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Grid DAP Data | Sub- set | Table DAP Data | Make A Graph | W M S | Source Data Files | Title | Sum- mary | FGDC, ISO, Metadata | Back- ground Info | RSS | E | Institution | Dataset ID |
set | data | graph | files | ru30-20220906T1523 | F I M | background | Rutgers University | ru30-20220906T1523 |
Row Type | Variable Name | Attribute Name | Data Type | Value |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | _NCProperties | String | version=1|netcdflibversion=4.6.1|hdf5libversion=1.10.3 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | acknowledgement | String | This deployment supported by the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program and U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_data_type | String | TrajectoryProfile |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_profile_variables | String | time_uv,lat_uv,lon_uv,u,v,profile_id,time,latitude,longitude |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_trajectory_variables | String | trajectory,wmo_id |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | comment | String | Deployed by Nicole Waite, Brian Buckingham, Masters of Operational Oceanography students, and Captain Chip Haldeman aboard the R/V/ Rutgers out of Morgan Marina, Sayreville, NJ, USA |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | contributor_name | String | Grace Saba, Dave Aragon, Nicole Waite, Brian Buckingham, Kaycee Coleman, Chip Haldeman, John Kerfoot, Laura Nazzaro, Lori Garzio |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | contributor_role | String | Principal Investigator, Glider Pilot, Glider Pilot, Glider Pilot, Glider Pilot, Glider Pilot and Vessel Captain, Data Manager, Data Manager, Data Manager |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Conventions | String | Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, COARDS, CF-1.6 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_email | String | kerfoot at |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_institution | String | Rutgers University |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_name | String | John Kerfoot |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_type | String | person |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_url | String | |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_created | String | 2022-09-13T11:00:48Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_issued | String | 2022-09-13T11:00:48Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_modified | String | 2022-09-13T11:00:48Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | deployment_name | String | ru30-20220906T1523 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Easternmost_Easting | double | -73.42224767279302 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | featureType | String | TrajectoryProfile |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_bounds | String | POLYGON ((40.33392482490962 -73.51609106049108, 40.33392482490962 -73.51575847737574, 40.33374685195217 -73.51575847737574, 40.33374685195217 -73.51609106049108, 40.33392482490962 -73.51609106049108)) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_bounds_crs | String | EPSG:4326 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_bounds_vertical_crs | String | EPSG:5831 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_max | double | 40.43268172511179 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_min | double | 40.25120034647737 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_resolution | String | 0.00001 degree |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_max | double | -73.42224767279302 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_min | double | -73.86672294538222 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_resolution | String | 0.00001 degree |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_verical_resolution | int | 0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_max | double | 32.52548 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_min | double | 0.02976903 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_positive | String | down |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_units | String | m |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | gts_ingest | String | True |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | history | String | 2022-09-13T11:00:48Z: /tmp/tmpa58k2eem/ created 2022-09-13T11:00:48Z: /home/kerfoot/code/gncutils/scripts/ /home/coolgroup/slocum/deployments/2022/ru30-20220906T1523/data/in/ascii/queue/ru30_2022_254_1_8_sbd.dat |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | id | String | ru30-20220906T1523 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | infoUrl | String | |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | institution | String | Rutgers University |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instrument | String | In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Profilers/Sounders > CTD |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instrument_vocabulary | String | NASA/GCMD Instrument Keywords Version 8.5 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | ioos_dac_checksum | String | ae8c7b82492dcad17348a327ad25a142 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | ioos_dac_completed | String | True |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords | String | AUVS > Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Pressure > Water Pressure, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Conductivity, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Density, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity, glider, In Situ Ocean-based platforms > Seaglider, Slocum, Spray, trajectory, underwater glider, water, wmo |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords_vocabulary | String | GCMD Science Keywords |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | license | String | This data may be redistributed and used without restriction. Data provided as is with no expressed or implied assurance of quality assurance or quality control |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Metadata_Conventions | String | Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, COARDS, CF-1.6 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | naming_authority | String | edu.rutgers.rucool |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | ncei_template_version | String | NCEI_NetCDF_Trajectory_Template_v2.0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Northernmost_Northing | double | 40.43268172511179 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | platform | String | In Situ Ocean-based Platforms > AUVS > Autonomous Underwater Vehicles |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | platform_type | String | Slocum Glider |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | platform_vocabulary | String | NASA/GCMD Platforms Keywords Version 8.5 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | processing_level | String | Real-time Slocum glider dataset from the native data file format. No quality control provided. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | product_version | String | 1.0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | program | String | Collaborative Research: Optimizing Ocean Acidification Observations for Model Parameterization in the Coupled Slope Water System of the U.S. Northeast Large Marine Ecosystem, Sustained Underwater Glider Observations for Improving Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast - AOML/OAR |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | project | String | NOAA OAP (Ocean Acidification Program)/IOOS, Sustained Underwater Glider Observations for Improving Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_email | String | kerfoot at |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_institution | String | Rutgers University |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sea_name | String | Mid-Atlantic Bight |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | source | String | Observational Slocum glider data from source dba file ru30-2022-254-1-8-sbd(04930008) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sourceUrl | String | (local files) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Southernmost_Northing | double | 40.25120034647737 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | standard_name_vocabulary | String | CF Standard Name Table v27 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | subsetVariables | String | wmo_id,trajectory,profile_id,time,latitude,longitude |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | summary | String | This project is conducting seasonal deployments to investigate carbonate chemistry and monitor ocean acidification in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. The glider used for the automated observation includes an integrated deep rated version of the Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistor (ISFET)-based pH sensor. The pH sensor unit is complemented with existing glider sensors including a CTD, a WETLabs FLBBCD ECO puck configured for simultaneous chlorophyll fluorescence and optical backscatter measurements, and an Aanderaa Optode for measuring dissolved oxygen. This approximately 21 to 30 day deployment out of Sandy Hook, NJ will run cross-shelf transects zig-zagging southward and ultimately coming back inshore along E line for a planned recovery out of Tuckerton, NJ as the battery pack allows. This glider track will cover Atlantic sea scallop and Atlantic surfclam habitats in the MAB. The real-time dataset contains CTD, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a, CDOM and optical backscatter measurements. Dissolved oxygen and pH data will be processed post-deployment. This is the second glider deployment in 2022 for this project. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_duration | String | PT02M46.15478S |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_end | String | 2022-09-16T18:44:48Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_resolution | String | PT01S |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_start | String | 2022-09-06T15:26:42Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | title | String | ru30-20220906T1523 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | uuid | String | d3ed06b2-0f29-4aae-9612-1371f2a028f8 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Westernmost_Easting | double | -73.86672294538222 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | wmo_platform_code | String | 4801946 |
variable | trajectory | String | ||
attribute | trajectory | _ChunkSizes | uint | 18 |
attribute | trajectory | cf_role | String | trajectory_id |
attribute | trajectory | comment | String | A trajectory is one deployment of a glider. |
attribute | trajectory | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | trajectory | long_name | String | Trajectory Name |
variable | wmo_id | String | ||
attribute | wmo_id | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | wmo_id | long_name | String | WMO ID |
variable | profile_id | int | ||
attribute | profile_id | _FillValue | int | 2147483647 |
attribute | profile_id | actual_range | int | 1662478000, 1663353888 |
attribute | profile_id | ancillary_variables | String | profile_time |
attribute | profile_id | cf_role | String | profile_id |
attribute | profile_id | comment | String | Unique identifier of the profile. The profile ID is the mean profile timestamp |
attribute | profile_id | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | profile_id | long_name | String | Profile ID |
attribute | profile_id | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | profile_id | valid_max | int | 2147483647 |
attribute | profile_id | valid_min | int | 1 |
variable | time | double | ||
attribute | time | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Time |
attribute | time | actual_range | double | 1.6624780024868948E9, 1.663353888016164E9 |
attribute | time | axis | String | T |
attribute | time | calendar | String | gregorian |
attribute | time | comment | String | Timestamp corresponding to the mid-point of the profile. |
attribute | time | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | time | long_name | String | Profile Time |
attribute | time | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | time | platform | String | platform |
attribute | time | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | time | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | time | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | time | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
attribute | time | valid_max | double | 2.147483647E9 |
attribute | time | valid_min | double | 0.0 |
variable | latitude | double | ||
attribute | latitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lat |
attribute | latitude | _FillValue | double | 9.969209968386869E36 |
attribute | latitude | actual_range | double | 40.25120034647737, 40.43268172511179 |
attribute | latitude | axis | String | Y |
attribute | latitude | colorBarMaximum | double | 90.0 |
attribute | latitude | colorBarMinimum | double | -90.0 |
attribute | latitude | comment | String | Value is interpolated to provide an estimate of the latitude at the mid-point of the profile. |
attribute | latitude | coordinate_reference_frame | String | urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326 |
attribute | latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | latitude | long_name | String | Profile Latitude |
attribute | latitude | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | latitude | platform | String | platform |
attribute | latitude | precision | int | 5 |
attribute | latitude | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | latitude | reference | String | WGS84 |
attribute | latitude | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | latitude | units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | latitude | valid_max | double | 90.0 |
attribute | latitude | valid_min | double | -90.0 |
variable | longitude | double | ||
attribute | longitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lon |
attribute | longitude | _FillValue | double | 9.969209968386869E36 |
attribute | longitude | actual_range | double | -73.86672294538222, -73.42224767279302 |
attribute | longitude | axis | String | X |
attribute | longitude | colorBarMaximum | double | 180.0 |
attribute | longitude | colorBarMinimum | double | -180.0 |
attribute | longitude | comment | String | Value is interpolated to provide an estimate of the longitude at the mid-point of the profile. |
attribute | longitude | coordinate_reference_frame | String | urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326 |
attribute | longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | longitude | long_name | String | Profile Longitude |
attribute | longitude | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | longitude | platform | String | platform |
attribute | longitude | precision | int | 5 |
attribute | longitude | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | longitude | reference | String | WGS84 |
attribute | longitude | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | longitude | units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | longitude | valid_max | double | 180.0 |
attribute | longitude | valid_min | double | -180.0 |
variable | depth | float | ||
attribute | depth | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | depth | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Height |
attribute | depth | _CoordinateZisPositive | String | down |
attribute | depth | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | depth | actual_range | float | 0.02976903, 32.52548 |
attribute | depth | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | depth | axis | String | Z |
attribute | depth | colorBarMaximum | double | 2000.0 |
attribute | depth | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | depth | colorBarPalette | String | OceanDepth |
attribute | depth | comment | String | Calculated from llat_pressure and llat_latitude using gsw.z_from_p |
attribute | depth | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | depth | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | depth | long_name | String | Depth |
attribute | depth | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | depth | platform | String | platform |
attribute | depth | positive | String | down |
attribute | depth | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | depth | reference_datum | String | sea-surface |
attribute | depth | source_sensor | String | llat_pressure,llat_latitude |
attribute | depth | standard_name | String | depth |
attribute | depth | units | String | m |
attribute | depth | valid_max | float | 2000.0 |
attribute | depth | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | azfp_file_offset | float | ||
attribute | azfp_file_offset | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | azfp_file_offset | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | azfp_file_offset | actual_range | float | 0.0, 9759.0 |
attribute | azfp_file_offset | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_azfp |
attribute | azfp_file_offset | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | azfp_file_offset | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | azfp_file_offset | instrument | String | instrument_azfp |
attribute | azfp_file_offset | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | azfp_file_offset | long_name | String | sci_azfp_file_offset |
attribute | azfp_file_offset | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | azfp_file_offset | platform | String | platform |
attribute | azfp_file_offset | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | azfp_file_offset | sensor | String | sci_azfp_file_offset |
attribute | azfp_file_offset | source_sensor | String | sci_azfp_file_offset |
attribute | azfp_file_offset | type | String | f4 |
attribute | azfp_file_offset | units | String | nodim |
variable | beta_700nm | float | ||
attribute | beta_700nm | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | beta_700nm | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | beta_700nm | actual_range | float | 1.41912E-4, 0.00805745 |
attribute | beta_700nm | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_flbbcd |
attribute | beta_700nm | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | beta_700nm | comment | String | back scattering coefficient at 700nm |
