![]() |
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Grid DAP Data | Sub- set | Table DAP Data | Make A Graph | W M S | Source Data Files | Title | Sum- mary | FGDC, ISO, Metadata | Back- ground Info | RSS | E | Institution | Dataset ID | ||
set | data | graph | files | sedna-20230828T0000 | ![]() | F I M | background![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
| sedna-20230828T0000 |
Row Type | Variable Name | Attribute Name | Data Type | Value |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | _NCProperties | String | version=2,netcdf=4.9.0,hdf5=1.12.2 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_data_type | String | TrajectoryProfile |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_profile_variables | String | time_uv,lat_uv,lon_uv,u,v,profile_id,time,latitude,longitude |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_trajectory_variables | String | trajectory,wmo_id |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | contributor_name | String | Sidorovskaia N, Mathews N, Currier R |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | contributor_role | String | Principal Investigator, Glider Pilot, Data Manager |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Conventions | String | Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, COARDS, CF-1.6 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_email | String | bob.currier at gcoos.org |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_institution | String | University of Louisiana at Lafayette |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_name | String | Bob Currier |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_type | String | person |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_url | String | http://physics.louisiana.edu![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_created | String | 2023-10-09T14:38:11Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_issued | String | 2023-10-09T14:38:11Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_metadata_modified | String | 2023-09-05 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_modified | String | 2023-10-09T14:38:11Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | deployment | String | sedna-20230828T0000 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Easternmost_Easting | double | -88.08934805246497 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | featureType | String | TrajectoryProfile |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_bounds | String | POLYGON ((28.868087257935052 -88.62648217633996, 28.868087257935052 -88.62400684408355, 28.867976982041213 -88.62400684408355, 28.867976982041213 -88.62648217633996, 28.868087257935052 -88.62648217633996)) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_bounds_crs | String | EPSG:4326 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_bounds_vertical_crs | String | EPSG:5831 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_max | double | 28.981586708866555 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_min | double | 28.478213783874015 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_resolution | String | 0.00001 degree |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_max | double | -88.08934805246497 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_min | double | -88.62522868571592 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_resolution | String | 0.00001 degree |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_max | double | 900.3007 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_min | double | 0.04738002 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_positive | String | down |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_units | String | m |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | gts_ingest | String | true |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | history | String | 2023-10-09T14:38:11Z: /tmp/tmpa7taxe9b/sedna-20231009T113736Z-sbd-profilelbfp746q.nc created 2023-10-09T14:38:11Z: ./dba_to_ngdac_profile_nc.py /data/gandalf/deployments/louisiana/sedna/processed_data/dba/merged/0000219.dba |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | id | String | sedna-20230828T0000 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | infoUrl | String | https://gliders.ioos.us/erddap/![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | institution | String | University of Louisiana at Lafayette |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instrument | String | In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Profilers/Sounders > CTD |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instrument_vocabulary | String | NASA/GCMD Instrument Keywords Version 8.5 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | ioos_dac_checksum | String | 712eddbeff9b0dbefb75471b1248ce51 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | ioos_dac_completed | String | True |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | ioos_regional_association | String | GCOOS-RA |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords | String | AUVS > Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Pressure > Water Pressure, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Conductivity, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Density, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity, glider, In Situ Ocean-based platforms > Seaglider, Slocum, Spray, trajectory, underwater glider, water, wmo |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords_vocabulary | String | GCMD Science Keywords |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | license | String | This data may be redistributed and used without restriction. Data provided as is with no expressed or implied assurance of quality assurance or quality control |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Metadata_Conventions | String | Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, COARDS, CF-1.6 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | naming_authority | String | org.gcoos.gandalf |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | ncei_template_version | String | NCEI_NetCDF_Trajectory_Template_v2.0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Northernmost_Northing | double | 28.981586708866555 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | platform | String | In Situ Ocean-based Platforms > AUVS > Autonomous Underwater Vehicles |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | platform_type | String | Slocum Glider |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | platform_vocabulary | String | NASA/GCMD Platforms Keywords Version 8.5 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | processing_level | String | Level 0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | product_version | String | 0.0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | program | String | Defense Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DEPSCoR) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | project | String | Glider's Deepwater Hurricane Reconnaissance in the Gulf of Mexico |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_email | String | natalia.sidorovskaia at louisian.edu |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_institution | String | University of Louisiana at Lafayette |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_name | String | Sidorovskaia N |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_url | String | https://physics.louisiana.edu![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sea_name | String | Gulf of Mexico |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | source | String | Observational Slocum glider data from source dba file sedna-2023-280-1-6-sbd(01070006) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sourceUrl | String | (local files) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Southernmost_Northing | double | 28.478213783874015 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | standard_name_vocabulary | String | CF Standard Name Table v27 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | subsetVariables | String | wmo_id,trajectory,profile_id,time,latitude,longitude |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | summary | String | The proposed study will use broadband deep-water ambient sound field information collected by stationary and mobile (Slocum glider reconnaissance flights) passive acoustic monitoring platforms during a major hurricane passage to reconstruct the storm wind speed distributions and to quantify changes in oceanographic and acoustic environments during storms. Based on the newly collected data and Bayesian inversion technique, a range dependent surface source model relevant to hurricane conditions and the frequency-dependent sound attenuation model due to bubble clouds in the high-wind environment will be developed. In the future, underwater reconnaissance could provide a safe and cost-efficient addition or alternative to the expensive and risky NOAA reconnaissance flights into the hurricane eye |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_duration | String | PT01H09M45S |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_end | String | 2023-10-09T11:37:10Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_start | String | 2023-08-28T15:41:20Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | title | String | sedna-20230828T0000 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | uuid | String | 4eecb07b-ee42-49de-b9b4-1da13aa68825 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Westernmost_Easting | double | -88.62522868571592 |
variable | trajectory | String | ||
attribute | trajectory | _ChunkSizes | uint | 19 |
attribute | trajectory | cf_role | String | trajectory_id |
attribute | trajectory | comment | String | A trajectory is one deployment of a glider. |
attribute | trajectory | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | trajectory | long_name | String | Trajectory Name |
variable | wmo_id | String | ||
attribute | wmo_id | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | wmo_id | long_name | String | WMO ID |
variable | profile_id | int | ||
attribute | profile_id | _FillValue | int | 2147483647 |
attribute | profile_id | actual_range | int | 1693237270, 1696851456 |
attribute | profile_id | ancillary_variables | String | profile_time |
attribute | profile_id | cf_role | String | profile_id |
attribute | profile_id | comment | String | Unique identifier of the profile. The profile ID is the mean profile timestamp |
attribute | profile_id | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | profile_id | long_name | String | Profile ID |
attribute | profile_id | valid_max | int | 2147483647 |
attribute | profile_id | valid_min | int | 1 |
variable | time | double | ||
attribute | time | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Time |
attribute | time | actual_range | double | 1.6932372807833955E9, 1.6968514301148076E9 |
attribute | time | axis | String | T |
attribute | time | calendar | String | gregorian |
attribute | time | comment | String | Timestamp corresponding to the mid-point of the profile. |
attribute | time | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | time | long_name | String | Profile Time |
attribute | time | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | time | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | time | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | time | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
attribute | time | valid_max | double | 2.147483647E9 |
attribute | time | valid_min | double | 0.0 |
variable | latitude | double | ||
attribute | latitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lat |
attribute | latitude | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | latitude | actual_range | double | 28.478213783874015, 28.981586708866555 |
attribute | latitude | axis | String | Y |
attribute | latitude | colorBarMaximum | double | 90.0 |
attribute | latitude | colorBarMinimum | double | -90.0 |
attribute | latitude | comment | String | Value is interpolated to provide an estimate of the latitude at the mid-point of the profile. |
attribute | latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | latitude | long_name | String | Profile Latitude |
attribute | latitude | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | latitude | precision | int | 5 |
