svs603_max_required_msgs units String nodim
variable svs603_num_fields_to_send   float  
attribute svs603_num_fields_to_send _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_num_fields_to_send _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_num_fields_to_send actual_range float 12.0, 12.0
attribute svs603_num_fields_to_send ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_num_fields_to_send bytes int 4
attribute svs603_num_fields_to_send comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_num_fields_to_send instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_num_fields_to_send ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_num_fields_to_send long_name String c_svs603_num_fields_to_send
attribute svs603_num_fields_to_send observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_num_fields_to_send platform String platform
attribute svs603_num_fields_to_send processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_num_fields_to_send sensor String c_svs603_num_fields_to_send
attribute svs603_num_fields_to_send source_sensor String c_svs603_num_fields_to_send
attribute svs603_num_fields_to_send units String nodim
variable svs603_on   float  
attribute svs603_on _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_on _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_on actual_range float -1.0, -1.0
attribute svs603_on ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_on bytes int 4
attribute svs603_on comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_on instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_on ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_on long_name String c_svs603_on
attribute svs603_on observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_on platform String platform
attribute svs603_on processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_on sensor String c_svs603_on
attribute svs603_on source_sensor String c_svs603_on
attribute svs603_on units String sec
variable svs603_pmax   float  
attribute svs603_pmax _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_pmax _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_pmax actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute svs603_pmax ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_pmax bytes int 4
attribute svs603_pmax comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_pmax instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_pmax ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_pmax long_name String sci_svs603_pmax
attribute svs603_pmax observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_pmax platform String platform
attribute svs603_pmax processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_pmax sensor String sci_svs603_pmax
attribute svs603_pmax source_sensor String sci_svs603_pmax
attribute svs603_pmax units String sec
variable svs603_run_state   byte  
attribute svs603_run_state _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_run_state _FillValue byte -127
attribute svs603_run_state actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute svs603_run_state ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_run_state bytes int 1
attribute svs603_run_state comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_run_state instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_run_state ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_run_state long_name String sci_svs603_run_state
attribute svs603_run_state observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_run_state platform String platform
attribute svs603_run_state processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_run_state sensor String sci_svs603_run_state
attribute svs603_run_state source_sensor String sci_svs603_run_state
attribute svs603_run_state units String enum
variable svs603_sample_time   float  
attribute svs603_sample_time _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_sample_time _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_sample_time actual_range float 1200.0, 1200.0
attribute svs603_sample_time ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_sample_time bytes int 4
attribute svs603_sample_time comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_sample_time instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_sample_time ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_sample_time long_name String u_svs603_sample_time
attribute svs603_sample_time observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_sample_time platform String platform
attribute svs603_sample_time processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_sample_time sensor String u_svs603_sample_time
attribute svs603_sample_time source_sensor String u_svs603_sample_time
attribute svs603_sample_time units String secs
variable svs603_set_time   byte  
attribute svs603_set_time _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_set_time _FillValue byte -127
attribute svs603_set_time actual_range byte 1, 1
attribute svs603_set_time ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_set_time bytes int 1
attribute svs603_set_time comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_set_time instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_set_time ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_set_time long_name String u_svs603_set_time
attribute svs603_set_time observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_set_time platform String platform
attribute svs603_set_time processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_set_time sensor String u_svs603_set_time
attribute svs603_set_time source_sensor String u_svs603_set_time
attribute svs603_set_time units String bool
variable svs603_stop_state   byte  
attribute svs603_stop_state _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_stop_state _FillValue byte -127
attribute svs603_stop_state actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute svs603_stop_state ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_stop_state bytes int 1
attribute svs603_stop_state comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_stop_state instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_stop_state ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_stop_state long_name String sci_svs603_stop_state
attribute svs603_stop_state observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_stop_state platform String platform
attribute svs603_stop_state processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_stop_state sensor String sci_svs603_stop_state
attribute svs603_stop_state source_sensor String sci_svs603_stop_state
attribute svs603_stop_state units String enum
variable svs603_timestamp   double  
attribute svs603_timestamp _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_timestamp actual_range double 0.0, 0.0
attribute svs603_timestamp ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_timestamp axis String T
attribute svs603_timestamp bytes int 8
attribute svs603_timestamp calendar String gregorian
attribute svs603_timestamp comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_timestamp instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_timestamp ioos_category String Time
attribute svs603_timestamp long_name String sci_svs603_timestamp