attribute | beta_700nm | instrument | String | instrument_flbbcd |
attribute | beta_700nm | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | beta_700nm | long_name | String | Beta 700nm at 117 degrees |
attribute | beta_700nm | measurement_angle | String | 117 degrees |
attribute | beta_700nm | measurement_wavelength | String | 700nm |
attribute | beta_700nm | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | beta_700nm | platform | String | platform |
attribute | beta_700nm | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | beta_700nm | sensor | String | sci_flbbcd_bb_units |
attribute | beta_700nm | source_sensor | String | sci_flbbcd_bb_units |
attribute | beta_700nm | type | String | f4 |
attribute | beta_700nm | units | String | m-1 sr-1 |
variable | cdom | float | ||
attribute | cdom | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | cdom | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | cdom | actual_range | float | 0.0, 2.142 |
attribute | cdom | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_flbbcd |
attribute | cdom | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | cdom | comment | String | flbbcd CDOM |
attribute | cdom | instrument | String | instrument_flbbcd |
attribute | cdom | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | cdom | long_name | String | CDOM |
attribute | cdom | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | cdom | platform | String | platform |
attribute | cdom | precision | int | 2 |
attribute | cdom | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | cdom | sensor | String | sci_flbbcd_cdom_units |
attribute | cdom | source_sensor | String | sci_flbbcd_cdom_units |
attribute | cdom | standard_name | String | concentration_of_colored_dissolved_organic_matter_in_sea_water_expressed_as_equivalent_mass_fraction_of_quinine_sulfate_dihydrate |
attribute | cdom | type | String | f4 |
attribute | cdom | units | String | ppb |
attribute | cdom | valid_max | float | 500.0 |
attribute | cdom | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | chlorophyll_a | float | ||
attribute | chlorophyll_a | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | actual_range | float | 0.1449, 6.9207 |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_flbbcd |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | comment | String | flbbcd calculated Chlorophyll a |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | instrument | String | instrument_flbbcd |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | long_name | String | Chlorophyll a |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | platform | String | platform |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | sensor | String | sci_flbbcd_chlor_units |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | source_sensor | String | sci_flbbcd_chlor_units |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | standard_name | String | mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_seawater |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | type | String | f4 |
attribute | chlorophyll_a | units | String | ug L-1 |
variable | commanded_alt_time | float | ||
attribute | commanded_alt_time | _ChunkSizes | uint | 1024 |
attribute | commanded_alt_time | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | commanded_alt_time | actual_range | float | -1.0, 0.0 |
attribute | commanded_alt_time | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | commanded_alt_time | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | commanded_alt_time | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | commanded_alt_time | long_name | String | c_alt_time |
attribute | commanded_alt_time | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | commanded_alt_time | platform | String | platform |
attribute | commanded_alt_time | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | commanded_alt_time | sensor | String | c_alt_time |
attribute | commanded_alt_time | source_sensor | String | c_alt_time |
attribute | commanded_alt_time | units | String | sec |
variable | commanded_ballast_pumped | float | ||
attribute | commanded_ballast_pumped | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | commanded_ballast_pumped | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | commanded_ballast_pumped | actual_range | float | -233.0, 233.0 |
attribute | commanded_ballast_pumped | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | commanded_ballast_pumped | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | commanded_ballast_pumped | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | commanded_ballast_pumped | long_name | String | c_ballast_pumped |
attribute | commanded_ballast_pumped | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | commanded_ballast_pumped | platform | String | platform |
attribute | commanded_ballast_pumped | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | commanded_ballast_pumped | sensor | String | c_ballast_pumped |
attribute | commanded_ballast_pumped | source_sensor | String | c_ballast_pumped |
attribute | commanded_ballast_pumped | units | String | cc |
variable | commanded_climb_target_depth | float | ||
attribute | commanded_climb_target_depth | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | commanded_climb_target_depth | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | commanded_climb_target_depth | actual_range | float | 3.0, 6.0 |
attribute | commanded_climb_target_depth | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | commanded_climb_target_depth | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | commanded_climb_target_depth | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | commanded_climb_target_depth | long_name | String | c_climb_target_depth |
attribute | commanded_climb_target_depth | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | commanded_climb_target_depth | platform | String | platform |
attribute | commanded_climb_target_depth | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | commanded_climb_target_depth | sensor | String | c_climb_target_depth |
attribute | commanded_climb_target_depth | source_sensor | String | c_climb_target_depth |
attribute | commanded_climb_target_depth | units | String | m |
variable | commanded_dive_target_depth | float | ||
attribute | commanded_dive_target_depth | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | commanded_dive_target_depth | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | commanded_dive_target_depth | actual_range | float | 15.0, 195.0 |
attribute | commanded_dive_target_depth | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | commanded_dive_target_depth | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | commanded_dive_target_depth | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | commanded_dive_target_depth | long_name | String | c_dive_target_depth |
attribute | commanded_dive_target_depth | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | commanded_dive_target_depth | platform | String | platform |
attribute | commanded_dive_target_depth | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | commanded_dive_target_depth | sensor | String | c_dive_target_depth |
attribute | commanded_dive_target_depth | source_sensor | String | c_dive_target_depth |
attribute | commanded_dive_target_depth | units | String | m |
variable | commanded_fin | float | ||
attribute | commanded_fin | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | commanded_fin | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | commanded_fin | actual_range | float | -0.42, 0.42 |
attribute | commanded_fin | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | commanded_fin | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | commanded_fin | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | commanded_fin | long_name | String | c_fin |
attribute | commanded_fin | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | commanded_fin | platform | String | platform |
attribute | commanded_fin | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | commanded_fin | sensor | String | c_fin |
attribute | commanded_fin | source_sensor | String | c_fin |
attribute | commanded_fin | units | String | rad |
variable | commanded_heading | float | ||
attribute | commanded_heading | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | commanded_heading | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | commanded_heading | actual_range | float | 0.504686, 6.06964 |
attribute | commanded_heading | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | commanded_heading | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | commanded_heading | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | commanded_heading | long_name | String | c_heading |
attribute | commanded_heading | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | commanded_heading | platform | String | platform |
attribute | commanded_heading | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | commanded_heading | sensor | String | c_heading |
attribute | commanded_heading | source_sensor | String | c_heading |
attribute | commanded_heading | units | String | rad |
variable | commanded_science_send_all | byte | ||
attribute | commanded_science_send_all | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | commanded_science_send_all | _FillValue | byte | -127 |
attribute | commanded_science_send_all | actual_range | byte | 0, 0 |
attribute | commanded_science_send_all | bytes | int | 1 |
attribute | commanded_science_send_all | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | commanded_science_send_all | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | commanded_science_send_all | long_name | String | c_science_send_all |
attribute | commanded_science_send_all | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | commanded_science_send_all | platform | String | platform |
attribute | commanded_science_send_all | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | commanded_science_send_all | sensor | String | c_science_send_all |
attribute | commanded_science_send_all | source_sensor | String | c_science_send_all |
attribute | commanded_science_send_all | units | String | bool |
variable | commanded_thruster_on | float | ||
attribute | commanded_thruster_on | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | commanded_thruster_on | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | commanded_thruster_on | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.0 |
attribute | commanded_thruster_on | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | commanded_thruster_on | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | commanded_thruster_on | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | commanded_thruster_on | long_name | String | c_thruster_on |
attribute | commanded_thruster_on | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | commanded_thruster_on | platform | String | platform |
attribute | commanded_thruster_on | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | commanded_thruster_on | sensor | String | c_thruster_on |
attribute | commanded_thruster_on | source_sensor | String | c_thruster_on |
attribute | commanded_thruster_on | units | String | % |
variable | commanded_weight_drop | byte | ||
attribute | commanded_weight_drop | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | commanded_weight_drop | _FillValue | byte | -127 |
attribute | commanded_weight_drop | actual_range | byte | 0, 0 |
attribute | commanded_weight_drop | bytes | int | 1 |
attribute | commanded_weight_drop | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | commanded_weight_drop | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | commanded_weight_drop | long_name | String | c_weight_drop |
attribute | commanded_weight_drop | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | commanded_weight_drop | platform | String | platform |
attribute | commanded_weight_drop | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | commanded_weight_drop | sensor | String | c_weight_drop |
attribute | commanded_weight_drop | source_sensor | String | c_weight_drop |
attribute | commanded_weight_drop | units | String | bool |
variable | commanded_wpt_lat | double | ||
attribute | commanded_wpt_lat | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lat | _FillValue | double | 9.969209968386869E36 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lat | actual_range | double | 4018.736, 4024.957 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lat | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lat | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lat | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lat | long_name | String | c_wpt_lat |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lat | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lat | platform | String | platform |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lat | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lat | sensor | String | c_wpt_lat |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lat | source_sensor | String | c_wpt_lat |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lat | units | String | lat |
variable | commanded_wpt_lon | double | ||
attribute | commanded_wpt_lon | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lon | _FillValue | double | 9.969209968386869E36 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lon | actual_range | double | -7352.124, -7324.287 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lon | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lon | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lon | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lon | long_name | String | c_wpt_lon |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lon | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lon | platform | String | platform |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lon | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lon | sensor | String | c_wpt_lon |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lon | source_sensor | String | c_wpt_lon |
attribute | commanded_wpt_lon | units | String | lon |
variable | commanded_wpt_x_lmc | float | ||
attribute | commanded_wpt_x_lmc | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_x_lmc | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_x_lmc | actual_range | float | -1502.5, 16370.6 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_x_lmc | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_x_lmc | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | commanded_wpt_x_lmc | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | commanded_wpt_x_lmc | long_name | String | c_wpt_x_lmc |
attribute | commanded_wpt_x_lmc | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | commanded_wpt_x_lmc | platform | String | platform |
attribute | commanded_wpt_x_lmc | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_x_lmc | sensor | String | c_wpt_x_lmc |
attribute | commanded_wpt_x_lmc | source_sensor | String | c_wpt_x_lmc |
attribute | commanded_wpt_x_lmc | units | String | m |
variable | commanded_wpt_y_lmc | float | ||
attribute | commanded_wpt_y_lmc | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_y_lmc | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_y_lmc | actual_range | float | -10359.6, 3334.61 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_y_lmc | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_y_lmc | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | commanded_wpt_y_lmc | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | commanded_wpt_y_lmc | long_name | String | c_wpt_y_lmc |
attribute | commanded_wpt_y_lmc | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | commanded_wpt_y_lmc | platform | String | platform |
attribute | commanded_wpt_y_lmc | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | commanded_wpt_y_lmc | sensor | String | c_wpt_y_lmc |
attribute | commanded_wpt_y_lmc | source_sensor | String | c_wpt_y_lmc |
attribute | commanded_wpt_y_lmc | units | String | m |
variable | conductivity | float | ||
attribute | conductivity | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | conductivity | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | conductivity | actual_range | float | 4.19908, 4.8475 |
attribute | conductivity | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ctd qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag qartod_conductivity_spike_flag qartod_conductivity_primary_flag |
attribute | conductivity | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | conductivity | colorBarMaximum | double | 9.0 |
attribute | conductivity | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | conductivity | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | conductivity | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | conductivity | ioos_category | String | Salinity |
attribute | conductivity | long_name | String | Sea Water Electrical Conductivity |
attribute | conductivity | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | conductivity | platform | String | platform |
attribute | conductivity | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | conductivity | sensor | String | sci_water_cond |
attribute | conductivity | source_sensor | String | sci_water_cond |
attribute | conductivity | standard_name | String | sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | conductivity | units | String | S m-1 |
attribute | conductivity | valid_max | float | 10.0 |
attribute | conductivity | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | crs | int | ||
attribute | crs | _FillValue | int | -2147483647 |
attribute | crs | epsg_code | String | EPSG:4326 |
attribute | crs | grid_mapping_name | String | latitude_longitude |
attribute | crs | inverse_flattening | double | 298.257223563 |
attribute | crs | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | crs | long_name | String | |
attribute | crs | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | crs | semi_major_axis | double | 6378137.0 |
variable | ctd41cp_timestamp | double | ||
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | actual_range | double | 1.66247795119492E9, 1.66335397316422E9 |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | axis | String | T |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | calendar | String | gregorian |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | long_name | String | sci_ctd41cp_timestamp |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | platform | String | platform |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | sensor | String | sci_ctd41cp_timestamp |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | source_sensor | String | sci_ctd41cp_timestamp |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | valid_max | double | 2.147483647E9 |