attribute | latitude | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | latitude | units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | latitude | valid_max | double | 90.0 |
attribute | latitude | valid_min | double | -90.0 |
variable | longitude | double | ||
attribute | longitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lon |
attribute | longitude | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | longitude | actual_range | double | -88.62522868571592, -88.08934805246497 |
attribute | longitude | axis | String | X |
attribute | longitude | colorBarMaximum | double | 180.0 |
attribute | longitude | colorBarMinimum | double | -180.0 |
attribute | longitude | comment | String | Value is interpolated to provide an estimate of the longitude at the mid-point of the profile. |
attribute | longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | longitude | long_name | String | Profile Longitude |
attribute | longitude | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | longitude | precision | int | 5 |
attribute | longitude | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | longitude | units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | longitude | valid_max | double | 180.0 |
attribute | longitude | valid_min | double | -180.0 |
variable | depth | float | ||
attribute | depth | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | depth | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Height |
attribute | depth | _CoordinateZisPositive | String | down |
attribute | depth | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | depth | accuracy | double | 0.01 |
attribute | depth | actual_range | float | 0.04738002, 900.30066 |
attribute | depth | axis | String | Z |
attribute | depth | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | depth | colorBarMaximum | double | 2000.0 |
attribute | depth | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | depth | colorBarPalette | String | OceanDepth |
attribute | depth | comment | String | Alias for m_depth |
attribute | depth | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | depth | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | depth | long_name | String | Depth |
attribute | depth | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | depth | platform | String | platform |
attribute | depth | positive | String | down |
attribute | depth | precision | double | 0.01 |
attribute | depth | reference_datum | String | sea-surface |
attribute | depth | resolution | double | 0.01 |
attribute | depth | source_sensor | String | m_depth |
attribute | depth | standard_name | String | depth |
attribute | depth | units | String | m |
attribute | depth | valid_max | float | 2000.0 |
attribute | depth | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | conductivity | float | ||
attribute | conductivity | _ChunkSizes | uint | 512 |
attribute | conductivity | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | conductivity | accuracy | double | 0.001 |
attribute | conductivity | actual_range | float | 3.42897, 6.2165 |
attribute | conductivity | ancillary_variables | String | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag qartod_conductivity_spike_flag qartod_conductivity_primary_flag |
attribute | conductivity | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | conductivity | colorBarMaximum | double | 9.0 |
attribute | conductivity | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | conductivity | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | conductivity | ioos_category | String | Salinity |
attribute | conductivity | long_name | String | Sea Water Electrical Conductivity |
attribute | conductivity | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | conductivity | platform | String | platform |
attribute | conductivity | precision | double | 1.0E-5 |
attribute | conductivity | resolution | double | 1.0E-5 |
attribute | conductivity | standard_name | String | sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | conductivity | units | String | S m-1 |
attribute | conductivity | valid_max | float | 10.0 |
attribute | conductivity | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | crs | int | ||
attribute | crs | _FillValue | int | -2147483647 |
attribute | crs | epsg_code | String | EPSG:4326 |
attribute | crs | grid_mapping_name | String | latitude_longitude |
attribute | crs | inverse_flattening | double | 298.257223563 |
attribute | crs | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | crs | long_name | String | http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326![]() |
attribute | crs | semi_major_axis | double | 6378137.0 |
variable | density | float | ||
attribute | density | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | density | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | density | actual_range | float | 1027.0713, 1031.9883 |
attribute | density | ancillary_variables | String | qartod_density_flat_line_flag qartod_density_gross_range_flag qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag qartod_density_spike_flag qartod_density_primary_flag |
attribute | density | colorBarMaximum | double | 1032.0 |
attribute | density | colorBarMinimum | double | 1020.0 |
attribute | density | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | density | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | density | long_name | String | Sea Water Density |
attribute | density | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | density | platform | String | platform |
attribute | density | standard_name | String | sea_water_density |
attribute | density | units | String | kg m-3 |
attribute | density | valid_max | float | 1040.0 |
attribute | density | valid_min | float | 1015.0 |
variable | instrument_ctd | byte | ||
attribute | instrument_ctd | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | instrument_ctd | calibration_date | String | 20120708 |
attribute | instrument_ctd | comment | String | Scientific Payload Instrument ctd-98 |
attribute | instrument_ctd | factory_calibrated | String | True |
attribute | instrument_ctd | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | instrument_ctd | long_name | String | CTD Metadata |
attribute | instrument_ctd | make_model | String | Seabird-Scientific GPCTD |