attribute svs603_timestamp observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_timestamp platform String platform
attribute svs603_timestamp processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_timestamp sensor String sci_svs603_timestamp
attribute svs603_timestamp source_sensor String sci_svs603_timestamp
attribute svs603_timestamp standard_name String time
attribute svs603_timestamp time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute svs603_timestamp units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute svs603_timestamp valid_max double 2.147483647E9
attribute svs603_timestamp valid_min double 0.0
variable svs603_wave_dir   float  
attribute svs603_wave_dir _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute svs603_wave_dir _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute svs603_wave_dir actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute svs603_wave_dir ancillary_variables String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_wave_dir bytes int 4
attribute svs603_wave_dir comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute svs603_wave_dir instrument String instrument_svs
attribute svs603_wave_dir ioos_category String Other
attribute svs603_wave_dir long_name String sci_svs603_wave_dir
attribute svs603_wave_dir observation_type String measured
attribute svs603_wave_dir platform String platform
attribute svs603_wave_dir processing_level int 2
attribute svs603_wave_dir sensor String sci_svs603_wave_dir
attribute svs603_wave_dir source_sensor String sci_svs603_wave_dir
attribute svs603_wave_dir units String deg
variable temperature   float  
attribute temperature _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute temperature _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute temperature actual_range float 15.8211, 16.8108
attribute temperature ancillary_variables String instrument_ctd temperature_qartod_gross_range_test temperature_qartod_flat_line_test temperature_qartod_climatology_test temperature_qartod_spike_test temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test temperature_hysteresis_test temperature_qartod_summary_flag
attribute temperature bytes int 4
attribute temperature colorBarMaximum double 32.0
attribute temperature colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute temperature comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute temperature instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute temperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute temperature long_name String Sea Water Temperature
attribute temperature observation_type String measured
attribute temperature platform String platform
attribute temperature processing_level int 2
attribute temperature sensor String sci_water_temp
attribute temperature source_sensor String sci_water_temp
attribute temperature standard_name String sea_water_temperature
attribute temperature units String degrees_C
attribute temperature valid_max float 40.0
attribute temperature valid_min float -5.0
variable temperature_hysteresis_test   int  
attribute temperature_hysteresis_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute temperature_hysteresis_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute temperature_hysteresis_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute temperature_hysteresis_test comment String Test for temperature lag, determined by comparing the area between profile pairs normalized to pressure range against the data range multiplied by thresholds found in flag_configurations.
attribute temperature_hysteresis_test flag_configurations String {'suspect_threshold': 0.2, 'fail_threshold': 0.2, 'test_threshold': 0.1}
attribute temperature_hysteresis_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute temperature_hysteresis_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute temperature_hysteresis_test ioos_category String Other
attribute temperature_hysteresis_test long_name String Temperature Hysteresis Test Quality Flag
attribute temperature_hysteresis_test qc_target String temperature
attribute temperature_hysteresis_test valid_max int 9
attribute temperature_hysteresis_test valid_min int 1
variable temperature_qartod_climatology_test   int  
attribute temperature_qartod_climatology_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute temperature_qartod_climatology_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute temperature_qartod_climatology_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute temperature_qartod_climatology_test flag_configurations String {'suspect_span': [5, 22], 'fail_span': None}
attribute temperature_qartod_climatology_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute temperature_qartod_climatology_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute temperature_qartod_climatology_test ioos_category String Other
attribute temperature_qartod_climatology_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute temperature_qartod_climatology_test ioos_qc_target String temperature
attribute temperature_qartod_climatology_test ioos_qc_test String climatology_test
attribute temperature_qartod_climatology_test long_name String Climatology Test Quality Flag
attribute temperature_qartod_climatology_test standard_name String climatology_test_quality_flag
attribute temperature_qartod_climatology_test valid_max int 9
attribute temperature_qartod_climatology_test valid_min int 1
variable temperature_qartod_flat_line_test   int  
attribute temperature_qartod_flat_line_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute temperature_qartod_flat_line_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute temperature_qartod_flat_line_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute temperature_qartod_flat_line_test flag_configurations String {'tolerance': 0.001, 'suspect_threshold': 120, 'fail_threshold': 300}
attribute temperature_qartod_flat_line_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute temperature_qartod_flat_line_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute temperature_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_category String Other
attribute temperature_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute temperature_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_qc_target String temperature
attribute temperature_qartod_flat_line_test ioos_qc_test String flat_line_test
attribute temperature_qartod_flat_line_test long_name String Flat Line Test Quality Flag
attribute temperature_qartod_flat_line_test standard_name String flat_line_test_quality_flag
attribute temperature_qartod_flat_line_test valid_max int 9
attribute temperature_qartod_flat_line_test valid_min int 1
variable temperature_qartod_gross_range_test   int  
attribute temperature_qartod_gross_range_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute temperature_qartod_gross_range_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute temperature_qartod_gross_range_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute temperature_qartod_gross_range_test flag_configurations String {'suspect_span': [1, 32], 'fail_span': [-5, 42]}
attribute temperature_qartod_gross_range_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute temperature_qartod_gross_range_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute temperature_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_category String Other