attribute | ctd41cp_timestamp | valid_min | double | 0.0 |
variable | density | float | ||
attribute | density | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | density | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | density | actual_range | float | 1021.083, 1023.931 |
attribute | density | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ctd qartod_density_flat_line_flag qartod_density_gross_range_flag qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag qartod_density_spike_flag qartod_density_primary_flag |
attribute | density | colorBarMaximum | double | 1032.0 |
attribute | density | colorBarMinimum | double | 1020.0 |
attribute | density | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | density | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | density | long_name | String | Sea Water Density |
attribute | density | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | density | platform | String | platform |
attribute | density | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | density | standard_name | String | sea_water_density |
attribute | density | units | String | kg m-3 |
attribute | density | valid_max | float | 1015.0 |
attribute | density | valid_min | float | 1040.0 |
variable | dr_latitude | double | ||
attribute | dr_latitude | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | dr_latitude | _FillValue | double | 9.969209968386869E36 |
attribute | dr_latitude | actual_range | double | 4015.06337995699, 4025.95365162322 |
attribute | dr_latitude | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | dr_latitude | comment | String | Dead-reckoned latitude. Units are degrees decimal minutes |
attribute | dr_latitude | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | dr_latitude | long_name | String | m_lat |
attribute | dr_latitude | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | dr_latitude | platform | String | platform |
attribute | dr_latitude | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | dr_latitude | sensor | String | m_lat |
attribute | dr_latitude | source_sensor | String | m_lat |
attribute | dr_latitude | units | String | degrees decimal minutes |
variable | dr_longitude | double | ||
attribute | dr_longitude | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | dr_longitude | _FillValue | double | 9.969209968386869E36 |
attribute | dr_longitude | actual_range | double | -7352.08862284697, -7324.4433514869 |
attribute | dr_longitude | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | dr_longitude | comment | String | Dead-reckoned longitude. Units are degrees decimal minutes |
attribute | dr_longitude | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | dr_longitude | long_name | String | m_lon |
attribute | dr_longitude | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | dr_longitude | platform | String | platform |
attribute | dr_longitude | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | dr_longitude | sensor | String | m_lon |
attribute | dr_longitude | source_sensor | String | m_lon |
attribute | dr_longitude | units | String | degrees decimal minutes |
variable | f_fin_offset | float | ||
attribute | f_fin_offset | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | f_fin_offset | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | f_fin_offset | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.0 |
attribute | f_fin_offset | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | f_fin_offset | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | f_fin_offset | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | f_fin_offset | long_name | String | f_fin_offset |
attribute | f_fin_offset | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | f_fin_offset | platform | String | platform |
attribute | f_fin_offset | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | f_fin_offset | sensor | String | f_fin_offset |
attribute | f_fin_offset | source_sensor | String | f_fin_offset |
attribute | f_fin_offset | units | String | rad |
variable | f_ocean_pressure_max | float | ||
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_max | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_max | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_max | actual_range | float | 1.48, 1.48 |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_max | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_max | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_max | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_max | long_name | String | f_ocean_pressure_max |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_max | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_max | platform | String | platform |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_max | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_max | sensor | String | f_ocean_pressure_max |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_max | source_sensor | String | f_ocean_pressure_max |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_max | units | String | volts |
variable | f_ocean_pressure_min | float | ||
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_min | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_min | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_min | actual_range | float | 0.0890079, 0.0892582 |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_min | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_min | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_min | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_min | long_name | String | f_ocean_pressure_min |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_min | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_min | platform | String | platform |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_min | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_min | sensor | String | f_ocean_pressure_min |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_min | source_sensor | String | f_ocean_pressure_min |
attribute | f_ocean_pressure_min | units | String | volts |
variable | gps_latitude | double | ||
attribute | gps_latitude | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | gps_latitude | _FillValue | double | 9.969209968386869E36 |
attribute | gps_latitude | actual_range | double | 4017.7797, 4025.8402 |
attribute | gps_latitude | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | gps_latitude | comment | String | GPS latitude. Units are degrees decimal minutes |
attribute | gps_latitude | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | gps_latitude | long_name | String | m_gps_lat |
attribute | gps_latitude | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | gps_latitude | platform | String | platform |
attribute | gps_latitude | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | gps_latitude | source_sensor | String | m_gps_lat |
attribute | gps_latitude | units | String | lat |
variable | gps_longitude | double | ||
attribute | gps_longitude | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | gps_longitude | _FillValue | double | 9.969209968386869E36 |
attribute | gps_longitude | actual_range | double | -7351.8959, -7325.3126 |
attribute | gps_longitude | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | gps_longitude | comment | String | GPS longitude. Units are degrees decimal minutes |
attribute | gps_longitude | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | gps_longitude | long_name | String | m_gps_lon |
attribute | gps_longitude | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | gps_longitude | platform | String | platform |
attribute | gps_longitude | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | gps_longitude | sensor | String | m_gps_lon |
attribute | gps_longitude | source_sensor | String | m_gps_lon |
attribute | gps_longitude | units | String | degrees decimal minutes |
variable | instrument_azfp | int | ||
attribute | instrument_azfp | _FillValue | int | -2147483647 |
attribute | instrument_azfp | calibration_date | String | 2017-10-24 |
attribute | instrument_azfp | comment | String | AZFP Echosounder 38, 125, 200 kHz |
attribute | instrument_azfp | factory_calibrated | String | 2017-10-24 |
attribute | instrument_azfp | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | instrument_azfp | long_name | String | AZFP |
attribute | instrument_azfp | make_model | String | ASL AZFP-M |
attribute | instrument_azfp | owner | String | Rutgers University |
attribute | instrument_azfp | platform | String | platform |
attribute | instrument_azfp | references | String |, |
attribute | instrument_azfp | serial_number | String | 59006 |
attribute | instrument_azfp | type | String | instrument |
variable | instrument_ctd | byte | ||
attribute | instrument_ctd | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | instrument_ctd | calibration_date | String | 2022-06-19 |
attribute | instrument_ctd | comment | String | Pumped |
attribute | instrument_ctd | factory_calibrated | String | 2022-06-19 |
attribute | instrument_ctd | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | instrument_ctd | long_name | String | CTD Metadata |
attribute | instrument_ctd | make_model | String | Sea-Bird GPCTD |
attribute | instrument_ctd | platform | String | platform |
attribute | instrument_ctd | serial_number | String | 9417P |
attribute | instrument_ctd | type | String | instrument |
attribute | instrument_ctd | units | String | 1 |
variable | instrument_flbbcdslc | int | ||
attribute | instrument_flbbcdslc | _FillValue | int | -2147483647 |
attribute | instrument_flbbcdslc | calibration_date | String | 2018-10-16 |
attribute | instrument_flbbcdslc | comment | String | Chlorophyll a,beta700nm,CDOM |
attribute | instrument_flbbcdslc | factory_calibrated | String | 2018-10-16 |
attribute | instrument_flbbcdslc | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | instrument_flbbcdslc | long_name | String | ECO Triplet Puck |
attribute | instrument_flbbcdslc | make_model | String | Sea-Bird ECO Triplet flbbcdslc |
attribute | instrument_flbbcdslc | owner | String | Rutgers University |
attribute | instrument_flbbcdslc | platform | String | platform |
attribute | instrument_flbbcdslc | serial_number | String | 4653 |
attribute | instrument_flbbcdslc | type | String | instrument |
variable | instrument_pH | int | ||
attribute | instrument_pH | _FillValue | int | -2147483647 |
attribute | instrument_pH | calibration_date | String | 2022-07-01 |
attribute | instrument_pH | comment | String | V2 |
attribute | instrument_pH | factory_calibrated | String | 2022-07-01 |
attribute | instrument_pH | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | instrument_pH | long_name | String | Deep ISFET Ocean pH Sensor |
attribute | instrument_pH | make_model | String | Sea-Bird Deep ISFET Ocean pH Sensor |
attribute | instrument_pH | owner | String | Rutgers University |
attribute | instrument_pH | platform | String | platform |
attribute | instrument_pH | serial_number | String | C18 |
attribute | instrument_pH | type | String | instrument |
variable | lat_uv | double | ||
attribute | lat_uv | _FillValue | double | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | lat_uv | actual_range | double | 40.2512, 40.43268 |
attribute | lat_uv | colorBarMaximum | double | 90.0 |
attribute | lat_uv | colorBarMinimum | double | -90.0 |
attribute | lat_uv | comment | String | The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives. |
attribute | lat_uv | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | lat_uv | long_name | String | Depth-averaged Latitude |
attribute | lat_uv | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | lat_uv | platform | String | platform |
attribute | lat_uv | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | lat_uv | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | lat_uv | units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | lat_uv | valid_max | double | 90.0 |
attribute | lat_uv | valid_min | double | -90.0 |
variable | lon_uv | double | ||
attribute | lon_uv | _FillValue | double | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | lon_uv | actual_range | double | -73.86672, -73.42225 |
attribute | lon_uv | colorBarMaximum | double | 180.0 |
attribute | lon_uv | colorBarMinimum | double | -180.0 |
attribute | lon_uv | comment | String | The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives. |
attribute | lon_uv | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | lon_uv | long_name | String | Depth-averaged Longitude |
attribute | lon_uv | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | lon_uv | platform | String | platform |
attribute | lon_uv | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | lon_uv | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | lon_uv | units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | lon_uv | valid_max | double | 180.0 |
attribute | lon_uv | valid_min | double | -180.0 |
variable | measured_avg_speed | float | ||
attribute | measured_avg_speed | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_avg_speed | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_avg_speed | actual_range | float | 0.0773429, 0.253385 |
attribute | measured_avg_speed | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_avg_speed | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_avg_speed | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_avg_speed | long_name | String | m_avg_speed |
attribute | measured_avg_speed | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_avg_speed | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_avg_speed | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_avg_speed | sensor | String | m_avg_speed |
attribute | measured_avg_speed | source_sensor | String | m_avg_speed |
attribute | measured_avg_speed | units | String | m/s |
variable | measured_ballast_pumped | float | ||
attribute | measured_ballast_pumped | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_ballast_pumped | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_ballast_pumped | actual_range | float | -233.249, 233.18 |
attribute | measured_ballast_pumped | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_ballast_pumped | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_ballast_pumped | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_ballast_pumped | long_name | String | m_ballast_pumped |
attribute | measured_ballast_pumped | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_ballast_pumped | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_ballast_pumped | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_ballast_pumped | sensor | String | m_ballast_pumped |
attribute | measured_ballast_pumped | source_sensor | String | m_ballast_pumped |
attribute | measured_ballast_pumped | units | String | cc |
variable | measured_battery_inst | float | ||
attribute | measured_battery_inst | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_battery_inst | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_battery_inst | actual_range | float | 15.4897, 16.4054 |
attribute | measured_battery_inst | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_battery_inst | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_battery_inst | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_battery_inst | long_name | String | m_battery_inst |
attribute | measured_battery_inst | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_battery_inst | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_battery_inst | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_battery_inst | sensor | String | m_battery_inst |
attribute | measured_battery_inst | source_sensor | String | m_battery_inst |
attribute | measured_battery_inst | units | String | volts |
variable | measured_battpos | float | ||
attribute | measured_battpos | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_battpos | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_battpos | actual_range | float | -0.817222, 0.856232 |
attribute | measured_battpos | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_battpos | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_battpos | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_battpos | long_name | String | m_battpos |
attribute | measured_battpos | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_battpos | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_battpos | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_battpos | sensor | String | m_battpos |
attribute | measured_battpos | source_sensor | String | m_battpos |
attribute | measured_battpos | units | String | in |
variable | measured_bms_aft_current | float | ||
attribute | measured_bms_aft_current | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_bms_aft_current | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_bms_aft_current | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.0 |
attribute | measured_bms_aft_current | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_bms_aft_current | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_bms_aft_current | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_bms_aft_current | long_name | String | m_bms_aft_current |
attribute | measured_bms_aft_current | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_bms_aft_current | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_bms_aft_current | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_bms_aft_current | sensor | String | m_bms_aft_current |
attribute | measured_bms_aft_current | source_sensor | String | m_bms_aft_current |
attribute | measured_bms_aft_current | units | String | amp |
variable | measured_bms_ebay_current | float | ||
attribute | measured_bms_ebay_current | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_bms_ebay_current | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_bms_ebay_current | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.0 |
attribute | measured_bms_ebay_current | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_bms_ebay_current | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_bms_ebay_current | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_bms_ebay_current | long_name | String | m_bms_ebay_current |
attribute | measured_bms_ebay_current | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_bms_ebay_current | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_bms_ebay_current | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_bms_ebay_current | sensor | String | m_bms_ebay_current |