attribute | instrument_ctd | platform | String | platform |
attribute | instrument_ctd | serial_number | String | 9013 |
attribute | instrument_ctd | type | String | instrument |
attribute | instrument_ctd | units | String | 1 |
attribute | instrument_ctd | user_calibrated | String | False |
variable | lat_uv | double | ||
attribute | lat_uv | colorBarMaximum | double | 90.0 |
attribute | lat_uv | colorBarMinimum | double | -90.0 |
attribute | lat_uv | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | lat_uv | long_name | String | Depth-averaged Latitude |
variable | lon_uv | double | ||
attribute | lon_uv | colorBarMaximum | double | 180.0 |
attribute | lon_uv | colorBarMinimum | double | -180.0 |
attribute | lon_uv | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | lon_uv | long_name | String | Depth-averaged Longitude |
variable | platform_meta | byte | ||
attribute | platform_meta | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | platform_meta | id | String | sedna |
attribute | platform_meta | instruments | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | platform_meta | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | platform_meta | long_name | String | Platform Metadata |
attribute | platform_meta | type | String | platform |
attribute | platform_meta | units | String | 1 |
attribute | platform_meta | wmo_id | String | 4803973 |
variable | precise_lat | double | ||
attribute | precise_lat | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | precise_lat | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | precise_lat | actual_range | double | 28.47711333333333, 28.982736666666664 |
attribute | precise_lat | axis | String | Y |
attribute | precise_lat | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | precise_lat | colorBarMaximum | double | 90.0 |
attribute | precise_lat | colorBarMinimum | double | -90.0 |
attribute | precise_lat | comment | String | Interpolated latitude at each point in the time-series |
attribute | precise_lat | coordinate_reference_frame | String | urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326 |
attribute | precise_lat | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | precise_lat | long_name | String | Precise Latitude |
attribute | precise_lat | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | precise_lat | platform | String | platform |
attribute | precise_lat | precision | int | 5 |
attribute | precise_lat | reference | String | WGS84 |
attribute | precise_lat | source_sensor | String | m_gps_lat |
attribute | precise_lat | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | precise_lat | units | String | degree_north |
attribute | precise_lat | valid_max | double | 90.0 |
attribute | precise_lat | valid_min | double | -90.0 |
variable | precise_lon | double | ||
attribute | precise_lon | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | precise_lon | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | precise_lon | actual_range | double | -88.62648217633996, -88.08821988405575 |
attribute | precise_lon | axis | String | X |
attribute | precise_lon | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | precise_lon | colorBarMaximum | double | 180.0 |
attribute | precise_lon | colorBarMinimum | double | -180.0 |
attribute | precise_lon | comment | String | Interpolated longitude at each point in the time-series |
attribute | precise_lon | coordinate_reference_frame | String | urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326 |
attribute | precise_lon | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | precise_lon | long_name | String | Precise Longitude |
attribute | precise_lon | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | precise_lon | platform | String | platform |
attribute | precise_lon | precision | int | 5 |
attribute | precise_lon | reference | String | WGS84 |
attribute | precise_lon | source_sensor | String | m_gps_lon |
attribute | precise_lon | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | precise_lon | units | String | degree_east |
attribute | precise_lon | valid_max | double | 180.0 |
attribute | precise_lon | valid_min | double | -180.0 |
variable | precise_time | double | ||
attribute | precise_time | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | precise_time | actual_range | double | 1.69323681E9, 1.696853549369E9 |
attribute | precise_time | axis | String | T |
attribute | precise_time | bytes | int | 8 |
attribute | precise_time | calendar | String | gregorian |
attribute | precise_time | comment | String | Timestamp at each point in the time-series |
attribute | precise_time | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | precise_time | long_name | String | Precise Time |
attribute | precise_time | source_sensor | String | m_present_time |
attribute | precise_time | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | precise_time | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | precise_time | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
attribute | precise_time | valid_max | double | 2.147483647E9 |
attribute | precise_time | valid_min | double | 0.0 |
variable | pressure | float | ||
attribute | pressure | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | pressure | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | pressure | accuracy | double | 0.01 |
attribute | pressure | actual_range | float | 0.0477, 908.35 |
attribute | pressure | ancillary_variables | String | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag qartod_pressure_spike_flag qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag qartod_pressure_primary_flag |
attribute | pressure | axis | String | Z |
attribute | pressure | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | pressure | colorBarMaximum | double | 2000.0 |
attribute | pressure | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | pressure | comment | String | Alias for sci_water_pressure, multiplied by 10 to convert from bar to dbar |
attribute | pressure | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | pressure | ioos_category | String | Pressure |
attribute | pressure | long_name | String | Sea Water Pressure |
attribute | pressure | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | pressure | platform | String | platform |