attribute temperature_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute temperature_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_qc_target String temperature
attribute temperature_qartod_gross_range_test ioos_qc_test String gross_range_test
attribute temperature_qartod_gross_range_test long_name String Gross Range Test Quality Flag
attribute temperature_qartod_gross_range_test standard_name String gross_range_test_quality_flag
attribute temperature_qartod_gross_range_test valid_max int 9
attribute temperature_qartod_gross_range_test valid_min int 1
variable temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test   int  
attribute temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test flag_configurations String {'threshold': 0.6}
attribute temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_category String Other
attribute temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_qc_target String temperature
attribute temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test ioos_qc_test String rate_of_change_test
attribute temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test long_name String Rate Of Change Test Quality Flag
attribute temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test standard_name String rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
attribute temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test valid_max int 9
attribute temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test valid_min int 1
variable temperature_qartod_spike_test   int  
attribute temperature_qartod_spike_test _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute temperature_qartod_spike_test _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute temperature_qartod_spike_test actual_range int 1, 9
attribute temperature_qartod_spike_test flag_configurations String {'suspect_threshold': 0.01, 'fail_threshold': 0.4}
attribute temperature_qartod_spike_test flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute temperature_qartod_spike_test flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute temperature_qartod_spike_test ioos_category String Other
attribute temperature_qartod_spike_test ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute temperature_qartod_spike_test ioos_qc_target String temperature
attribute temperature_qartod_spike_test ioos_qc_test String spike_test
attribute temperature_qartod_spike_test long_name String Spike Test Quality Flag
attribute temperature_qartod_spike_test standard_name String spike_test_quality_flag
attribute temperature_qartod_spike_test valid_max int 9
attribute temperature_qartod_spike_test valid_min int 1
variable temperature_qartod_summary_flag   int  
attribute temperature_qartod_summary_flag _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute temperature_qartod_summary_flag _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute temperature_qartod_summary_flag actual_range int 1, 9
attribute temperature_qartod_summary_flag ancillary_variables String temperature_qartod_gross_range_test temperature_qartod_flat_line_test temperature_qartod_spike_test temperature_qartod_rate_of_change_test
attribute temperature_qartod_summary_flag comment String Highest QARTOD flag value for temperature, excluding 2/not evaluated. Excludes climatology test.
attribute temperature_qartod_summary_flag flag_meanings String GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute temperature_qartod_summary_flag flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute temperature_qartod_summary_flag ioos_category String Other
attribute temperature_qartod_summary_flag ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute temperature_qartod_summary_flag ioos_qc_target String temperature
attribute temperature_qartod_summary_flag long_name String QARTOD Summary Quality Flag
attribute temperature_qartod_summary_flag standard_name String qartod_summary_quality_flag
attribute temperature_qartod_summary_flag valid_max int 9
attribute temperature_qartod_summary_flag valid_min int 1
variable time_uv   double  
attribute time_uv calendar String proleptic_gregorian
attribute time_uv comment String The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives.
attribute time_uv ioos_category String Time
attribute time_uv long_name String Depth-averaged Time
attribute time_uv observation_type String calculated
attribute time_uv platform String platform
attribute time_uv processing_level int 2
attribute time_uv standard_name String time
attribute time_uv time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time_uv units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute time_uv valid_max double 2.147483647E9
attribute time_uv valid_min double 0.0
variable u   double  
attribute u _FillValue double 9.96921E36
attribute u ancillary_variables String instrument_ctd
attribute u bytes int 4
attribute u colorBarMaximum double 0.5
attribute u colorBarMinimum double -0.5
attribute u comment String The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives.
attribute u coordinates String lon_uv lat_uv time_uv
attribute u instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute u ioos_category String Currents
attribute u long_name String Depth-averaged Eastward Sea Water Velocity
attribute u observation_type String calculated
attribute u platform String platform
attribute u processing_level int 2
attribute u sensor String m_final_water_vx
attribute u source_sensor String m_final_water_vx
attribute u standard_name String eastward_sea_water_velocity
attribute u type String f4
attribute u units String m s-1
attribute u valid_max double 5.0
attribute u valid_min double -5.0
variable v   double  
attribute v _FillValue double 9.96921E36
attribute v ancillary_variables String instrument_ctd
attribute v bytes int 4
attribute v colorBarMaximum double 0.5
attribute v colorBarMinimum double -0.5
attribute v comment String The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives.
attribute v coordinates String lon_uv lat_uv time_uv
attribute v instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute v ioos_category String Currents
attribute v long_name String Depth-averaged Northward Sea Water Velocity
attribute v observation_type String calculated
attribute v platform String platform
attribute v processing_level int 2
attribute v sensor String m_final_water_vy
attribute v source_sensor String m_final_water_vy
attribute v standard_name String northward_sea_water_velocity
attribute v type String f4
attribute v units String m s-1
attribute v valid_max double 5.0
attribute v valid_min double -5.0
variable x_software_ver   float  
attribute x_software_ver _ChunkSizes uint 50
attribute x_software_ver _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute x_software_ver actual_range float 8.0, 8.0
attribute x_software_ver bytes int 4
attribute x_software_ver comment String Native glider sensor name
attribute x_software_ver ioos_category String Other
attribute x_software_ver long_name String x_software_ver
attribute x_software_ver observation_type String measured
attribute x_software_ver platform String platform
attribute x_software_ver processing_level int 2
attribute x_software_ver sensor String x_software_ver
attribute x_software_ver source_sensor String x_software_ver
attribute x_software_ver units String nodim

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