attribute | measured_bms_ebay_current | source_sensor | String | m_bms_ebay_current |
attribute | measured_bms_ebay_current | units | String | amp |
variable | measured_bms_emergency_battery_voltage | float | ||
attribute | measured_bms_emergency_battery_voltage | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_bms_emergency_battery_voltage | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_bms_emergency_battery_voltage | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.0 |
attribute | measured_bms_emergency_battery_voltage | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_bms_emergency_battery_voltage | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_bms_emergency_battery_voltage | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_bms_emergency_battery_voltage | long_name | String | m_bms_emergency_battery_voltage |
attribute | measured_bms_emergency_battery_voltage | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_bms_emergency_battery_voltage | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_bms_emergency_battery_voltage | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_bms_emergency_battery_voltage | sensor | String | m_bms_emergency_battery_voltage |
attribute | measured_bms_emergency_battery_voltage | source_sensor | String | m_bms_emergency_battery_voltage |
attribute | measured_bms_emergency_battery_voltage | units | String | volts |
variable | measured_bms_pitch_current | float | ||
attribute | measured_bms_pitch_current | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_bms_pitch_current | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_bms_pitch_current | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.0 |
attribute | measured_bms_pitch_current | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_bms_pitch_current | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_bms_pitch_current | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_bms_pitch_current | long_name | String | m_bms_pitch_current |
attribute | measured_bms_pitch_current | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_bms_pitch_current | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_bms_pitch_current | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_bms_pitch_current | sensor | String | m_bms_pitch_current |
attribute | measured_bms_pitch_current | source_sensor | String | m_bms_pitch_current |
attribute | measured_bms_pitch_current | units | String | amp |
variable | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | double | ||
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | actual_range | double | 1.66248321619577E9, 1.6633517620137E9 |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | axis | String | T |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | calendar | String | gregorian |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | long_name | String | m_comms_tickle_timestamp |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | sensor | String | m_comms_tickle_timestamp |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | source_sensor | String | m_comms_tickle_timestamp |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | valid_max | double | 2.147483647E9 |
attribute | measured_comms_tickle_timestamp | valid_min | double | 0.0 |
variable | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | double | ||
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | actual_range | double | 1.66248331633282E9, 1.66335185706665E9 |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | axis | String | T |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | calendar | String | gregorian |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | long_name | String | m_cop_tickle_timestamp |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | sensor | String | m_cop_tickle_timestamp |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | source_sensor | String | m_cop_tickle_timestamp |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | valid_max | double | 2.147483647E9 |
attribute | measured_cop_tickle_timestamp | valid_min | double | 0.0 |
variable | measured_coulomb_amphr | float | ||
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr | actual_range | float | 0.724375, 44.0729 |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr | long_name | String | m_coulomb_amphr |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr | sensor | String | m_coulomb_amphr |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr | source_sensor | String | m_coulomb_amphr |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr | units | String | amp-hrs |
variable | measured_coulomb_amphr_total | float | ||
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr_total | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr_total | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr_total | actual_range | float | 0.976375, 44.3249 |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr_total | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr_total | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr_total | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr_total | long_name | String | m_coulomb_amphr_total |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr_total | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr_total | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr_total | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr_total | sensor | String | m_coulomb_amphr_total |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr_total | source_sensor | String | m_coulomb_amphr_total |
attribute | measured_coulomb_amphr_total | units | String | amp-hrs |
variable | measured_depth | float | ||
attribute | measured_depth | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_depth | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_depth | actual_range | float | 0.0, 3.96778 |
attribute | measured_depth | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_depth | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_depth | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_depth | long_name | String | m_depth |
attribute | measured_depth | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_depth | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_depth | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_depth | sensor | String | m_depth |
attribute | measured_depth | source_sensor | String | m_depth |
attribute | measured_depth | units | String | m |
variable | measured_depth_rate_avg_final | float | ||
attribute | measured_depth_rate_avg_final | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_depth_rate_avg_final | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_depth_rate_avg_final | actual_range | float | -0.132526, 0.181482 |
attribute | measured_depth_rate_avg_final | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_depth_rate_avg_final | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_depth_rate_avg_final | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_depth_rate_avg_final | long_name | String | m_depth_rate_avg_final |
attribute | measured_depth_rate_avg_final | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_depth_rate_avg_final | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_depth_rate_avg_final | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_depth_rate_avg_final | sensor | String | m_depth_rate_avg_final |
attribute | measured_depth_rate_avg_final | source_sensor | String | m_depth_rate_avg_final |
attribute | measured_depth_rate_avg_final | units | String | m/s |
variable | measured_digifin_leakdetect_reading | float | ||
attribute | measured_digifin_leakdetect_reading | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_digifin_leakdetect_reading | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_digifin_leakdetect_reading | actual_range | float | 1021.0, 1023.0 |
attribute | measured_digifin_leakdetect_reading | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_digifin_leakdetect_reading | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_digifin_leakdetect_reading | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_digifin_leakdetect_reading | long_name | String | m_digifin_leakdetect_reading |
attribute | measured_digifin_leakdetect_reading | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_digifin_leakdetect_reading | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_digifin_leakdetect_reading | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_digifin_leakdetect_reading | sensor | String | m_digifin_leakdetect_reading |
attribute | measured_digifin_leakdetect_reading | source_sensor | String | m_digifin_leakdetect_reading |
attribute | measured_digifin_leakdetect_reading | units | String | nodim |
variable | measured_dip_angle | float | ||
attribute | measured_dip_angle | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_dip_angle | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_dip_angle | actual_range | float | 1.12225, 1.18159 |
attribute | measured_dip_angle | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_dip_angle | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_dip_angle | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_dip_angle | long_name | String | m_dip_angle |
attribute | measured_dip_angle | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_dip_angle | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_dip_angle | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_dip_angle | sensor | String | m_dip_angle |
attribute | measured_dip_angle | source_sensor | String | m_dip_angle |
attribute | measured_dip_angle | units | String | rad |
variable | measured_fin | float | ||
attribute | measured_fin | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_fin | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_fin | actual_range | float | -0.423507, 0.421173 |
attribute | measured_fin | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_fin | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_fin | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_fin | long_name | String | m_fin |
attribute | measured_fin | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_fin | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_fin | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_fin | sensor | String | m_fin |
attribute | measured_fin | source_sensor | String | m_fin |
attribute | measured_fin | units | String | rad |
variable | measured_gps_mag_var | float | ||
attribute | measured_gps_mag_var | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_gps_mag_var | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_gps_mag_var | actual_range | float | 0.226893, 0.228638 |
attribute | measured_gps_mag_var | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_gps_mag_var | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_gps_mag_var | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_gps_mag_var | long_name | String | m_gps_mag_var |
attribute | measured_gps_mag_var | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_gps_mag_var | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_gps_mag_var | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_gps_mag_var | sensor | String | m_gps_mag_var |
attribute | measured_gps_mag_var | source_sensor | String | m_gps_mag_var |
attribute | measured_gps_mag_var | units | String | rad |
variable | measured_gps_status | byte | ||
attribute | measured_gps_status | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_gps_status | _FillValue | byte | -127 |
attribute | measured_gps_status | actual_range | byte | 0, 2 |
attribute | measured_gps_status | bytes | int | 1 |
attribute | measured_gps_status | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_gps_status | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_gps_status | long_name | String | m_gps_status |
attribute | measured_gps_status | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_gps_status | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_gps_status | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_gps_status | sensor | String | m_gps_status |
attribute | measured_gps_status | source_sensor | String | m_gps_status |
attribute | measured_gps_status | units | String | enum |
variable | measured_hdg_derror | float | ||
attribute | measured_hdg_derror | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_hdg_derror | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_hdg_derror | actual_range | float | -0.0489443, 0.0390581 |
attribute | measured_hdg_derror | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_hdg_derror | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_hdg_derror | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_hdg_derror | long_name | String | m_hdg_derror |
attribute | measured_hdg_derror | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_hdg_derror | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_hdg_derror | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_hdg_derror | sensor | String | m_hdg_derror |
attribute | measured_hdg_derror | source_sensor | String | m_hdg_derror |
attribute | measured_hdg_derror | units | String | rad/sec |
variable | measured_hdg_error | float | ||
attribute | measured_hdg_error | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_hdg_error | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_hdg_error | actual_range | float | -2.7104, 3.14373 |
attribute | measured_hdg_error | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_hdg_error | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_hdg_error | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_hdg_error | long_name | String | m_hdg_error |
attribute | measured_hdg_error | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_hdg_error | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_hdg_error | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_hdg_error | sensor | String | m_hdg_error |
attribute | measured_hdg_error | source_sensor | String | m_hdg_error |
attribute | measured_hdg_error | units | String | rad |
variable | measured_hdg_ierror | float | ||
attribute | measured_hdg_ierror | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_hdg_ierror | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_hdg_ierror | actual_range | float | -24.4001, 25.237 |
attribute | measured_hdg_ierror | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_hdg_ierror | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_hdg_ierror | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_hdg_ierror | long_name | String | m_hdg_ierror |
attribute | measured_hdg_ierror | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_hdg_ierror | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_hdg_ierror | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_hdg_ierror | sensor | String | m_hdg_ierror |
attribute | measured_hdg_ierror | source_sensor | String | m_hdg_ierror |
attribute | measured_hdg_ierror | units | String | rad-sec |
variable | measured_heading | float | ||
attribute | measured_heading | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_heading | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_heading | actual_range | float | 0.670206, 5.86082 |
attribute | measured_heading | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_heading | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_heading | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_heading | long_name | String | m_heading |
attribute | measured_heading | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_heading | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_heading | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_heading | sensor | String | m_heading |
attribute | measured_heading | source_sensor | String | m_heading |
attribute | measured_heading | units | String | rad |
variable | measured_iridium_attempt_num | float | ||
attribute | measured_iridium_attempt_num | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_iridium_attempt_num | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_iridium_attempt_num | actual_range | float | 0.0, 5.0 |
attribute | measured_iridium_attempt_num | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_iridium_attempt_num | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_iridium_attempt_num | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_iridium_attempt_num | long_name | String | m_iridium_attempt_num |
attribute | measured_iridium_attempt_num | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_iridium_attempt_num | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_iridium_attempt_num | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_iridium_attempt_num | sensor | String | m_iridium_attempt_num |
attribute | measured_iridium_attempt_num | source_sensor | String | m_iridium_attempt_num |
attribute | measured_iridium_attempt_num | units | String | nodim |
variable | measured_iridium_call_num | float | ||
attribute | measured_iridium_call_num | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_iridium_call_num | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_iridium_call_num | actual_range | float | 4807.0, 4928.0 |
attribute | measured_iridium_call_num | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_iridium_call_num | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_iridium_call_num | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_iridium_call_num | long_name | String | m_iridium_call_num |
attribute | measured_iridium_call_num | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_iridium_call_num | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_iridium_call_num | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_iridium_call_num | sensor | String | m_iridium_call_num |
attribute | measured_iridium_call_num | source_sensor | String | m_iridium_call_num |
attribute | measured_iridium_call_num | units | String | nodim |
variable | measured_iridium_dialed_num | float | ||
attribute | measured_iridium_dialed_num | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_iridium_dialed_num | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_iridium_dialed_num | actual_range | float | 6845.0, 6986.0 |
attribute | measured_iridium_dialed_num | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_iridium_dialed_num | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_iridium_dialed_num | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_iridium_dialed_num | long_name | String | m_iridium_dialed_num |
attribute | measured_iridium_dialed_num | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_iridium_dialed_num | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_iridium_dialed_num | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_iridium_dialed_num | sensor | String | m_iridium_dialed_num |