attribute | pressure | positive | String | down |
attribute | pressure | precision | double | 0.01 |
attribute | pressure | reference_datum | String | sea-surface |
attribute | pressure | resolution | double | 0.01 |
attribute | pressure | source_sensor | String | sci_water_pressure |
attribute | pressure | standard_name | String | sea_water_pressure |
attribute | pressure | units | String | bar |
attribute | pressure | valid_max | float | 2000.0 |
attribute | pressure | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | eps | double | 1.1920929E-7 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | high_reps | int | 8 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | low_reps | int | 4 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | qartod_test | String | flat_line |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | standard_name | String | flat_line_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_flat_line_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Gross Range Test for sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | qartod_test | String | gross_range |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | sensor_span | int | 0, 7 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | standard_name | String | gross_range_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_gross_range_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 3 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod_primary |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Primary Flag for sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | standard_name | String | aggregate_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_primary_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 2 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Rate of Change Test for sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | qartod_test | String | rate_of_change |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | standard_name | String | rate_of_change_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | thresh_val | double | 0.04086382996016958 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_rate_of_change_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 3 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | high_thresh | double | 1.2531574521118671 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Spike Test for sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | low_thresh | double | 0.6265787260559336 |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | qartod_test | String | spike |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | standard_name | String | spike_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_conductivity_spike_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | eps | double | 1.1920929E-7 |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | high_reps | int | 8 |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_density |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | low_reps | int | 4 |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | qartod_test | String | flat_line |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | standard_name | String | flat_line_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_density_flat_line_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Gross Range Test for sea_water_density |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | qartod_test | String | gross_range |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | sensor_span | int | 900, 1050 |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | standard_name | String | gross_range_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_density_gross_range_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_density_primary_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 4 |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod_primary |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Primary Flag for sea_water_density |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | standard_name | String | aggregate_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_density_primary_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 2 |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Rate of Change Test for sea_water_density |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | qartod_test | String | rate_of_change |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | standard_name | String | rate_of_change_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | thresh_val | double | 0.023951343450943085 |
attribute | qartod_density_rate_of_change_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_density_spike_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 4 |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | high_thresh | double | 0.7345078658289212 |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Spike Test for sea_water_density |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | low_thresh | double | 0.3672539329144606 |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | qartod_test | String | spike |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | standard_name | String | spike_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_density_spike_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_location_test_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | _FillValue | byte | 2 |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | dac_comment | String | QARTOD TESTS NOT RUN |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | flag_meanings | String | PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | ioos_category | String | Quality |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Location Test for longitude and latitude |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | references | String | https://gliders.ioos.us/files/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf![]() |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | standard_name | String | location_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | units | String | 1 |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | valid_max | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_location_test_flag | valid_min | byte | 1 |