attribute | measured_iridium_dialed_num | source_sensor | String | m_iridium_dialed_num |
attribute | measured_iridium_dialed_num | units | String | nodim |
variable | measured_leakdetect_voltage | float | ||
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage | actual_range | float | 2.47759, 2.4823 |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage | long_name | String | m_leakdetect_voltage |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage | sensor | String | m_leakdetect_voltage |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage | source_sensor | String | m_leakdetect_voltage |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage | units | String | volts |
variable | measured_leakdetect_voltage_forward | float | ||
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_forward | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_forward | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_forward | actual_range | float | 2.484, 2.48907 |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_forward | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_forward | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_forward | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_forward | long_name | String | m_leakdetect_voltage_forward |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_forward | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_forward | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_forward | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_forward | sensor | String | m_leakdetect_voltage_forward |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_forward | source_sensor | String | m_leakdetect_voltage_forward |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_forward | units | String | volts |
variable | measured_leakdetect_voltage_science | float | ||
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_science | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_science | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_science | actual_range | float | -1.0, -1.0 |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_science | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_science | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_science | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_science | long_name | String | m_leakdetect_voltage_science |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_science | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_science | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_science | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_science | sensor | String | m_leakdetect_voltage_science |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_science | source_sensor | String | m_leakdetect_voltage_science |
attribute | measured_leakdetect_voltage_science | units | String | volts |
variable | measured_magnetic_field | float | ||
attribute | measured_magnetic_field | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_magnetic_field | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_magnetic_field | actual_range | float | 4009.0, 4626.0 |
attribute | measured_magnetic_field | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_magnetic_field | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_magnetic_field | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_magnetic_field | long_name | String | m_magnetic_field |
attribute | measured_magnetic_field | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_magnetic_field | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_magnetic_field | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_magnetic_field | sensor | String | m_magnetic_field |
attribute | measured_magnetic_field | source_sensor | String | m_magnetic_field |
attribute | measured_magnetic_field | units | String | nodim |
variable | measured_pitch | float | ||
attribute | measured_pitch | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_pitch | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_pitch | actual_range | float | -0.455531, 0.548033 |
attribute | measured_pitch | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_pitch | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_pitch | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_pitch | long_name | String | m_pitch |
attribute | measured_pitch | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_pitch | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_pitch | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_pitch | sensor | String | m_pitch |
attribute | measured_pitch | source_sensor | String | m_pitch |
attribute | measured_pitch | type | String | f4 |
attribute | measured_pitch | units | String | rad |
variable | measured_present_time | double | ||
attribute | measured_present_time | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_present_time | actual_range | double | 1.66247795156216E9, 1.66335397453726E9 |
attribute | measured_present_time | axis | String | T |
attribute | measured_present_time | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | measured_present_time | calendar | String | gregorian |
attribute | measured_present_time | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_present_time | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | measured_present_time | long_name | String | m_present_time |
attribute | measured_present_time | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_present_time | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_present_time | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_present_time | sensor | String | m_present_time |
attribute | measured_present_time | source_sensor | String | m_present_time |
attribute | measured_present_time | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | measured_present_time | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | measured_present_time | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
attribute | measured_present_time | valid_max | double | 2.147483647E9 |
attribute | measured_present_time | valid_min | double | 0.0 |
variable | measured_pressure | float | ||
attribute | measured_pressure | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_pressure | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_pressure | actual_range | float | -0.0156714, 3.22005 |
attribute | measured_pressure | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_pressure | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_pressure | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_pressure | long_name | String | m_pressure |
attribute | measured_pressure | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_pressure | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_pressure | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_pressure | sensor | String | m_pressure |
attribute | measured_pressure | source_sensor | String | m_pressure |
attribute | measured_pressure | units | String | bar |
variable | measured_raw_altitude | float | ||
attribute | measured_raw_altitude | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_raw_altitude | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_raw_altitude | actual_range | float | 0.0, 24.641 |
attribute | measured_raw_altitude | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_raw_altitude | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_raw_altitude | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_raw_altitude | long_name | String | m_raw_altitude |
attribute | measured_raw_altitude | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_raw_altitude | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_raw_altitude | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_raw_altitude | sensor | String | m_raw_altitude |
attribute | measured_raw_altitude | source_sensor | String | m_raw_altitude |
attribute | measured_raw_altitude | units | String | m |
variable | measured_roll | float | ||
attribute | measured_roll | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_roll | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_roll | actual_range | float | 0.0122173, 0.150098 |
attribute | measured_roll | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_roll | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_roll | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_roll | long_name | String | m_roll |
attribute | measured_roll | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_roll | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_roll | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_roll | sensor | String | m_roll |
attribute | measured_roll | source_sensor | String | m_roll |
attribute | measured_roll | type | String | f4 |
attribute | measured_roll | units | String | rad |
variable | measured_science_clothesline_lag | float | ||
attribute | measured_science_clothesline_lag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_science_clothesline_lag | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_science_clothesline_lag | actual_range | float | -0.0404053, 4.99652 |
attribute | measured_science_clothesline_lag | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_science_clothesline_lag | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_science_clothesline_lag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_science_clothesline_lag | long_name | String | m_science_clothesline_lag |
attribute | measured_science_clothesline_lag | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_science_clothesline_lag | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_science_clothesline_lag | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_science_clothesline_lag | sensor | String | m_science_clothesline_lag |
attribute | measured_science_clothesline_lag | source_sensor | String | m_science_clothesline_lag |
attribute | measured_science_clothesline_lag | type | String | f4 |
attribute | measured_science_clothesline_lag | units | String | s |
variable | measured_thruster_power | float | ||
attribute | measured_thruster_power | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_thruster_power | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_thruster_power | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.0 |
attribute | measured_thruster_power | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_thruster_power | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_thruster_power | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_thruster_power | long_name | String | m_thruster_power |
attribute | measured_thruster_power | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_thruster_power | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_thruster_power | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_thruster_power | sensor | String | m_thruster_power |
attribute | measured_thruster_power | source_sensor | String | m_thruster_power |
attribute | measured_thruster_power | units | String | watt |
variable | measured_tot_num_inflections | float | ||
attribute | measured_tot_num_inflections | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_tot_num_inflections | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_tot_num_inflections | actual_range | float | 84052.0, 88266.0 |
attribute | measured_tot_num_inflections | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_tot_num_inflections | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_tot_num_inflections | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_tot_num_inflections | long_name | String | m_tot_num_inflections |
attribute | measured_tot_num_inflections | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_tot_num_inflections | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_tot_num_inflections | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_tot_num_inflections | sensor | String | m_tot_num_inflections |
attribute | measured_tot_num_inflections | source_sensor | String | m_tot_num_inflections |
attribute | measured_tot_num_inflections | units | String | nodim |
variable | measured_vacuum | float | ||
attribute | measured_vacuum | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_vacuum | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_vacuum | actual_range | float | 5.83184, 7.71927 |
attribute | measured_vacuum | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_vacuum | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_vacuum | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_vacuum | long_name | String | m_vacuum |
attribute | measured_vacuum | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_vacuum | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_vacuum | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_vacuum | sensor | String | m_vacuum |
attribute | measured_vacuum | source_sensor | String | m_vacuum |
attribute | measured_vacuum | units | String | inHg |
variable | measured_veh_temp | float | ||
attribute | measured_veh_temp | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_veh_temp | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_veh_temp | actual_range | float | 21.1319, 25.5422 |
attribute | measured_veh_temp | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_veh_temp | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_veh_temp | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_veh_temp | long_name | String | m_veh_temp |
attribute | measured_veh_temp | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_veh_temp | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_veh_temp | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_veh_temp | sensor | String | m_veh_temp |
attribute | measured_veh_temp | source_sensor | String | m_veh_temp |
attribute | measured_veh_temp | units | String | c |
variable | measured_vehicle_temp | float | ||
attribute | measured_vehicle_temp | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_vehicle_temp | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_vehicle_temp | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.0 |
attribute | measured_vehicle_temp | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_vehicle_temp | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_vehicle_temp | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_vehicle_temp | long_name | String | m_vehicle_temp |
attribute | measured_vehicle_temp | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_vehicle_temp | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_vehicle_temp | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_vehicle_temp | sensor | String | m_vehicle_temp |
attribute | measured_vehicle_temp | source_sensor | String | m_vehicle_temp |
attribute | measured_vehicle_temp | units | String | degC |
variable | measured_water_depth | float | ||
attribute | measured_water_depth | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_water_depth | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_water_depth | actual_range | float | -1.0, 36.6058 |
attribute | measured_water_depth | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | measured_water_depth | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_water_depth | comment | String | CTD depth plus altitude off the bottom |
attribute | measured_water_depth | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | measured_water_depth | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_water_depth | long_name | String | m_water_depth |
attribute | measured_water_depth | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_water_depth | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_water_depth | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_water_depth | sensor | String | m_water_depth |
attribute | measured_water_depth | source_sensor | String | m_water_depth |
attribute | measured_water_depth | standard_name | String | sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface |
attribute | measured_water_depth | type | String | f4 |
attribute | measured_water_depth | units | String | m |
variable | measured_water_vx | float | ||
attribute | measured_water_vx | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_water_vx | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_water_vx | actual_range | float | -0.167862, 0.0802052 |
attribute | measured_water_vx | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | measured_water_vx | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_water_vx | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_water_vx | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | measured_water_vx | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_water_vx | long_name | String | m_water_vx |
attribute | measured_water_vx | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_water_vx | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_water_vx | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_water_vx | sensor | String | m_water_vx |
attribute | measured_water_vx | source_sensor | String | m_water_vx |
attribute | measured_water_vx | units | String | m/s |
variable | measured_water_vy | float | ||
attribute | measured_water_vy | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_water_vy | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_water_vy | actual_range | float | -0.115088, 0.161825 |
attribute | measured_water_vy | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | measured_water_vy | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_water_vy | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_water_vy | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | measured_water_vy | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_water_vy | long_name | String | m_water_vy |
attribute | measured_water_vy | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_water_vy | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_water_vy | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_water_vy | sensor | String | m_water_vy |
attribute | measured_water_vy | source_sensor | String | m_water_vy |
attribute | measured_water_vy | units | String | m/s |
variable | measured_weight_drop | byte | ||
attribute | measured_weight_drop | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_weight_drop | _FillValue | byte | -127 |
attribute | measured_weight_drop | actual_range | byte | 0, 0 |
attribute | measured_weight_drop | bytes | int | 1 |
attribute | measured_weight_drop | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_weight_drop | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_weight_drop | long_name | String | m_weight_drop |
attribute | measured_weight_drop | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_weight_drop | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_weight_drop | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_weight_drop | sensor | String | m_weight_drop |
attribute | measured_weight_drop | source_sensor | String | m_weight_drop |
attribute | measured_weight_drop | units | String | bool |
variable | measured_x_lmc | float | ||
attribute | measured_x_lmc | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_x_lmc | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_x_lmc | actual_range | float | -2588.29, 14596.5 |
attribute | measured_x_lmc | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_x_lmc | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_x_lmc | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_x_lmc | long_name | String | m_x_lmc |
attribute | measured_x_lmc | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_x_lmc | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_x_lmc | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_x_lmc | sensor | String | m_x_lmc |
attribute | measured_x_lmc | source_sensor | String | m_x_lmc |
attribute | measured_x_lmc | units | String | m |
variable | measured_y_lmc | float | ||
attribute | measured_y_lmc | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | measured_y_lmc | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | measured_y_lmc | actual_range | float | -3646.06, 3340.9 |
attribute | measured_y_lmc | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | measured_y_lmc | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | measured_y_lmc | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | measured_y_lmc | long_name | String | m_y_lmc |
attribute | measured_y_lmc | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | measured_y_lmc | platform | String | platform |
attribute | measured_y_lmc | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | measured_y_lmc | sensor | String | m_y_lmc |
attribute | measured_y_lmc | source_sensor | String | m_y_lmc |
attribute | measured_y_lmc | units | String | m |
variable | platform_meta | byte | ||
attribute | platform_meta | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | platform_meta | depth_rating | String | 200m |
attribute | platform_meta | glider_type | String | Teledyne Webb Research Slocum G2 glider |
attribute | platform_meta | gts_ingest | String | True |
attribute | platform_meta | id | String | ru30 |
attribute | platform_meta | instrument | String | instrument_ctd,instrument_pH,instrument_flbbcdslc,instrument_azfp |
attribute | platform_meta | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | platform_meta | long_name | String | Platform Metadata |
attribute | platform_meta | os_version | String | 8.5 |
attribute | platform_meta | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | platform_meta | type | String | platform |
attribute | platform_meta | units | String | 1 |
attribute | platform_meta | wmo_id | String | 4801946 |
attribute | platform_meta | wmo_platform_code | String | 4801946 |
variable | potential_temperature | float | ||
attribute | potential_temperature | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | potential_temperature | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | potential_temperature | actual_range | float | 16.77807, 24.37868 |
attribute | potential_temperature | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | potential_temperature | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | potential_temperature | long_name | String | Potential Temperature |
attribute | potential_temperature | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | potential_temperature | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | potential_temperature | standard_name | String | sea_water_potential_temperature |
attribute | potential_temperature | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | potential_temperature | valid_max | float | 0.0 |
attribute | potential_temperature | valid_min | float | 40.0 |
variable | precise_lat | double | ||
attribute | precise_lat | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | precise_lat | _FillValue | double | 9.969209968386869E36 |
attribute | precise_lat | actual_range | double | 40.2511166849422, 40.43271698501192 |
attribute | precise_lat | axis | String | Y |
attribute | precise_lat | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | precise_lat | colorBarMaximum | double | 90.0 |
attribute | precise_lat | colorBarMinimum | double | -90.0 |
attribute | precise_lat | comment | String | Interpolated latitude at each point in the time-series |
attribute | precise_lat | coordinate_reference_frame | String | urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326 |
attribute | precise_lat | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | precise_lat | long_name | String | Precise Latitude |
attribute | precise_lat | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | precise_lat | platform | String | platform |
attribute | precise_lat | precision | int | 5 |
attribute | precise_lat | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | precise_lat | reference | String | WGS84 |
attribute | precise_lat | source_sensor | String | m_gps_lat |
attribute | precise_lat | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | precise_lat | units | String | degree_north |
attribute | precise_lat | valid_max | double | 90.0 |
attribute | precise_lat | valid_min | double | -90.0 |
variable | precise_lon | double | ||
attribute | precise_lon | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | precise_lon | _FillValue | double | 9.969209968386869E36 |
attribute | precise_lon | actual_range | double | -73.86682244674445, -73.42187666666668 |
attribute | precise_lon | axis | String | X |
attribute | precise_lon | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | precise_lon | colorBarMaximum | double | 180.0 |
attribute | precise_lon | colorBarMinimum | double | -180.0 |
attribute | precise_lon | comment | String | Interpolated longitude at each point in the time-series |
attribute | precise_lon | coordinate_reference_frame | String | urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326 |
attribute | precise_lon | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | precise_lon | long_name | String | Precise Longitude |
attribute | precise_lon | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | precise_lon | platform | String | platform |
attribute | precise_lon | precision | int | 5 |
attribute | precise_lon | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | precise_lon | reference | String | WGS84 |
attribute | precise_lon | source_sensor | String | m_gps_lon |
attribute | precise_lon | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | precise_lon | units | String | degree_east |
attribute | precise_lon | valid_max | double | 180.0 |
attribute | precise_lon | valid_min | double | -180.0 |
variable | precise_time | double | ||
attribute | precise_time | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | precise_time | actual_range | double | 1.66247795156216E9, 1.66335397453726E9 |
attribute | precise_time | axis | String | T |
attribute | precise_time | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | precise_time | calendar | String | gregorian |
attribute | precise_time | comment | String | Timestamp at each point in the time-series |
attribute | precise_time | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | precise_time | long_name | String | Precise Time |
attribute | precise_time | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | precise_time | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | precise_time | source_sensor | String | m_present_time |
attribute | precise_time | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | precise_time | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | precise_time | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
attribute | precise_time | valid_max | double | 2.147483647E9 |
attribute | precise_time | valid_min | double | 0.0 |
variable | pressure | float | ||
attribute | pressure | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | pressure | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | pressure | actual_range | float | 0.03, 32.78 |
attribute | pressure | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ctd qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag qartod_pressure_spike_flag qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag qartod_pressure_primary_flag |
attribute | pressure | axis | String | Z |
attribute | pressure | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | pressure | colorBarMaximum | double | 2000.0 |
attribute | pressure | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | pressure | comment | String | Converted from bar to decibar |
attribute | pressure | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | pressure | ioos_category | String | Pressure |
attribute | pressure | long_name | String | Sea Water Pressure |
attribute | pressure | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | pressure | platform | String | platform |
attribute | pressure | positive | String | down |
attribute | pressure | precision | int | 2 |
attribute | pressure | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | pressure | reference_datum | String | sea-surface |
attribute | pressure | sensor | String | sci_water_pressure |
attribute | pressure | source_sensor | String | sci_water_pressure |
attribute | pressure | standard_name | String | sea_water_pressure |
attribute | pressure | units | String | decibar |
attribute | pressure | valid_max | float | 2000.0 |
attribute | pressure | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | eps | double | 1.1920929E-7 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | high_reps | int | 8 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | low_reps | int | 4 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | qartod_test | String | flat_line |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | standard_name | String | flat_line_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Gross Range Test for sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | qartod_test | String | gross_range |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | sensor_span | int | 0, 7 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | standard_name | String | gross_range_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 4 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod_primary |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Primary Flag for sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | standard_name | String | aggregate_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 3 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Rate of Change Test for sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | qartod_test | String | rate_of_change |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | standard_name | String | rate_of_change_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | thresh_val | double | 0.014847328420990787 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 4 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | high_thresh | double | 0.060973621904850006 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Spike Test for sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | low_thresh | double | 0.030486810952425003 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | qartod_test | String | spike |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | standard_name | String | spike_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_density |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | qartod_test | String | flat_line |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | standard_name | String | flat_line_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Gross Range Test for sea_water_density |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | qartod_test | String | gross_range |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | standard_name | String | gross_range_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_density_primary_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod_primary |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Primary Flag for sea_water_density |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | standard_name | String | aggregate_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Rate of Change Test for sea_water_density |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | qartod_test | String | rate_of_change |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | standard_name | String | rate_of_change_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_density_spike_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Spike Test for sea_water_density |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | qartod_test | String | spike |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | standard_name | String | spike_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_location_test_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | _FillValue | byte | 2 |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | dac_comment | String | QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | flag_meanings | String | PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | ioos_category | String | Quality |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Location Test for longitude and latitude |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | standard_name | String | location_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | units | String | 1 |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | valid_max | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | valid_min | byte | 1 |
variable | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 3 |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Pressure Test for sea_water_pressure |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | qartod_test | String | pressure |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | standard_name | String | quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | eps | double | 1.1920929E-7 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | high_reps | int | 8 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_pressure |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | low_reps | int | 4 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | qartod_test | String | flat_line |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | standard_name | String | flat_line_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Gross Range Test for sea_water_pressure |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | qartod_test | String | gross_range |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | sensor_span | int | 0, 11000 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | standard_name | String | gross_range_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 3 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod_primary |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Primary Flag for sea_water_pressure |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | standard_name | String | aggregate_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 2 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Rate of Change Test for sea_water_pressure |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | qartod_test | String | rate_of_change |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | standard_name | String | rate_of_change_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | thresh_val | double | 3.570569974320711 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 3 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | high_thresh | double | 14.663283348083496 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Spike Test for sea_water_pressure |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | low_thresh | double | 7.331641674041748 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | qartod_test | String | spike |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | standard_name | String | spike_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | qartod_test | String | flat_line |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | standard_name | String | flat_line_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Gross Range Test for sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | qartod_test | String | gross_range |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | standard_name | String | gross_range_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod_primary |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Primary Flag for sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | standard_name | String | aggregate_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Rate of Change Test for sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | qartod_test | String | rate_of_change |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | standard_name | String | rate_of_change_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Spike Test for sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | qartod_test | String | spike |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | standard_name | String | spike_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_temperature |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | qartod_test | String | flat_line |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | standard_name | String | flat_line_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Gross Range Test for sea_water_temperature |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | qartod_test | String | gross_range |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | standard_name | String | gross_range_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod_primary |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Primary Flag for sea_water_temperature |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | standard_name | String | aggregate_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Rate of Change Test for sea_water_temperature |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | qartod_test | String | rate_of_change |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | standard_name | String | rate_of_change_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Spike Test for sea_water_temperature |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | qartod_test | String | spike |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | references | String | |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | standard_name | String | spike_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | salinity | float | ||