variable | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 3 |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Pressure Test for sea_water_pressure |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | qartod_test | String | pressure |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | standard_name | String | quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_monotonic_pressure_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | eps | double | 1.1920929E-7 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | high_reps | int | 8 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_pressure |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | low_reps | int | 4 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | qartod_test | String | flat_line |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | standard_name | String | flat_line_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_pressure_flat_line_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Gross Range Test for sea_water_pressure |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | qartod_test | String | gross_range |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | sensor_span | int | 0, 11000 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | standard_name | String | gross_range_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_pressure_gross_range_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 3 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod_primary |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Primary Flag for sea_water_pressure |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | standard_name | String | aggregate_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_pressure_primary_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 2 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Rate of Change Test for sea_water_pressure |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | qartod_test | String | rate_of_change |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | standard_name | String | rate_of_change_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | thresh_val | double | 78.65905613348264 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_rate_of_change_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | high_thresh | double | 2412.211054760134 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Spike Test for sea_water_pressure |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | low_thresh | double | 1206.105527380067 |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | qartod_test | String | spike |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | standard_name | String | spike_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_pressure_spike_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | eps | double | 1.1920929E-7 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | high_reps | int | 8 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | low_reps | int | 4 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | qartod_test | String | flat_line |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | standard_name | String | flat_line_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Gross Range Test for sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | qartod_test | String | gross_range |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | sensor_span | int | 0, 50 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | standard_name | String | gross_range_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 4 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod_primary |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Primary Flag for sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | standard_name | String | aggregate_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_salinity_primary_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 3 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Rate of Change Test for sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | qartod_test | String | rate_of_change |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | standard_name | String | rate_of_change_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | thresh_val | double | 0.02720285110330355 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 4 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | high_thresh | double | 0.8342207671679756 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Spike Test for sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | low_thresh | double | 0.4171103835839878 |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | qartod_test | String | spike |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | standard_name | String | spike_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_salinity_spike_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | eps | double | 1.1920929E-7 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | high_reps | int | 8 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Flat Line Test for sea_water_temperature |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | low_reps | int | 4 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | qartod_test | String | flat_line |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | standard_name | String | flat_line_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Gross Range Test for sea_water_temperature |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | qartod_test | String | gross_range |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | sensor_span | double | -5.0, 45.0 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | standard_name | String | gross_range_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 4 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod_primary |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Primary Flag for sea_water_temperature |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | standard_name | String | aggregate_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_temperature_primary_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 2 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Rate of Change Test for sea_water_temperature |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | qartod_test | String | rate_of_change |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | standard_name | String | rate_of_change_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | thresh_val | double | 0.37468358212402053 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | byte | ||
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | _FillValue | byte | 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | actual_range | byte | 1, 4 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | dac_comment | String | ioos_qartod |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | flag_meanings | String | GOOD NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT BAD MISSING |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | high_thresh | double | 11.490296518469963 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | long_name | String | QARTOD Spike Test for sea_water_temperature |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | low_thresh | double | 5.745148259234981 |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | qartod_test | String | spike |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | references | String | http://gliders.ioos.us/static/pdf/Manual-for-QC-of-Glider-Data_05_09_16.pdf |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | standard_name | String | spike_test_quality_flag |
attribute | qartod_temperature_spike_flag | units | String | 1 |
variable | salinity | float | ||
attribute | salinity | _ChunkSizes | uint | 234 |
attribute | salinity | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | salinity | actual_range | float | 34.370808, 37.0653 |
attribute | salinity | ancillary_variables | String | qartod_salinity_flat_line_flag qartod_salinity_gross_range_flag qartod_salinity_rate_of_change_flag qartod_salinity_spike_flag qartod_salinity_primary_flag |
attribute | salinity | colorBarMaximum | double | 37.0 |
attribute | salinity | colorBarMinimum | double | 30.0 |
attribute | salinity | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | salinity | ioos_category | String | Salinity |
attribute | salinity | long_name | String | Sea Water Practical Salinity |
attribute | salinity | observation_type | String | calculated |
attribute | salinity | platform | String | platform |
attribute | salinity | standard_name | String | sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | salinity | units | String | 1 |
attribute | salinity | valid_max | float | 40.0 |
attribute | salinity | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | source_file | String | ||
attribute | source_file | _ChunkSizes | uint | 32 |
attribute | source_file | all_sensors | String | 0 |
attribute | source_file | comment | String | Name of the source data file and associated file metadata |
attribute | source_file | dbd_label | String | DBD_ASC(dinkum_binary_data_ascii)file |
attribute | source_file | encoding_ver | String | 2 |
attribute | source_file | file_size_bytes | int | 67122 |
attribute | source_file | filename | String | sedna-2023-280-1-6-sf |
attribute | source_file | filename_extension | String | sbd |
attribute | source_file | filename_label | String | sedna-2023-280-1-6-sbd(01070006) |
attribute | source_file | fileopen_time | String | Mon_Oct__9_07:50:57_2023 |
attribute | source_file | ioos_category | String | Other |
attribute | source_file | long_name | String | Source data file |
attribute | source_file | mission_name | String | astock7.mi |
attribute | source_file | num_ascii_tags | String | 14 |
attribute | source_file | num_label_lines | String | 3 |
attribute | source_file | num_segments | String | 1 |
attribute | source_file | segment_filename_0 | String | sedna-2023-280-1-6 |
attribute | source_file | sensors_per_cycle | String | 13 |
attribute | source_file | source_file | String | /data/gandalf/deployments/louisiana/sedna/processed_data/dba/merged/0000219.dba |
attribute | source_file | the8x3_filename | String | 01070006 |
variable | temperature | float | ||
attribute | temperature | _ChunkSizes | uint | 512 |
attribute | temperature | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | temperature | accuracy | double | 0.004 |
attribute | temperature | actual_range | float | 5.5458, 31.8258 |
attribute | temperature | ancillary_variables | String | qartod_temperature_flat_line_flag qartod_temperature_gross_range_flag qartod_temperature_rate_of_change_flag qartod_temperature_spike_flag qartod_temperature_primary_flag |
attribute | temperature | bytes | int | 4 |
attribute | temperature | colorBarMaximum | double | 32.0 |
attribute | temperature | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | temperature | instrument | String | instrument_ctd |
attribute | temperature | ioos_category | String | Temperature |
attribute | temperature | long_name | String | Sea Water Temperature |
attribute | temperature | observation_type | String | measured |
attribute | temperature | platform | String | platform |
attribute | temperature | precision | double | 0.001 |
attribute | temperature | resolution | double | 0.001 |
attribute | temperature | standard_name | String | sea_water_temperature |
attribute | temperature | units | String | Celsius |
attribute | temperature | valid_max | float | 40.0 |
attribute | temperature | valid_min | float | -5.0 |
variable | time_uv | double | ||
attribute | time_uv | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | time_uv | long_name | String | Depth-averaged Time |
variable | u | double | ||
attribute | u | colorBarMaximum | double | 0.5 |
attribute | u | colorBarMinimum | double | -0.5 |
attribute | u | coordinates | String | lon_uv lat_uv time_uv |
attribute | u | ioos_category | String | Currents |
attribute | u | long_name | String | Depth-averaged Eastward Sea Water Velocity |
variable | v | double | ||
attribute | v | colorBarMaximum | double | 0.5 |
attribute | v | colorBarMinimum | double | -0.5 |
attribute | v | coordinates | String | lon_uv lat_uv time_uv |
attribute | v | ioos_category | String | Currents |
attribute | v | long_name | String | Depth-averaged Northward Sea Water Velocity |
The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.