attribute | salinity | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | salinity | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | salinity | actual_range | float | 31.43418, 33.13986 |
attribute | salinity | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ctd qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag qartod_salinity_spike_flag qartod_salinity_primary_flag |
attribute | salinity | colorBarMaximum | double | 37.0 |
attribute | salinity | colorBarMinimum | double | 30.0 |
attribute | salinity | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | salinity | ioos_category | String | Salinity |
attribute | salinity | long_name | String | Sea Water Practical Salinity |
attribute | salinity | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | salinity | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | salinity | standard_name | String | sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | salinity | units | String | 1 |
attribute | salinity | valid_max | float | 0.0 |
attribute | salinity | valid_min | float | 40.0 |
variable | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | float | ||
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | actual_range | float | -1.876E-8, 0.0 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ph |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | instrument | String | instrument_ph |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | long_name | String | sci_sbe41n_ph_electrode_current |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | platform | String | platform |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | sensor | String | sci_sbe41n_ph_electrode_current |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | source_sensor | String | sci_sbe41n_ph_electrode_current |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_current | units | String | amps |
variable | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | float | ||
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | actual_range | float | -0.972788, 0.0 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ph |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | instrument | String | instrument_ph |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | long_name | String | sci_sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | platform | String | platform |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | sensor | String | sci_sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | source_sensor | String | sci_sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_electrode_voltage | units | String | volts |
variable | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | float | ||
attribute | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | actual_range | float | -0.92645, 0.0 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ph |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | instrument | String | instrument_ph |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | long_name | String | sci_sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | platform | String | platform |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | sensor | String | sci_sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | source_sensor | String | sci_sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_ref_voltage | units | String | volts |
variable | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | float | ||
attribute | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | actual_range | float | -3.504E-8, 0.0 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ph |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | instrument | String | instrument_ph |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | long_name | String | sci_sbe41n_ph_substrate_current |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | platform | String | platform |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | sensor | String | sci_sbe41n_ph_substrate_current |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | source_sensor | String | sci_sbe41n_ph_substrate_current |
attribute | sbe41n_ph_substrate_current | units | String | amps |
variable | science_timestamp | double | ||
attribute | science_timestamp | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | science_timestamp | actual_range | double | 1.66247795156216E9, 1.66335397453726E9 |
attribute | science_timestamp | axis | String | T |
attribute | science_timestamp | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | science_timestamp | calendar | String | gregorian |
attribute | science_timestamp | comment | String | Science controller timestamp |
attribute | science_timestamp | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | science_timestamp | long_name | String | sci_m_present_time |
attribute | science_timestamp | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | science_timestamp | platform | String | platform |
attribute | science_timestamp | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | science_timestamp | sensor | String | sci_m_present_time |
attribute | science_timestamp | source_sensor | String | sci_m_present_time |
attribute | science_timestamp | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | science_timestamp | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | science_timestamp | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
attribute | science_timestamp | valid_max | double | 2.147483647E9 |
attribute | science_timestamp | valid_min | double | 0.0 |
variable | sound_speed | float | ||
attribute | sound_speed | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | sound_speed | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | sound_speed | actual_range | float | 1509.847, 1529.685 |
attribute | sound_speed | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | sound_speed | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | sound_speed | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | sound_speed | long_name | String | Sound Velocity |
attribute | sound_speed | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | sound_speed | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | sound_speed | standard_name | String | speed_of_sound_in_sea_water |
attribute | sound_speed | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | sound_speed | valid_max | float | 1460.0 |
attribute | sound_speed | valid_min | float | 1560.0 |
variable | source_file | String | ||
attribute | source_file | _ChunkSizes | uint | 31 |
attribute | source_file | all_sensors | String | 0 |
attribute | source_file | comment | String | Name of the source data file and associated file metadata |
attribute | source_file | dbd_label | String | DBD_ASC(dinkum_binary_data_ascii)file |
attribute | source_file | encoding_ver | String | 2 |
attribute | source_file | file_size_bytes | int | 368535 |
attribute | source_file | filename | String | ru30-2022-254-1-8 |
attribute | source_file | filename_extension | String | sbd |
attribute | source_file | filename_label | String | ru30-2022-254-1-8-sbd(04930008) |
attribute | source_file | fileopen_time | String | Tue_Sep_13_06:52:29_2022 |
attribute | source_file | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | source_file | long_name | String | Source data file |
attribute | source_file | mission_name | String | 200_NW.MI |
attribute | source_file | num_ascii_tags | String | 14 |
attribute | source_file | num_label_lines | String | 3 |
attribute | source_file | num_segments | String | 1 |
attribute | source_file | segment_filename_0 | String | ru30-2022-254-1-8 |
attribute | source_file | sensors_per_cycle | String | 112 |
attribute | source_file | source_file | String | /home/coolgroup/slocum/deployments/2022/ru30-20220906T1523/data/in/ascii/queue/ru30_2022_254_1_8_sbd.dat |
attribute | source_file | the8x3_filename | String | 04930008 |
variable | temperature | float | ||
attribute | temperature | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | temperature | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | temperature | actual_range | float | 16.782, 24.3801 |
attribute | temperature | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ctd qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag |
attribute | temperature | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | temperature | colorBarMaximum | double | 32.0 |
attribute | temperature | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | temperature | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | temperature | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | temperature | ioos_category | String | Temperature |
attribute | temperature | long_name | String | Sea Water Temperature |
attribute | temperature | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | temperature | platform | String | platform |
attribute | temperature | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | temperature | sensor | String | sci_water_temp |
attribute | temperature | source_sensor | String | sci_water_temp |
attribute | temperature | standard_name | String | sea_water_temperature |
attribute | temperature | units | String | degrees_C |
attribute | temperature | valid_max | float | 40.0 |
attribute | temperature | valid_min | float | -5.0 |
variable | time_uv | double | ||
attribute | time_uv | comment | String | The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives. |
attribute | time_uv | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | time_uv | long_name | String | Depth-averaged Time |
attribute | time_uv | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | time_uv | platform | String | platform |
attribute | time_uv | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | time_uv | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | time_uv | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | time_uv | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
attribute | time_uv | valid_max | double | 2.147483647E9 |
attribute | time_uv | valid_min | double | 0.0 |
variable | u | double | ||
attribute | u | _FillValue | double | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | u | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u | colorBarMaximum | double | 0.5 |
attribute | u | colorBarMinimum | double | -0.5 |
attribute | u | comment | String | The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives. |
attribute | u | coordinates | String | lon_uv lat_uv time_uv |
attribute | u | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | u | ioos_category | String | Currents |
attribute | u | long_name | String | Depth-averaged Eastward Sea Water Velocity |
attribute | u | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | u | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u | sensor | String | m_final_water_vx |
attribute | u | source_sensor | String | m_final_water_vx |
attribute | u | standard_name | String | eastward_sea_water_velocity |
attribute | u | type | String | f4 |
attribute | u | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | u | valid_max | double | 5.0 |
attribute | u | valid_min | double | -5.0 |
variable | u_alt_filter_enabled | byte | ||
attribute | u_alt_filter_enabled | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_alt_filter_enabled | _FillValue | byte | -127 |
attribute | u_alt_filter_enabled | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | u_alt_filter_enabled | bytes | int | 1 |
attribute | u_alt_filter_enabled | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_alt_filter_enabled | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_alt_filter_enabled | long_name | String | u_alt_filter_enabled |
attribute | u_alt_filter_enabled | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_alt_filter_enabled | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_alt_filter_enabled | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_alt_filter_enabled | sensor | String | u_alt_filter_enabled |
attribute | u_alt_filter_enabled | source_sensor | String | u_alt_filter_enabled |
attribute | u_alt_filter_enabled | units | String | bool |
variable | u_alt_min_depth | float | ||
attribute | u_alt_min_depth | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_alt_min_depth | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_alt_min_depth | actual_range | float | 2.0, 2.0 |
attribute | u_alt_min_depth | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_alt_min_depth | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_alt_min_depth | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_alt_min_depth | long_name | String | u_alt_min_depth |
attribute | u_alt_min_depth | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_alt_min_depth | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_alt_min_depth | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_alt_min_depth | sensor | String | u_alt_min_depth |
attribute | u_alt_min_depth | source_sensor | String | u_alt_min_depth |
attribute | u_alt_min_depth | units | String | m |
variable | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset | byte | ||
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset | _FillValue | byte | -127 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset | actual_range | byte | 0, 0 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset | bytes | int | 1 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset | long_name | String | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset | sensor | String | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset | source_sensor | String | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset | units | String | bool |
variable | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain | float | ||
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain | actual_range | float | 6.0, 6.0 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain | long_name | String | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain | sensor | String | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain | source_sensor | String | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_dgain | units | String | sec/rad |
variable | u_hd_fin_ap_gain | float | ||
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_gain | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_gain | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_gain | actual_range | float | 1.5, 1.5 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_gain | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_gain | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_gain | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_gain | long_name | String | u_hd_fin_ap_gain |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_gain | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_gain | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_gain | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_gain | sensor | String | u_hd_fin_ap_gain |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_gain | source_sensor | String | u_hd_fin_ap_gain |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_gain | units | String | 1/rad |
variable | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff | float | ||
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff | actual_range | float | 30.0, 30.0 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff | long_name | String | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff | sensor | String | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff | source_sensor | String | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff | units | String | sec |
variable | u_hd_fin_ap_igain | float | ||
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_igain | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_igain | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_igain | actual_range | float | 0.015, 0.015 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_igain | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_igain | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_igain | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_igain | long_name | String | u_hd_fin_ap_igain |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_igain | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_igain | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_igain | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_igain | sensor | String | u_hd_fin_ap_igain |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_igain | source_sensor | String | u_hd_fin_ap_igain |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_igain | units | String | 1/rad-sec |
variable | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff | float | ||
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff | actual_range | float | -1.0, -1.0 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff | long_name | String | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff | sensor | String | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff | source_sensor | String | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff |
attribute | u_hd_fin_ap_inflection_holdoff | units | String | sec |
variable | u_heading_deadband | float | ||
attribute | u_heading_deadband | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_heading_deadband | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_heading_deadband | actual_range | float | -1.0, 0.087 |
attribute | u_heading_deadband | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_heading_deadband | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_heading_deadband | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_heading_deadband | long_name | String | u_heading_deadband |
attribute | u_heading_deadband | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_heading_deadband | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_heading_deadband | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_heading_deadband | sensor | String | u_heading_deadband |
attribute | u_heading_deadband | source_sensor | String | u_heading_deadband |
attribute | u_heading_deadband | units | String | rad |
variable | u_heading_rate_deadband | float | ||
attribute | u_heading_rate_deadband | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_heading_rate_deadband | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_heading_rate_deadband | actual_range | float | 0.0087, 0.0087 |
attribute | u_heading_rate_deadband | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_heading_rate_deadband | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_heading_rate_deadband | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_heading_rate_deadband | long_name | String | u_heading_rate_deadband |
attribute | u_heading_rate_deadband | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_heading_rate_deadband | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_heading_rate_deadband | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_heading_rate_deadband | sensor | String | u_heading_rate_deadband |
attribute | u_heading_rate_deadband | source_sensor | String | u_heading_rate_deadband |
attribute | u_heading_rate_deadband | units | String | rad/s |
variable | u_low_power_cycle_time | float | ||
attribute | u_low_power_cycle_time | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_low_power_cycle_time | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_low_power_cycle_time | actual_range | float | -1.0, -1.0 |
attribute | u_low_power_cycle_time | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_low_power_cycle_time | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_low_power_cycle_time | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_low_power_cycle_time | long_name | String | u_low_power_cycle_time |
attribute | u_low_power_cycle_time | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_low_power_cycle_time | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_low_power_cycle_time | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_low_power_cycle_time | sensor | String | u_low_power_cycle_time |
attribute | u_low_power_cycle_time | source_sensor | String | u_low_power_cycle_time |
attribute | u_low_power_cycle_time | units | String | sec |
variable | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain | float | ||
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.0 |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain | long_name | String | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain | sensor | String | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain | source_sensor | String | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_dgain | units | String | sec/rad |
variable | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain | float | ||
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain | actual_range | float | 0.5, 0.5 |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain | long_name | String | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain | sensor | String | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain | source_sensor | String | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_gain | units | String | 1/rad |
variable | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain | float | ||
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain | actual_range | float | 1.0E-4, 1.0E-4 |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain | long_name | String | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain | sensor | String | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain | source_sensor | String | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain |
attribute | u_low_power_hd_fin_ap_igain | units | String | 1/rad-sec |
variable | u_min_water_depth | float | ||
attribute | u_min_water_depth | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_min_water_depth | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_min_water_depth | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.0 |
attribute | u_min_water_depth | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | u_min_water_depth | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_min_water_depth | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_min_water_depth | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | u_min_water_depth | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_min_water_depth | long_name | String | u_min_water_depth |
attribute | u_min_water_depth | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_min_water_depth | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_min_water_depth | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_min_water_depth | sensor | String | u_min_water_depth |
attribute | u_min_water_depth | source_sensor | String | u_min_water_depth |
attribute | u_min_water_depth | units | String | m |
variable | u_pitch_ap_deadband | float | ||
attribute | u_pitch_ap_deadband | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_deadband | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_deadband | actual_range | float | 0.079, 0.079 |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_deadband | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_deadband | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_deadband | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_deadband | long_name | String | u_pitch_ap_deadband |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_deadband | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_deadband | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_deadband | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_deadband | sensor | String | u_pitch_ap_deadband |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_deadband | source_sensor | String | u_pitch_ap_deadband |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_deadband | units | String | rad |
variable | u_pitch_ap_dgain | float | ||
attribute | u_pitch_ap_dgain | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_dgain | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_dgain | actual_range | float | -1.0, -1.0 |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_dgain | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_dgain | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_dgain | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_dgain | long_name | String | u_pitch_ap_dgain |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_dgain | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_dgain | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_dgain | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_dgain | sensor | String | u_pitch_ap_dgain |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_dgain | source_sensor | String | u_pitch_ap_dgain |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_dgain | units | String | s/rad |
variable | u_pitch_ap_gain | float | ||
attribute | u_pitch_ap_gain | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_gain | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_gain | actual_range | float | -1.0, -1.0 |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_gain | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_gain | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_gain | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_gain | long_name | String | u_pitch_ap_gain |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_gain | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_gain | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_gain | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_gain | sensor | String | u_pitch_ap_gain |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_gain | source_sensor | String | u_pitch_ap_gain |
attribute | u_pitch_ap_gain | units | String | 1/rad |
variable | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos | float | ||
attribute | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos | actual_range | float | 0.2, 0.2 |
attribute | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos | long_name | String | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos |
attribute | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos | sensor | String | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos |
attribute | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos | source_sensor | String | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos |
attribute | u_pitch_max_delta_battpos | units | String | in |
variable | u_reqd_depth_at_surface | float | ||
attribute | u_reqd_depth_at_surface | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_reqd_depth_at_surface | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_reqd_depth_at_surface | actual_range | float | 2.0, 2.0 |
attribute | u_reqd_depth_at_surface | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_reqd_depth_at_surface | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_reqd_depth_at_surface | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_reqd_depth_at_surface | long_name | String | u_reqd_depth_at_surface |
attribute | u_reqd_depth_at_surface | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_reqd_depth_at_surface | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_reqd_depth_at_surface | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_reqd_depth_at_surface | sensor | String | u_reqd_depth_at_surface |
attribute | u_reqd_depth_at_surface | source_sensor | String | u_reqd_depth_at_surface |
attribute | u_reqd_depth_at_surface | units | String | m |
variable | u_science_low_power | float | ||
attribute | u_science_low_power | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | u_science_low_power | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | u_science_low_power | actual_range | float | -1.0, -1.0 |
attribute | u_science_low_power | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | u_science_low_power | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | u_science_low_power | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | u_science_low_power | long_name | String | u_science_low_power |
attribute | u_science_low_power | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | u_science_low_power | platform | String | platform |
attribute | u_science_low_power | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | u_science_low_power | sensor | String | u_science_low_power |
attribute | u_science_low_power | source_sensor | String | u_science_low_power |
attribute | u_science_low_power | units | String | sec |
variable | v | double | ||
attribute | v | _FillValue | double | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | v | ancillary_variables | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | v | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | v | colorBarMaximum | double | 0.5 |
attribute | v | colorBarMinimum | double | -0.5 |
attribute | v | comment | String | The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives. |
attribute | v | coordinates | String | lon_uv lat_uv time_uv |
attribute | v | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | v | ioos_category | String | Currents |
attribute | v | long_name | String | Depth-averaged Northward Sea Water Velocity |
attribute | v | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | v | platform | String | platform |
attribute | v | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | v | sensor | String | m_final_water_vy |
attribute | v | source_sensor | String | m_final_water_vy |
attribute | v | standard_name | String | northward_sea_water_velocity |
attribute | v | type | String | f4 |
attribute | v | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | v | valid_max | double | 5.0 |
attribute | v | valid_min | double | -5.0 |
variable | x_current_target_altitude | float | ||
attribute | x_current_target_altitude | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | x_current_target_altitude | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | x_current_target_altitude | actual_range | float | -1.0, 4.0 |
attribute | x_current_target_altitude | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | x_current_target_altitude | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | x_current_target_altitude | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | x_current_target_altitude | long_name | String | x_current_target_altitude |
attribute | x_current_target_altitude | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | x_current_target_altitude | platform | String | platform |
attribute | x_current_target_altitude | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | x_current_target_altitude | sensor | String | x_current_target_altitude |
attribute | x_current_target_altitude | source_sensor | String | x_current_target_altitude |
attribute | x_current_target_altitude | units | String | m |
variable | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms | float | ||
attribute | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms | actual_range | float | 0.213, 4656.25 |
attribute | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms | long_name | String | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms |
attribute | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms | platform | String | platform |
attribute | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms | sensor | String | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms |
attribute | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms | source_sensor | String | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms |
attribute | x_cycle_overrun_in_ms | units | String | msec |
variable | x_fin_deadband | float | ||
attribute | x_fin_deadband | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | x_fin_deadband | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | x_fin_deadband | actual_range | float | 0.06, 0.06 |
attribute | x_fin_deadband | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | x_fin_deadband | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | x_fin_deadband | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | x_fin_deadband | long_name | String | x_fin_deadband |
attribute | x_fin_deadband | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | x_fin_deadband | platform | String | platform |
attribute | x_fin_deadband | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | x_fin_deadband | sensor | String | x_fin_deadband |
attribute | x_fin_deadband | source_sensor | String | x_fin_deadband |
attribute | x_fin_deadband | units | String | rad |
variable | x_fin_max | float | ||
attribute | x_fin_max | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | x_fin_max | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | x_fin_max | actual_range | float | 0.42, 0.42 |
attribute | x_fin_max | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | x_fin_max | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | x_fin_max | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | x_fin_max | long_name | String | x_fin_max |
attribute | x_fin_max | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | x_fin_max | platform | String | platform |
attribute | x_fin_max | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | x_fin_max | sensor | String | x_fin_max |
attribute | x_fin_max | source_sensor | String | x_fin_max |
attribute | x_fin_max | units | String | rad |
variable | x_lmc_xy_source | byte | ||
attribute | x_lmc_xy_source | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | x_lmc_xy_source | _FillValue | byte | -127 |
attribute | x_lmc_xy_source | actual_range | byte | -2, 3 |
attribute | x_lmc_xy_source | bytes | int | 1 |
attribute | x_lmc_xy_source | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | x_lmc_xy_source | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | x_lmc_xy_source | long_name | String | x_lmc_xy_source |
attribute | x_lmc_xy_source | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | x_lmc_xy_source | platform | String | platform |
attribute | x_lmc_xy_source | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | x_lmc_xy_source | sensor | String | x_lmc_xy_source |
attribute | x_lmc_xy_source | source_sensor | String | x_lmc_xy_source |
attribute | x_lmc_xy_source | units | String | enum |
variable | x_low_power_status | float | ||
attribute | x_low_power_status | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | x_low_power_status | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | x_low_power_status | actual_range | float | 1.0, 1.0 |
attribute | x_low_power_status | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | x_low_power_status | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | x_low_power_status | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | x_low_power_status | long_name | String | x_low_power_status |
attribute | x_low_power_status | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | x_low_power_status | platform | String | platform |
attribute | x_low_power_status | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | x_low_power_status | sensor | String | x_low_power_status |
attribute | x_low_power_status | source_sensor | String | x_low_power_status |
attribute | x_low_power_status | units | String | nodim |
variable | x_software_ver | float | ||
attribute | x_software_ver | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | x_software_ver | _FillValue | float | 9.96921E36 |
attribute | x_software_ver | actual_range | float | 8.5, 8.5 |
attribute | x_software_ver | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | x_software_ver | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | x_software_ver | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | x_software_ver | long_name | String | x_software_ver |
attribute | x_software_ver | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | x_software_ver | platform | String | platform |
attribute | x_software_ver | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | x_software_ver | sensor | String | x_software_ver |
attribute | x_software_ver | source_sensor | String | x_software_ver |
attribute | x_software_ver | units | String | nodim |
variable | x_thruster_state | byte | ||
attribute | x_thruster_state | _ChunkSizes | uint | 92 |
attribute | x_thruster_state | _FillValue | byte | -127 |
attribute | x_thruster_state | actual_range | byte | 0, 6 |
attribute | x_thruster_state | bytes | int | 1 |
attribute | x_thruster_state | comment | String | Native glider sensor name |
attribute | x_thruster_state | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | x_thruster_state | long_name | String | x_thruster_state |
attribute | x_thruster_state | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | x_thruster_state | platform | String | platform |
attribute | x_thruster_state | processing_level | int | 2 |
attribute | x_thruster_state | sensor | String | x_thruster_state |
attribute | x_thruster_state | source_sensor | String | x_thruster_state |
attribute | x_thruster_state | units | String | enum |
The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.